The ‘Refugee’ Crisis and the Creation of Greater Israel

by Kyle Hunt

It has become increasingly obvious that the flood of refugees from the Middle East is serving the jewish agenda of creating Greater Israel (Eretz Israel). In case you are unfamiliar with the concept, Greater Israel is the vast tract of land supposedly promised to the Israelites by Yahweh, stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Give the jews an inch and they will take a yard (or more).

Greater Israel is far larger than the current state of Israel, and since their current colonization efforts are being hotly contested, drastic events are needed to be able to roll over the indigenous Semites (Arabs) and install a new state.

ISIS, which previously stood for the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (aka the Mossad), has already conquered a decent chunk of Greater Israel.

ISIS is receiving funding, aid, weapons, training, and recruits from the United States, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Although there are some sensational stories coming out of the jewish press about an ISIS holocaust, the Islamic State has never had any intentions of attacking the jewish State. In fact, the military conflicts taking place in the Middle East, and in particular Syria, are all wrapped up in the plot to massively expand the boundaries of Israel. Saudi Arabia, which was founded by jews and is where Wahhabi ISIS originates, is already locked up, and Egypt has recently fallen into line, so only a few more loose ends need to be tied up.

It may not be too clear how the Islamic State fits together with the jewish State at first glance, but it is actually quite simple. I will break it down.

Here’s the plan:

• Get the native Muslim populations fleeing from Greater Israel by terrorizing them with US bombs, ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc.
• Use jewish control over EU immigration policies to incentivize Arabs to move as far from Greater Israel as possible.
• Create real and imagined scenarios in which jews living in Europe are persecuted by “anti-Semitic” Arabs (eg, Charlie Hebdo), and then encourage these scared jews to make “Aliyah” (move to Israel).
• Show the atrocities of ISIS to the Western world through the jewish media and make it seem like foreign intervention in the region is an absolute necessity.
• Encourage and fuel the clash of civilizations in all European countries, which inevitably results from the Arab deluge, and convince Europeans they should side with the progressive jews against the backward Muslims in a new crusade. Groups like the EDL were set up to do just this.
•Use multiculturalism to weaken and inevitably destroy the European people through forced assimilation, taking out some of Israel’s biggest humanitarian critics and essentially the biggest threat to jewish hegemony.

So, as you can see, Israel benefits greatly from sending Arabs up to Northern Europe and scaring European jews into moving to Israel. It does not matter if all Arabs leave Greater Israel, as long as jews are in control.

Folks, this is how the Islamic State leads to a massive Israeli State.

0 thoughts on “The ‘Refugee’ Crisis for Greater Israel”
  1. This is a great article ! To see the theological/ political bases of this,please see : Yahweh God Of The New World Order And Synagogue Of Saturn ,You Tube,and dont forget to vote Yes.

    The Jews have always manipulated mobs to do their bidding.
    The Puritans of England,Anarchists, Communists, Evangelicals,Tea Party.

    Isis is such a construct.

  2. I agree, it’s an enlightening opus. I think it’d be wonderful if we could send these articles to our contacts, friends and relatives in a most expeditious way, e.g. by whats’up. May be some genius want and can help TUT and all of us, because the only way to defeat yids is uncover them, this nemesis on mankind, these damn vampires. The real good God bless all truth sayers. Vale

  3. “Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there… And now, Europe is losing its identity in favor of another people and another religion..” ~ Rabbi Baruch Efrati

    And the mental French Chabadnic who says, surely quoting the highest sources, that destruction of Christianity is essential before the Jews’ final conjuration of the Devil can happen –

  4. ISIS also clear out the Christian population of Syria and Iraq very well. Mass slaughter of remaining Muslims won’t be as easy to market if there are large Christian casualties.

  5. If they do get it all, hopefully they’ll all die a slow and painful death from all the depleted uranium and God knows what other poison that’s being dumped all over that place.

  6. “This is a great article !”

    I don’t agree with you, Mr Dante Ardenz, because I see this article as perfidious Khazars propaganda:
    – nothing new for readers being not so dumb, as the judaised sheeple brainwashed by TV,
    – not one word about Khazars blood, so “semitic” as stinky water in the steppe puddle,
    – nothing about Birobidjan – the promised land for Khazars.

  7. Just to clear something up : there are two types of `zionist`, there are the ones that lay claim to the land between the Nile & Euphrates then there are those that see this geographical region as a mere beach head towards their true intentions of Isrealizing the world. A world thats run, governed, & policed by Jews will be a brutal place to live for the none Jew.

  8. Jacek, I honestly see no point whatsoever in the preoccupation of separating “Khazar blood” Jews from the rest. Do you think the essence of the Judaic ideology/mentality/mission resides in the some microscopic stars of David that are floating in the blood of “real Jews” but are absent in the blood of Khazar Jews? This blood purity nonsense is a distraction.
    Birobidjan was completely irrelevant to the subject of this article. Eretz Israel was not conceived to cover far east Asia.

  9. Your point of view is generally correct – but in our world/society is not many readers as you, alas.
    I think that more effective for opening average minds is this way:

    Yahweh promised land to descendants of Israel (Semite) -> Khazars are not descendants of Israel -> Birobidjan is the only place where they can live legally -> Goyim must repeat this publicly at any occasion, repeat “ad nauseum”!
    Because this is the soft belly of Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.

    Ariadnatheo, for GOYIM the Eretz Israel was conceived BETWEEN Nile and Euphrates, talmudic
    Khazars see it “from Nile to Euphrate” too, but the OUTER way…
    Do you agree with Stevicus and me?

    If “yes”, then why you so overvalue the article?

  10. If I may add to this article, the green light which the US gave to Saddam Hossein to enter Kuweit, is given to Saudia Arabia to enter Yemen, the consequences will be the same, Saudia Arabia will be attacked and even divided so that the northern piece goes to greater shithole.

  11. we have to remeber ,as ad 6 , Stevicus mentioned , that their final, ultimate goal is a
    mass depopulation and the creation of global NWO.
    Everything else is just a way to achieve this major goal. Wars are great ways to depopulate, externally, whole regions.
    Abortion, anti-conception, euthanasia, vaccinations,chemtrails, GMO, etc., are another great ways to depopulate countries from within ( and also make great money in the process).
    This is truly satanic agenda and it is progressing with a speed of light because the is no opposition to it.

  12. Ross (@ #10), I honestly don’t know what came over me to post this article. Thanks for pulling me back to reality and Truth. I am embarrassed to imagine what Phil (of Mondoweiss; I call him Phil) and Gnome (I call Noam Chomsky “Gnome” and he gets a kick out of it) will say to me when we get together next. We get together regularly at my place (I try to keep a kosher table).
    If they told me once they told me a thousand times: “it’s not the ‘jooz.’ It’s the pipe lines, it’s American imperialism, it’s the Freemasons. To think that it is all a Zionist complot is total silliness.” So help me if Gnome didn’t put it verbatim in the same words you used.
    Yet I slip every once in a while. It must be that ineradicable anti-semitism in my Goyische mind I’ve been struggling to overcome all my life.
    Gnome also said to me (I urged him to say it publicly and he did): “Ari,” (he calls me “Ari”), the so-caled Jewish Lobby is a kitten compared to the tiger that is AARP. It’s the old geezers that rule America.”
    Ross, you’re a Mensch! Intelectually, I mean. Also an above board, “reg’lar guy” (as we say in Hymietown). Ooops, I put my foot in it again.

  13. Mr Cieiliski Jews,are Jews,whether they are Khazarian or not. Rothschild’s you often mention sure are not “Khazarian”….
    They probably have plenty of Polish blood,and 80 % of the world’s Jews at one time hailed from ” mighty Polonia”.
    Should we call this the ” Polish Jewish Conspiracy ?”
    Every Pole I know always sticks up for Jews,because they are jealous of everyone else ! Of course not be a ” gifted ,moral,and always brilliant Pole,” a nation with the average iq of 100 ,I might be missing something .

    Judaism entry into the world predates its adoption by the Khazars.
    Their foundations hsve ZERO to do with them……..their nature the same,no matter what blood they carry.

    Look at the Polish Jews for instance ? Are they any different ? Israel PM Nutanyhaoo family comes from Poland !

    From now on I’ll reference that on the site…it will make things clearer.

    On yes Ariad ,the Jews have ” very little power”…especially the ” true Jews”, those poor souls ” of the Bybull”, usurped somehow by the Khazars!

    If only we could just stop the ” fake Jews,”, and trade them for “the true Jews”, than all would be just fine !

    Ask your ” Liberal”, Zionist critics,so ” mindful”, of being considered ” anti Semite “, or worse ,” Naaaaaazi”,

    Who owns the US Federal Reserve ? Rothschild’s,and 11 associated Jewish banks. See The End Of Sovereign America,Real Jew News.Com.
    Who owns the entire media,and Hollywood ?
    Who runs Wall Street ?
    Who dies every candidate for President go to first ?

    AARP has huge numbers,but not huge money…they are typical Americans and see power as mass.
    It’s money,subversion,and purchase that is power ..not numbers. Thank

    Hassan the ” US Ambassador ” April Glasby was misinterpreted by Saddsm…any ” green light”, sure was turned to red ,when the US Britain,and the Gulf States tore Iraq into pieces !

    The Gulf States and Saudi Arabia are very safe ,from what you fear…all of them are allied with Israel,and the International Jews.

  14. Oy, Ross, was it emotional for you? It wasn’t for me, unless you count chuckles as emotion. I do admit I sometimes manage to make myself chuckle as I write. You’d have to get up a lot earlier in the morning, Ross, and try a lot harder to make your comments emotional for me. My standards for high-octane hasbara are exigent.

  15. “Israelis are too scared to be outnumbered by hostile polulation, and don’t have enough people to control such broad territories. ”

    They haven’t the numbers, yes, but they have the satanic perfidious ability to corrupt and degrade everything “human” , 24/7, into the shabatgoyim/flunkies.

    How many dozens of jewcommies were in Holy Mother Russia 1917 year?
    And millions Christians perished.

  16. Good point, Jacek: it’s not about the numbers. Judeozionist propagandists always make a false issue out of it: “Oy, vey! How can we, a tiny 2% of the population, have such an influence. You’re all crazy anti-semites who see “jooz” under every bed.”
    It’s about the network that works, like a spider’s web stretched around the world, to control the destinies of nations through the leverage they have on the financial system, the corrupt Shabbat Goy politicians and the media.

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