0 thoughts on “TUT Interview on CII Broadcasting”
  1. Awesome interview, Mark. It is difficult where to begin because it is so comprehensive. This was one of the fastest 50 minutes I have listened to in a very long time and the depth of your commentary reminded me, once again, of what drew me over to TUT in the first place years ago. There was nothing to take notes to discuss later because … well it was you at your best!

    Truly you verbalize the real ugly truths in a succinct, humane and politically sound manner. Your methods and terminology may be genteel but every dart hits home.

    Thank you. We can only pray that this exposure gets the message to more and more folks who need to hear… truth, ugly or not.

  2. Xcellent interview! The breakdown of morality is indeed the key to understanding why and how the ‘Christian’ West has become so decadent, so degenerate, being interested only in running after the fleeting goods and chattels of deception our judaized world has to offer. I think it was E.Michael Jones who said ‘to destroy a nation, destroy its morals’. And the best way to destroy its morals, is by destroying its Religion.

    Religion is the most powerful shield we, the goyim, have against the Anti-Christ and his officers (the joos) and his foot-soldiers (zionist, useless eaters goyim etc.) and that’s precisely why their first task was to strip us off our armors.

    I would like to end with a positive note, full of hope for all who truly believe in Jesus the Messiah (PBUH) (and who therefore live by their faith and are not merely Christians/Muslims by culture)

    Seeing that the jews rejected him as THE Messiah, God makes this promise in His Last Testament (the Quran): “I WILL MAKE THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SUPERIOR TO THOSE WHO REJECTED THE FAITH TO THE DAY OF RESURRECTION”-

    So they can do all they want to erase anything that is even remotely related to the Messiah (PBUH) they will never succeed. And if the ‘Christian’ West may look like it has been defeated for now, the Orthodox world is being revived and growing stronger and stronger, and the Muslims (real muslims, not muslims by culture or name) will also ensure that Jesus’ message never dies.

    Peace and God’s Blessings be upon all TUT readers and listeners.

  3. Well said mg!
    Points that were most appreciated such as the fact that Islamic and Christian civilization flourished absent the Zionist entity and that its existence is radioactive for us.
    Also your points on Arab elite treachery most probably due to immorality and a steeped sin.
    As well as the disappointment in the success of the divide and rule tactics of the enemy which have unfortunately increased in an environment of war, hunger, espionage and mercenaries adding fuel to the fire and blowing up places of worship.
    All around a message that needs to be heard, a probing and healing message that is like a salve against the cancer that has been spread by that radioactive state and its minions.

  4. Many Americans “are losing their homes” due to their own ignorance. People from around the World view Americans as lazy, spoiled brats, and incapable of managing their own finances within the home.

    I hear it all the time why do Americans earn money but are always in financial difficulty and / or losing their homes, struggling, etc. These people see one of the biggest problems is because American live off credit cards and their eyes and greed are bigger than their wallets.

    Do you know that there are many American companies that have a working relationship with peoples in foreign countries to provide Work Visas? And people pay these companies to get their Visas to come to America to work. I know of one lady that is in the process of doing that right now. She has the cash to pay for it ($65,000 USD) and she will be leaving for Houston, Texas with her two sons to work for such a company. This happens all the time.

    She does not have a lucrative career. She does not earn a tremendous amount of cash. Her country is considered ‘poor’, yet she works and saves..as many people do here. I agree that most Americans are spoiled, lazy, and do not have the willpower for hard work, and many times create their own financial nightmares.

    Yes…you are very stupid people America and are just as much to blame as your ‘government’.

  5. Imhotep.

    I am Canadian and realize you are speaking to Americans. However, I have to say that I am really fed up with people point blank calling Americans stupid. They have been golemized ~ Judaicized ~ Noahided. Thing is, they don’t know it because the blinders are just that complete.

    However, Imhotep,

    STUPID people did not create the America of past “glory”. STUPID people did not settle the lands and work to the bone creating that which has been stolen from them by unscrupulous bankers of the tribe and their shabbaz goy. STUPID people did not create so much of what is good in the world today.

    A decent industrious people, NAIVE people, Americans were BLINDED by a force beyond their ken which came along and took advantage of their nation founded for whatever reasons you might believe were responsible (that is not the discussion here). They were blind sided. And so well that most don’t even know it. The truth has been that well hidden from them.

    Realize this Imhotep. Americans have been ruined but the seed of greatness is still lingering in the hearts and souls of some. For decades, over a century now, on record, the enemy within the gates has been hacking away at everything that made America great in the first place. As they did in ancient Rome with the old Etruscan nobility or in Egypt with the … or Berlin with the upright Germans… you get the idea?… they have destroyed their prey from within whenever possible.

    Americans have had their educational system destroyed completely. Their drinking water has been corrupted with every poison possible. They are fed toxins in everywhere. Their air is polluted with chemtrails and other poisons. These are not American values but the actions of conquerers who are stripping and destroying all in their lust and greed. Their values have been systematically stripped of morals and ethics until they have no ground to stand on other than “science”. Even worse, their religions have been infiltrated if not outright destroyed should it not toe the line. And then, Christianity as such taught them to always look for the good, turn the other cheek, be meek to inherit, yada yada yada. They could not even imagine the enemy weaving into the very fabric of their existence because they were raised to TRUST by the ones who had designs on them and the fruits of their labour.

    Americans are not really stupid. No, Imhotep. They are golemized. A lot of them are indeed beyond hope but these are not a stupid people, Imhotep. They are a tragic people ~ like so many others before them. They have been Judaicized = golemized.

    I never thought I would defend Americans but here I am ~ not their actions, not their elite, etc. ~ I speak just generally. And it is the old America and its people I think of, not the mindless JMSM critters of today. I just take a slightly more compassionate approach to the problem. This is by no means an excuse for anything we discuss here at TUT, just … I really get upset by such blanket hatred because in the long run, it only divides, Imhotep.

  6. America was settled. That is correct and it was settled at the expense of others. I know the history of the country that I was born in. I know the Puritan belief system, the funding on the Colonies, what Jefferson did and Jackson did, what the Christians did to the entire Western Hemisphere, who funded Westward expansion (Manifest Destiny) to take and settle lands. There is a list of 100’s of incidents and laws going back hundreds of years to show the true history.

    I disagree with MG that American women are prostitutes, etc. And I do know several women that immigrated to America and they told me of their life in Iran and it was not pretty.

    Please do not try to bullshit me and others by blaming EVERYTHING on the ‘jew’. If you would like me to provide historical links or other links, I can do. the ‘jew’ did not create human greed. They capitalize on that human trait.

  7. I will add that not only are Americans the most stupid, they are as a whole the biggest whiners and complainers. How many ‘truther’ websites have popped up over the last 15 years and STILL the beat goes on ? Nothing is effectually changings. No matter how many websites are created, no matter how many people are supposedly ‘woken up’; nothing changes. Articles are written, comments are approved, people chat in chat rooms and forums but the result is a big fat Nada.

    If everyone is ‘woken up’, then what? What is the plan then? Any solutions other than riding the tide and hoping for somebody to provide solutions?

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