Nisman was ‘wary of own bodyguards’ before death, assistant says
Man who gave Argentine prosecutor gun said he feared for the safety of his daughters; will be buried Thursday at a Jewish cemetery ed note–Nisman was an Israeli asset, without…
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
Man who gave Argentine prosecutor gun said he feared for the safety of his daughters; will be buried Thursday at a Jewish cemetery ed note–Nisman was an Israeli asset, without…
FM warns that ignoring strike that killed 2 soldiers Wednesday would support a situation in which the Shi’ite terror group can strengthen arms capacity.
Comedian Chelsea Handler is on the campaign trail in Israel; the Free the Nipple campaign, that is ed note–but remember, it is not the Judaic influence on Western values through…
At memorial service for predecessor Ariel Sharon, prime minister lashes out at emerging nuclear deal with Tehran
They argue that the March address “places Israel … in the middle of a policy debate between Congress and the White House.”
The Spanish peacekeeper was killed when Israel retaliated against a Hezbollah strike; UN launches probe.
“We support Israel’s legitimate right to self defense,” said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.
PM convenes security briefing after anti-tank missile kills two IDF soldiers on Israel-Lebanon border; Livni says Israel will hit back ‘harshly.’
ed note (Tony)… Having private banks issuing the public currency as a loan at interest, always results in failure, because the debt owed is ALWAYS greater than the available money…
Hezbollah claims revenge strike on Israeli patrol; IDF bombards targets in Lebanon in response, reportedly killing a UN peacekeeper
(Reuters) - Many leading backers of the International Criminal Court will ignore Israel's call for them to cut funding in response to an inquiry into possible war crimes in the…
ed note, Sabba–The Truth Shall set you Free… continue reading
ed note–you can see here the gang war taking place within LKN, with the rest of the world in the middle of it all.
ED NOTE, Sabba–When Jesus comes back, will He recognize the US military as His army fighting to preserve His message and legacy? In fact, when Jesus does come back, who…
ed note–the decision on the part of the Argentine government to make these details public is being done for 2 reasons– 1. To prepare the public mind for forthcoming information…
ed note–The 1994 AMIA bombing was as much an Israeli operation as was the bombing of the King David Hotel, USS LIBERTY, JFK, Oklahoma City, 911, Boston Marathon and many,…
ed note–once in a while, the shark’s dorsal fin penetrates the water’s surface to indicate what is lurking below. ‘Commentary’ such as this from pro-war, Jewish supremacist Torah-addicts indicate what…
ed note–remember that in the Judaic paradigm, anything that hinders La Kosher Nostra from achieving its piratic aims is ‘anti-Semitism’. Opposing the slaughter of innocent men, women and children in…