[Ariadna: This article was published last year on Memorial Day. Its message is even more urgent now. Thanks to Todd Raine for bringing it to our attention.]
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
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Love PCR but where does he get the notion that not all israelis are setters? I am referring to the last 2 paragraphs.
He,s got the world situation summed up perfectly the only thing missing is-how to build a nuke shelter and the Apocalypse Survivors Guide .Now you know why Jewood has been softening up US citizens by showing so many -“after the Apocalypse ” movies the only bit they get wrong in these films is who to protect yourself from and thats the Jews as yes its all figured out those surviving in official government nuke shelters will be troops commanded by Jews . They intent to retake the US using superior weapons against the population to suppress them and force them into work concentration camps to rebuild parts of the US to make various Jew bases all over the non-radiated parts of the US . So you thought that was the end of them -no chance ! Check out the governments actions in the event of a nuke war it would make your hair stand on end the UK would be no different citizens killed at will no protection for you from the government quite the opposite to stop you -as they say -from starting another Revolution -this time of the non-Jewish variety .