CONSORTIUM NEWS – A group of U.S. intelligence veterans urges President Obama to resist the “reckless” call for a wider Syrian war from 51 State Department officials in a recent “dissent memo.”


3 thoughts on “US Intel Vets Slam State Dept Warmongering”
  1. How about the 10 Minute “Dissent Memo” that says the building they are in has been surrounded, and they are all being arrested for high treason. It’s time for the good men and women of the military and law enforcement to stand up to these psychopaths, arrest them, and end this bull sh t.

  2. Gareth Porter [ ] has creditably documented Trump’s opposition to perpetual wars, but he misses the point that wars have, and are, consistently initiated by financial interests. The government makes no profit from war.

    The Spanish-American War involved the sabotage of the USS Maine so the Cuban sugar industry could be seized by Wall Street interests. The thinly disguised British warship Lusitania loaded with 500 tons (some sources suggest 3000 tons) of military explosives was deliberately sacrificed — with U.S. passengers — so Wall Street could have their huge investment to European nations rescued by WW I. Robert Stinnett has documented, with official government documents obtained by FOIA in DAY OF DECEIT, that FDR connived with Wall Street using economic sanctions on Japan to initiate WW II. The War on Terror initiated by 9/11 has skeptics claiming a false flag operation. Ref.

    David Talbot [THE DEVIL’S CHESSBOARD] and Stephen Kinzer [THE BROTHERS] have identified WS used Allen Dulles to create the CIA to hide their earlier war-mongering. John Perkins has exposed the WS pattern of economically subjugating nations using the CIA and US military. Cf. Michel Chossudovsky. William Blum has compiled a list of the multitude of international disruptions which utilize internal chaos attributed to the US government. Cf. Terry Reed, Jerome Corsi, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), Sibel Edmonds, Kevin Shipp, and other CIA whistle blowers. Globalist/ Wall Street/shadow government nefarious acts have been identified by John Stinnett, John Groden, Mark Lane, Fletcher Prouty, Philip Giraldi, Paul Craig Roberts, Sherwood Ross, Rebekah Roth and Greg Palast among others.

    Douglas Valentine, in THE CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME, has contended CIA created chaos in SE Asia is being developed in the U.S. The ultimate goal, revealed in an internal memo, is subjugation of the US by collecting on the $21 trillion National Debt. Greece, with sovereignty now exercised by financial entities, is a prime example of Wall Street’s nefarious acts.

    Evidence of Wall Street chicanery (in the opinion of this writer) is now surfacing in the DoJ, FBI, State Department, Treasury, and others. Cf. Porter’s documentation on the U.S. military demanding more aggression additionally extends (in this writer’s opinion) Wall Street actions.

    If Trump wanted to strike at the Wall Street cabal, I suggest he request the GAO conduct an audit of specific FRBNY’s handling of government accounts that have never been audited. Ref.

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