Though Netanyahu’s relations with Washington have greatly improved over the past year and have helped Israel in the short term, the friendship could also harm Israel in the long run
ed note–by all means, all the self-proclaimed geniuses out there who claim to have the powers of X-ray vision when it comes to grasping the complex and (more-often-than-not) convoluted world of criminal politics by virtue of their computer and Facebook account–please pay no mind to articles such as this and some of the glaring indicators contained within it that portend something much more multi-layered and nuanced than the simple, one-size-fits-all explanation/understanding for everything, which is that ‘the Jews control everything’.
still won’t admit you were wrong. sad.
ed note–‘sad’ indeed, but not for the reasons which you think.
What is ‘sad’ is the across-the-board myopic stupidity that has gripped huge swaths of people within the ‘truth movement’ who do not possess the bare minimum critical thinking skills needed in recognizing and acknowledging the manner by which Judea, Inc as an organized force, both on the left and the right–has been going full-bore since Trump’s name was first tossed into the ring to bring him down. Like nothing before we have witnessed, all of this is taking place in volume comparable only to a hurricane, and yet individuals such as you–much like the sheep in George Orwell’s Animal Farm with their incessant and irrelevant ‘4 legs good…2 legs bad’ mantra which they bleated out in the midst of every discussion–refuse to elevate your perspective in all of this long enough/high enough to arrive at least to some level of curiosity/questioning as to why all of this is taking place in plain, unavoidable, undeniable ear-splitting decibels.
And you can rest assured that once Trump finally does cave in to these forces in toto that indeed we will be THE VERY FIRST people to say so, for no other reason than to rub in your faces how correct we were in our warnings as to why idiots such as you and the rest of ‘duh muuvmnt’ do more harm to our collective ability to free ourselves from our impending demise than the enemy itself.
If there’s some intelligent person or team behind the whole Trump phenomenon, it seems eveident now they had in mind to push Israel down the drain by associating Israel with a world-class hated obnoxious douchebag celebrity like Trump. At the same time they are demonizing him, it has the effect of kicking Israel in the groin simultaneously, inevitably. Under Trump, Israel is more hated than it ever was. Everyone can see now that Israel has only one friend and that it is that stupid Trump. Trump is hated by everyone and who is it that remains his only friend? Israel! (Also, they say ZOA remains Bannon’s only friend in the world.) Is this a coincidence? I believe some intelligent people have thought up, and maybe planned, or at least envisioned this thoughly. This is what gives me hope. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s had such a thought when looking at the overall situation.
many of us share the frustration expressed in the ed note response. That there is an across the board, well organized campaign on the part of all neighborhoods making up organized Jewish power to bring Trump down is as impossible to avoid noting as being in the middle of a hurricane and yet these very obvious and glaring facts seem to escape so many when they weigh in with their ‘Trump is owned by the Jews’ nonsense. Indeed, as the ed note indicated, it does not bode well for our future.
I notice that the people who support the “Trump is owned by the Jews” position willingly ignore the long list of things he has already done to make them angry. Any talk of going to the “peace table” is unacceptable to them. I think a lot of well meaning peace activists are critical of Trump. To his credit he has not yet opened up another theater of military operations. Furthermore in this day in age in America the nasty side of Trump may be an absolute necessity. His power base is shall we say not “intellectual”. The interest of State of Isreal and what is left of US power do not always agree. Just by this observation alone they all hate him. This is like when people say both parties in the US are under control. True more or less…but one thing is clear they fight one another very hard for power.
Not everything is a secret. The hatred of Trump by Jews is out in the open fur all to see and it’s not an act.
Also Trump stood up to the “Deep State” when he indicated displeasure with the Iraq war and made clear he wanted far better relations with Russia. The fact that the Deep State and the press launched perhaps the biggest attack in it’s history even seen the narrative that Trump is an agent of Russia or Russia rigged the 2016 election. This continues. This has nothing to do with the fact the daughter married a Jewish man. In fact Trump has somewhat used “Kush” to his advantage. A wonderful cover at times. On the flip side the kid is trouble so have been the staff of Bush I and II Obama etc. No this has everything to do with the intense struggle within Washington for power. This is as TUT ed has mentioned a kind of a continuation of the Rome vs Judea battle. Why so many generals on the staff of Trump. They do the fighting. They know how far they can push it. Displeasure of the Roman Army was chronicled in Gibbons Decline and fall of Rome. The same thing right now in he USA. Trump and the Generals have some power. Is it enough? Who knows. But there is a struggle. 100% puppet Trump theory BS. But…but that Trump will be forced to back of and make bad “deals” Likely. Still thus far better the Obama and HC The mere fact that so many Generals have come in shows something big in the Empire is up.
at any rate, monetized aid is mostly gift-wrapped turd, in the case of $65m, barely $10/palestinian, whoa, the sky is falling!
and just what does it translate into on the ground terms: if a consultant is sent over at $200/hr to piss the pearls of wisdom on them, this is counted too or administrative and logistics costs, stale stuff past the expiry date which might otherwise cost double to dispose of legally, e.g., medicines of unknown toxicity, and so on, soda pop that amounts to another genocidal venue, junk devoid of nutritional value, basically a waste disposal program, ultimately designed and run by jews in america … thanks but no thanks.
just as with so many other factions, trump is driving palestinians away from JEW-america, into the opposite fold: china, russia, iran and this is exactly as it should be, instead of phony, slithering jew-dominated “peace” networks like +972 and the slew of yarmulkaed gatekeepers out there, all ever so solicitous, rubbing little humanitarian hands in friendly anticipation of yet another successful scam pulled on gullible goyim, shamed into more guilt.
let’s bring it out in the open and 3/4 victory is won!