4 thoughts on “Trump’s Approval Rating Drops to Lowest Level Yet in New Poll”
  1. trump
    by my poll has 88% approval
    those not approving
    paid/whore actors, paul ryan, insane, graham,
    jew media
    and jew

  2. But remember this article was written by (((Mark Murray))) a dubious writer at best.

  3. This country is toast. We have 3 more years to ‘re-arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic’. After that, we will have another “President” and it will be back to business as usual. Before any of you get your knickers in a knot, I predicted LONG ago that whoever won between HRC and PDJT, they would only serve 1 term. Mark my word, PDJT will get Primaried (another tactic to get rid of him).

  4. TonyFromIN…Just in case you have noticed the good old US of A has been heading for the toaster since 1776. It has now reached the burnt stage.

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