
ed note–once in a while, the shark’s dorsal fin penetrates the water’s surface to indicate what is lurking below.

‘Commentary’ such as this from pro-war, Jewish supremacist Torah-addicts indicate what the world is headed for.

Judea intends to bring about–by hook or by crook/come hell or highwater, an apocalyptic war between the world’s 1.5 billion Christians and 1.5 billion Muslims leaving Judaism as the only functioning system.

All other discussions that do not contribute towards the exposure of this catastrophe, whether it is flouridated water, chemtrails, ‘crisis actors’, mass-shootings that didn’t take place, race-mixing or other distracting-yet-titilating items involving the Bilderbergs, Illuminati, Jesuits, etc, merely empower the enemy to continue in his destruction that WILL become an intimate, up close and personal part of everyone’s life on earth if not stopped dead in its tracks.


Conservative talk-radio host and best-selling author Mark Levin said the “stench” of the 1930s, referencing the appeasement policies of Neville Chamberlain and the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, was surfacing in the United States today, and President Barack Obama’s actions display “all the signals of an anti-Semite.”

Levin further said, “this president’s anti-Semitism is what’s catching on” across America’s college campuses, across the intellectual landscape, and in some segments of Congress.

“I’m going to tell you something and it’s going to be very uncomfortable,” said Levin on his Jan. 23 nationally syndicated radio program. “I don’t care how many wealthy Jews Obama surrounds himself with, I don’t care how many wealthy Jews contribute to his campaign.”

“This man has all the signals of an anti-Semite,” said Levin, who is Jewish. “And I’m not going to take that word back. I believe this in my heart and my soul. It’s not about Israel, it’s about what’s in Israel.”

Levin spoke about Obama’s failure to talk about the threat of radical Islam, or Islamo-nazi fascism, in truthful terms, and his failure to deliver any honest and pro-Western speech in defense of the victims of Islamo fascism, including Christians in the Middle East, the moderate Muslims who are slaughtered, the women and girls raped and used as sex slaves, and the killing of children, not to mention the relentless attacks by Islamists against the State of Israel.

“This president’s anti-Semitism is what’s catching on,” said Levin. “It’s catching on at the colleges and the universities. The Speaker of the House [John Boehner] had the temerity, the hubris — if you listen to the leader of the Democrats in the House — to invite the prime minister of Israel to speak to Congress and the American people about Iran and the Islamic terrorists.”

“And Obama, for the last 48 hours, has spent day and night trashing him while making peace with the Islam-Nazi regime in Iran,” said Levin, author of the best seller Liberty & Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto.

“Is this really a man who’s just confused or following the wrong path? I don’t think so,” said Levin. “Where’s the speech, Mr. President, about the Christians? Where’s the speech, Mr. President, about the Jews? Where’s the speech, Mr. President, about the women and the babies? Where’s the speech? “

Levin continued, “Why is it that you’re still flying around the United States, acting as if we’re not in the beginning of World War III? Going on and on about your great deeds, going into Idaho and Kentucky, and whatever the Hell else you’re doing – nobody’s even paying attention.”

“The enemy’s on the move,” said Levin. “The enemy is slaughtering, destroying. Where are you, Mr. President? What’s your problem? The king of Saudi Arabia has died, and we’re sending the vice president over there as part of a U.S. delegation to pay respects to the king’s family. This president doesn’t even respect the prime minister of Israel.”

0 thoughts on “Pro-War Jewish supremacist Mark Levin: ‘This President’s Anti-Semitism is Catching On’”
  1. Might as well throw in the alien / demons, the giants, the Archons, star gates , and Hitler retired in Argentina . These Jew sponsored “truthers” with their so called “alternative” websites are also part of the tribe

  2. Someone lock this asshole up. “Anti-Semitism” occurs for absolutely no reason, according to the jews. You scumbags need to look in the mirror!

  3. And BTW the Prime Minister of Israel is a murderer and deserves no respect along with Boner,the Congress,and all who go along with the actions of the IDF.

  4. “as if we’re not in the beginning of World War III?”

    Kinda says it all to me.

    “Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.” ~ Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn

  5. I heard Jew Mark Levin briefly ,as a stand in for fatty Limbaugh,while the latter was in a drug rehab center. Levins sounded like a throw back to a Jewish Red,Prosecutor at a show trial in Bolshevick Russia…and guess what “Conservative Patriots’? Thats what he,and his Neoconservative Hebrews where ! Everyone of them ex Communist . When that ideology was no longer useful to them;they went ‘Right’. Note how the term itself :”Neoconservative”, is being dropped,because it has become renown in knowlegable circles as JEWISH.

  6. Levin: “The enemy’s on the move.”

    CHURCH, you are bearing a great load by lifting up Israel.

    “Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah?” (an ephah is 75 pounds). Zechariah 5:10 (7-11)

    This is talking about a weight of deceit/burden. Revelation 16:21; “And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone (false stones) about the weight of a talent (Zechariah 5:7): and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.”

    FIRST: This is asking why are they bearing this and (Zechariah 5:10)? Where are they going with this? Verse 9 is saying it was lifted up between the earth and heaven. What was lifted up? Let’s look at some key words in verses 7-11:

    EPHAH=is James Strong Concordance Hebrews #374=means a measure of grain, divers.
    DIVERS-(8162/6648/582/605/376/802/4164/3332)=Means wool carded, spun together, to dip into a dye, colors, a mortal, blood thirsty, man, fellow, in the flower of their age, people, person, servant, stranger, their trade, to be frail, feeble, melancholy, desperately wicked, incurable, sick, mighty man, high degree, mankind, a adulteress woman, distress anguish, to pour out, melt, cast a metal, grow hard.
    In other words: this ephah is a curse. Divers will eat up and devour everything good (Psalms 105/Proverbs 20:23/Hebrews 13:9).

    Zechariah 5:7, says TALENT=(#3603,3769)=means a circle, a round loaf, whirl. Things have come to a full circle like it was in Jesus day.

    Zechariah 5:7 says LEAD (#5777/6080/6083)=FEM. Means to pulverize, to be dust, cast dust, clay earth, rubbish. Jeremiah 6:29/Exodus 15:10.

    What this is telling you is that this (lead) is ‘bore metal.’ It is NOT a precious metal and the church (female – adulteress woman – church) is the one lifting up this perversion. It has become a burden and a weight on them. It is disguised as precious: Esther 1:7. This 10 foolish virgins had this type vessel (wrong doctrines). Matthew 25.

    (Zechariah 5:9) tells us these two women/wings are storks. Storks are unclean birds and they are now in the church (land of Shinar). This is now her base of operation: lifting up a perverted doctrine that is called physical Israel (and other bad doctrines).

    Daniel 5:26, says your days are numbered.

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