It’s unclear if the president will actually cut funding to the Palestinians or the UN refugee agency. What is clear is that he’s playing with fire in the Middle East
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Good news! This may result in winding up the Palestinian Authority (PA) which have been policing Palestinians at Israel’s behest. It will also mean that feeding the Palestinians becomes the responsibility of the occupier. Little does Trump and Ms Singh, aka Nikki Haley, know that all US aid to countries in the region is for pacification for Israel’s benefits. No money for the PA means its security apparatus will be free to join forces with other Palestinian resistance fighters.
“Trump’s … tweets also expressed disappointment with both Israelis and Palestinians following the Jerusalem recognition announcement. Trump complains that the Palestinians have suspended the peace process in protest (although in practice it has been at a standstill for years) and that Israelis haven’t responded to his gesture with a readiness to make concessions to the Palestinians.”
Everything you need to know is right there. As soon as I read it, my interpretation was, “OK Bibi, what you gonna do about this?” Trump is not so naive as to believe Bibi would make concessions. This fits in completely with Mark’s interpretation of that miserable Jerusalem announcement so far.
“In practice, however, the agency is funds educational activities and medical services for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, and a sharp cut in its resources could bring thousands of them into the streets to confront the Israeli army.
Moreover, if a war were to break out in Gaza, international organizations would be the only ones that Israel could turn to in order to prevent a humanitarian disaster in the enclave.”
So Israel is having to put on a diaper for fear of soiling its pants. And they dare to call Gaza an “enclave” as though it isn’t an open air prison camp. I cannot wait for them to get their comeuppance. The U.S. has been a marionette for Israel for far too long. Let them swing from the end of their own rope. (I’m surprised they’re sending back the Africans. I would’ve thought they’d want to use them as human shields.)