To all men and women OF GOOD WILL, we here at TUT wish you a very Merry Christmas.


Today’s Program–


The religiously-based war on the part of the Jewish state against the Palestinian Christians and Muslims will be brought to an end, not by the hands of man, but by the hands of a merciful creator who ONCE AGAIN will drive the Hebrews/Israelites/Judah-ites from the Holy Land, just as they have been driven out before.


In the meantime, those of us grieving with the Palestinian victims of Jewish Genocide–‘Jenocide’, more accurately stated–can speed along this coming justice by adding our suffering to the cup of wrath that is to come upon these wicked people, this BROOD OF VIPERS, just as Jesus Christ Himself assured us would take place.


Those interested in helping keep this humble little informational endeavor afloat may do so here, and as always, we thank you ahead of time for your generosity.



One thought on “TUT Broadcast Dec. 25, 2023”
  1. Thank you for your tireless work. Yes, all Satan’s team can do is distort and manipulate the Real Creative Cycles of Life. The 26,000 year cycle of (((their))) denial of Life Itself is now concluding, and (((their))) demise is “baked in the cake!” I’d be happy to contribute to your work financially, but (((they))) have destroyed me financially. But my Spirit, my Vision remains intact and victorious.
    in loving Service, with Blessing,

    TUT Editor–Thank you as well David, and all the creator’s blessings upon you as well.

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