[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdH2DGSXjss&w=560&h=315]

[Ariadna Note: Jesse Duplantis is one hell of an Evangelical preacher. In fact he is so good that when he got tired of flying by commercial airlines (oh, the hassles!), God gave him a plane. That’s right! His private jet, he says, is God’s plane.

May my second reference to ipecac in only two days be forgiven, but for its emetic properties this video takes no second seat to any judeozionist product. Granted, it does not have the production values of Rita Katz’ videos, but it is a different genre: not an epic but a “talking heads” piece, to be judged by the dialog.

Listen to him and ask yourself if the millions of Americas who give (ahem) God money so God can buy Jesse a plane are salvageable or their profound retardation makes them unredeemable? If they are in the tens of millions (Jesse is but one and not even one of the best known crooks in his field), what hope is there for the Americans that have two neurons to rub together to cause a spark?
This is what passes for Christianity in the “land of the brave.” Jesus weeps.]

H/T to Scott Creighton

11 thoughts on “Flying in God's Plane”
  1. These people think they are talking God LOL .They are responding to their own egos .Sheech what kind of people follow these guys ………hard to believe .


  3. These people are Satan himself and hide behind the face of Christ .
    This is the “” prosperity Gospel ” ,and displaying riches to the boobs who give them money is key to advertising this….thecmore you give ,the more you are supposed to get back !
    This foundation comes from Judaic Calvinism/Cromwellism .
    These people are worshipping not Christ ,and his New Covenant ,but Yahweh’s Old .
    Copeland literally has 1 billion dollars from doners… He is obsessed by aircraft because he was Oral Roberts personal pilot before joining the Evangelical circus himself.
    Think of it.Mark Glenn ,and TUT struggles to create something great, on so little with so few donating ,while creeps like this rake in millions on lies !
    Please remember this ,and help here as some counter to these Jew worshipping monsters .

  4. I don’t remember lil ‘ol Jesus(PBUH) having a 12:45 departure to catch for the
    “sermon on the mount”.
    Yet, somehow, His words and His works spread far beyond the lands he walked.
    Same with the prophet Mohammed(PBUH).
    How can it be that you goofy “warriors of Christ” consider this seller of snake-oil
    a General of God’s troops?
    Jesus and the rest of us could not afford this lifestyle.
    I think he mentioned the sparrows of the field among two others.
    His, Copeland’s, pilot for that jet you bought makes more in a year than most here.
    God given tribute? Really?
    And this is a man that speaks “Christ” to you?
    I am not sure that televangelist even exist outside of America in this absurd and
    tax exempt racket.
    Yes truly, Europe does have its formal proselytizers.
    Cameron and Merkle and the newest Jesuit Saint.
    As I remember, Jesus, never said he needed a yacht or a personal chef to
    spread His word to fulfill His mission.
    As I remember, He washed the feet of the ones He shared His testimony with.
    Seems his message got out just the same.
    I personally wonder if Saint Copeland’s toes are pedicured.
    If they are, it was not Jesus that did this.
    If they are, it was done and paid for by the same carnival dupes that paid for his holy plane, to spread his holy word, to keep him in a wholly luxurious life in this world while he convinced you suckers you were investing in something beyond this life.
    But that is just my impression.
    Maybe cutting off your feet so you can donate your shoes to an enemy is a good thing.

  5. Todd, the Televangelists regrettably do exist outside of the USA ….with “ministries ” across the British Commonwealth, Eastern Europe, South, and Central America, Caribbean, and Africa.
    The “free world.” Parts of Asia.
    The breakdown of the traditional Church in Rumania by the Communists for instance allowed the Evangelicals to spread their poison there.
    ” Pee At ” Robertson even tried it in Lebanon until Hezbollah overran his TV Station about 15 years ago ! Lol
    China, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia said ‘get ou’t to these creatures who feed on the stupid and sanctimonious to make billions.
    Please remember these people do NOT believe in Christ or the New Covenant but superimpose the Jews’ Old Testament God Yahweh onto Him.
    ” Accepting Christ, and being Born Again ” means this:
    You’re becoming “a Jew.”
    They support the material world because the Jews are promised possession of this earth.
    Their ” God” represents the Demiurge.
    ” Blessings” come from worshipping Jews/Israel/Yahweh , whereas Christ promised no such thing.
    He rejected “the kingdom of the earth.” These people want it…that is Judaism.

  6. I have to add this: Jesse Dulpantis quoted Amos 6:1 and I for the life of me cannot find where this talks about him using this to buy anything for himself. Christian, if you are listening to these wolves you are very blind.
    “Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria,
    which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of Israel came!”
    WHAT IS THIS TELLING US? They have put too much trust in their corporate
    church for salvation. They’ve gone to the mountain of Samaria and Samaria is
    said to be a watch station that has thorns in it now. (James Strong’s
    Concordance #8111/8104-Hebrew). This is talking about the church which came spiritual
    Israel. Israel is who you are in Christ if you are born again (Galatians
    6:16/Romans 2:28,29).
    They’ve indulged in luxurious living and formed alliances with those who are not
    spirit filled. Jesus said in Luke 6:24-26, Woe to those who are rich, full and have
    men speak well of you.
    Jeremiah 50:1-7 is telling you now what is going to occur because of easy in
    those whom you placed your salvation. They go from mountain to the hill/valley
    and have lost their rest.
    False ministers will take this scripture that tells them to be rich and buy for
    They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

  7. Dante,
    Regrettably the Tele Salvationist do exist outside of the US.
    Regretable that they exist at all.
    Some are priestly collared. Some are parliamentary. Others
    are from many other pseudo ‘democratic’ obligations.
    They are all of them, every one of them, costume parties.
    But the people are accustomed to and expect and even revelry
    in this one thing, their own confusion.
    The Great MCP referenced one book in a couple of his books
    that I have. Because He mentioned it more than once, I took
    notice of it.
    The book He referenced was, “America’s 60 Families”,
    by Ferdinand Lundberg, copyright, 1937 & 38. My copy is
    1946, from Citadel Press.
    There is a royal corporate group of families that have surrounded
    all of the citizens of the world through the banking control of the
    private issuance of the publics credit that T Jefferson warned us
    all of.
    “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the
    issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks
    and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the
    people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on
    the continent their Fathers conquered… I believe the banking
    institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing
    armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and
    restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
    ~~Thomas Jefferson
    In line at the store today, I saw the cover of the newest “Life” magazine.
    On it was Alexander Hamilton(Levy), and what a “genius” he was in
    the formation of this so called country.
    Of course, Hamilton/Levy was an advocate of a privatized issue of
    public credit at interest. An enemy of Jefferson and the citizens of
    this and any other citizen from every other country.
    And the book MCP referenced, documents the “families”, more powerful
    than the European royals, buying off votes and directing America’s army
    and navy for their own corporate, singular, interest.
    Our “dollar”, then as now, is backed by our labour.
    Our countries “credit” does NOT have to be borrowed into existence.
    Our own constitution says this.
    I wish TJ had given extra detail to save us from the two WW’s and the
    threat of #3 that they are pushing for.
    This Jewish problem should have been squashed like a bug 200 years ago.

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