united nations square peg

OCDG: Very short article… This of course doesn’t mention the thousands of Lebanese killed and over a million displaced. Nor does it bring up the massive destruction of infrastructure and the many many cluster bombs/mines left after the “war”. 850 Trillion would be a better estimate.


The UN General Assembly approved on Saturday a resolution calling on Israel to pay Lebanon more than $850 million for damages caused by an oil spill allegedly resulting from attacks by the IDF on oil storage tanks during the Second Lebanon War. The resolution, which was past by a vote of 170 countries supporting and only six opposing, does not obligate Israel to pay.

0 thoughts on “UN: Israel must pay Lebanon 850 million Dollars”
  1. …you can bet that “uncle sugar” (the USA) will be footing the bill in addition to the billions that Israel already receives…

  2. Those parasites never pay for any thing. They are always the “VICTIMS” of human hatred and some how they will get that money from the American tax payer as always.

  3. Indeed they will get that money from gullible dumb Americans and all their jew worshipping sycophants will cheer …

  4. Yes sotonayor. We always pay for all the crimes those leeches do including those crimes against America that is covered up by the stooges in Washington.

  5. It’s NOT the Churches’ who give this U.S Taxpayer money to the Rabid Zionists’s…It IS however given to the Zionist through Military and Financial assistance PROVIDED by U.S. TaxPayers!-

    Which Israhell DOES NOT NEED!! The U.S. is FUNDING Genocide of the Palestinians by it’s CONTINUOUS AID to ZIONIST Israhell. –
    End ALL Aid- and PEACE will come!!

    How is it that a “state” such as Israel, have a stock exchange, full military, Industry which CREATES DESTRUCTION – Drones and the like, get the “sympathetic” pass from the world stage?? Of course this is due because Isr cahell and the jews, continue to play the “victim”;

    All this, while the Holocaust has been proven to be nothing more than what is being spewed and regurgitated, by this same ilk; who then continue the same story – regardless of fact or truths…

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