by way of deception deal with the devil

The London Times reported on Monday morning that the United States was ready to discuss renewing diplomatic ties with Iran if a nuclear deal was reached.

The report states that talks between officials from both sides were happening this week in Baku, Azerbaijan in addition to the nuclear talks that are being held between the P5+1 to clinch a deal before the November 24 deadline.

The United States has already denied the report, according to The Times. Ties between the US and Iran ended in 1979 during the Islamic Revolution.

Last week, reports surfaced that US President Barack Obama sent a secret letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei last month stressing the two countries’ shared interest in fighting Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the letter in mid-October said cooperation between the United States and Iran on combating the militant group was tied to a deal being reached between Iran and other nations on its nuclear program.

Speaking to Bob Schieffer of CBS News’ Face the Nation, the president distanced himself from Iran’s leadership despite reports of the alleged letter sent to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“Iran has influence over Shi’a both in Syria and in Iraq,” he said, acknowledging shared interest in the defeat of Islamic State in both countries.

He declined to comment on the existence of a letter to the ayatollah, but insisted the US would not cooperate militarily with Iran over the extremist threat.

“We are not connecting in any way” the nuclear negotiations with discussions over Islamic State, he continued.


0 thoughts on “US To Discuss Renewal Of Diplomatic Ties With Iran If Nuclear Deal Reached”
  1. It has always been my opinion that when Israel is of no real use for the US . The US has no soul. It will dump Israel , just as they sabotaged GB in helping it to start WW 1 and 2, and back stabbed France both in Vietnam and in Rwanda…If I were an Israeli I would forget the old Zionist dream of a Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates , welcome the Palestinians into a kinder, gentler , far more democratic , wiser, less racist Israel and , above all , make peace with its neighbors…Will it do it.? …Probably not ….and it will die ….as the Jews in America finally realize that they too do not Israel…

  2. I can just hear the Sheldon Adelson paid for Republican Jew party screaming now ! Iran must proceed with caution. The US Embassys are less about diplomacy,and more about CIA/Mossad subversion.

  3. “It has always been my opinion that when Israel is of no real use for the US. It will dump Israel…”
    Excuse me, but that sounds like the Noam Chomsky-esque style of Jewish supremacism.
    It goes something like this…
    “The Israel lobby is irrelevant. Israel does America’s bidding. The poor Jews are all alone, and can only depend on themselves. Jews are uniquely righteous. Heroically so. That’s why they are Chosen. The holo-hoax proves it.”
    I hope this is not what you think. I hope you are not a Jewish supremacist.

  4. @ organizedcrimedotgov ~ The litmus test is the holo-hoax. As long as a Jew worships the hoax, he remains a supremacist, no matter what else he says.
    In one sense the Jew has no choice in this. Any Jew who questions the holo-hoax is instantly a “self-hating Jew,” which is the Jewish code word for “traitor,” and he is treated accordingly. He is cast out. Shunned. Exiled to live with the filthy Goyim. He may even be attacked physically.
    Back in the 1990s, one Jew named David Cole questioned the hoax, and exposed its lies. He even appeared on the Phil Donahue Show, but he vanished shortly after that. I presume that his fellow Jews told him to keep silent or they would make him wish he had. David Cole was a very rare exception.
    The sad thing is that many Muslims believe in the hoax.
    Armenians too. The Jews and the Turks won’t let the Armenian Genocide be recognized, and yet Armenians nonetheless believe in the hoax. I know, because I have talked with many Armenians about this.
    Indeed, most of mankind believes in the hoax.

  5. Well if the jews had believed in God, they wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.
    Likewise, if the so-called “self-hating” jews had a single working brain cell, they would never want to be associated with a group that God and his Prophets have cursed and damned. Who in their right mind would actually want to be a jew?
    In their own minds, they are the cream of the crop, when in reality, they’re not the bottom of the barrel, they’re underneath it. All the sins of the Gentiles can be compared to a feather and the sins of the jews, to an anvil. No contest.
    The only way to win, is to stop being a jew. But this means having to learn to be a real human being, with decency in their hearts and minds. A very foreign concept for these creatures. Like someone waking up from a multi-decade coma… finding that none of their muscles work. There is no genuine goodness in them but they sure can fool a lot of people into thinking they are humans, myself included. Demons are also bipedal…
    They just don’t get that they’re the most wicked and evil people on the planet, bar none. They claim with thunderous might that they’re just like everyone else, then they slither back to their SINagogues, glad to be away from the cattle (goyim). You think we are too stupid to see how you really are? That we don’t know what you say about us when by yourselves?
    The best of the jews don’t condemn the actions and behavior of their fellow tribesmen… They always find some way to excuse it or marginalize it but never the right thing.
    To God damned hell with you bastards! (luckily, your high IQ’s have allowed you to declare that hell doesn’t exist).

  6. What??! The Jews aren’t going to like this one bit! Look out for a false flag on America blamed on Iran…

  7. The bitch Jews need to get their murdering, supremacist, racist, cowardly, child-killing asses out of Palestine! Go to Hell, where you maggots belong. Oh, that’s right; even the Devil doesn’t want you!

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