2 thoughts on “Why the blind spot on the part of some of the best writers and thinkers when it comes to the Old Testament?”
  1. another home run by invaluable staś, especially his very on-the-spot criticism of both jones and hoffman, both loath to grab the bull by the horns and the reason why despite all their salutary characteristics, erudition and energy, i can no longer bring myself to pay serious attention to their stuff.
    but let me introduce a tiny quibble regarding staś’s article (when dealing with such venomous creatures as jews, perhaps no amount of caution is overboard, no matter how tiny-seeming).

    They were and still are a warrior people. They worship and revere a war god.

    umm no, they are warmongers who seduce others, i.e., gentiles to kill each other, the greater, the more senseless the carnage, the better, ceaselessly corrupting, deceiving, betraying, whispering, licking their ears with forked snake-tongues and in this way coiling their slimy selves about the long suffering, gullible or criminally negligent world – what is it with all these so-called christians that cannot or will not recognize that in no way does jesus represent a continuum of lycanthropic torah?

    anyway, back to my observation that jews are NOT warriors, don’t have, never did have the warrior’s code of honor, that would be so contrary to their satanic dna, however much they brag about their “philanthropy”, lucifer does not visit orphanages for charitable reasons.
    jews are to warriors as vultures are to eagles and the last time they dared make a war on proper warriors, back in year 70 of our (not theirs) lord, Jesus Christ, they were quickly taught what happens when vultures taken on eagles, in this case the eagles of vespasian’s legions, led by his son titus.

    they remembered that lesson to this day, content to lob white phosphorus at gaza nurseries and hospitals while cradling their cocktails and manischewitz wine in lawn chairs overlooking the eternal martyrdom of the amalek.

  2. Excellent point as always.I agree with you. The Gentile world has produced the finest warriors. of legendary valor. Titus won big time but the Jews paid the Gentiles back 100 fold over the years.., Agreed 100% no code of honor. I think we perhaps disagree 100% on what a warrior is.. A warrior should have a code of honor and be a person of honor and strive for victory with honor. That is the ideal. In that sense they are not warriors. If you look at victory though deception they win hands down. On this we might agree!

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