
ed note–remember that in the Judaic paradigm, anything that hinders La Kosher Nostra from achieving its piratic aims is ‘anti-Semitism’.

Opposing the slaughter of innocent men, women and children in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc is ‘anti-Semitism’.

Opposing a war with Russia that will go nuclear is ‘anti-Semitism’.

Opposing a war with Iran is ‘anti-Semitism’.

In other words, ‘anti-Semitism’ is anything the Jews want it to be, and especially if saying so opens the door to more criminal behavior on their part.

We here at TUT agree, ‘anti-Semitism’ must be stopped–The slaughter of Muslims and Christians (who adhere to the teachings the Semites Mohammed and Jesus, respectively) must end, and those responsible must be arrested, tried, convicted and hanged at Nuremburg.


US President Barack Obama lamented the continued need to fight anti-Semitism in our days, on the 70th anniversary Tuesday of the Auschwitz concentration camp liberation.

Obama said, in a statement Tuesday, that the recent Paris terror attacks are “a painful reminder of our obligation to condemn and combat rising anti-Semitism in all its forms, including the denial or trivialization of the Holocaust.”

“Honoring the victims and survivors begins with our renewed recognition of the value and dignity of each person,” he said. “It demands from us the courage to protect the persecuted and speak out against bigotry and hatred.”

A presidential delegation was sent to the ceremony in Poland, joining Holocaust survivors and dignitaries while in the US, “the American people pay tribute to the six million Jews and millions of others murdered by the Nazi regime.”

He said the nation also honors those who survived the Shoah, “while recognizing the scars and burdens that many have carried ever since.”

Obama highlighted the US’s commitment to Holocaust education, noting that the US is a founding member of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and joins 30 other nations in upholding the 2000 Stockholm Declaration dedicated to upholding Holocaust remembrance and education.

“Today we come together and commit, to the millions of murdered souls and all survivors, that it must never happen again.”

Due to the anticipation of a major blizzard in New York and the US east coast, the ceremony at the United Nations General Assembly to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day was canceled, along with all other New York UN events scheduled for.

President Reuven Rivlin, who is in New York to address the UNGA, is now expected to speak on Wednesday.

0 thoughts on “Obama: Paris terror attacks are painful reminder of need to fight ‘anti-Semitism’”
  1. Nice photo – does anyone know if it is real or photoshooped (specifically the too good to be true sign which read “The world owe$s us”

  2. “Remember that in the Judaic paradigm, anything that hinders La Kosher Nostra from achieving its piratic aims is ‘anti-Semitism’.”

    Or as I say, “anti-Semitism” means any questioning of Jewish supremacism. Such questioning often consists of slightly less than fanatic support of Jewish atrocities. For example, if you are 99.999999% in favor of Jewish atrocities, then you are an “anti-Semite.”

    Ultimately EVERYONE IN THE WORLD is an “anti-Semite” unless…

    [1] He or she was born a Jew, and especially an Ashkenazi


    [2] He or she demands the extermination or enslavement of all Goyim

    Thus, no matter how much an evangelical Christian worships Jewish atrocities, and longs for Jewish supremacy, he remains an “anti-Semite,” since he was not born a Jew.

    I’m not joking. This is how Jews actually think. Anyone who says otherwise is a Jew-worshipper, or lives in a dream world.

    “Obama said, in a statement Tuesday, that the recent Paris terror attacks are ‘a painful reminder of our obligation to condemn and combat rising anti-Semitism in all its forms, including the denial or trivialization of the Holocaust’.”

    I love it! On 7 Jan 2015, gunmen killed 11 people at the Charlie Hebdo building, and wounded another 11. The gunman also (supposedly) killed a policemen. Among the dead, only one individual was a Jew (Georges Wolinski). Two days later there was a fracas at a Jewish supermarket store in which four Jews were (supposedly) killed.

    The dead and wounded Goyim don’t count. All that matters is “fighting anti-Semitism” and defending the holo-hoax (i.e. defending Jewish supremacy).

    I say I love it, because this is what French morons get for worshipping Jews. 

    Incidentally, 24-year-old shop attendant Lassana Bathily, a Muslim from Mali, is credited with helping to save Jewish lives in the store. A grateful French government has rewarded Mr. Bathily with French citizenship, and the Yad Vashem Hoax Memorial is considering him for the title of “Righteous Among Cattle.”


    “Due to a major blizzard in the US east coast, the ceremony at the UN General Assembly to mark International Hoax Remembrance Day was canceled, along with all other hoax-related events.”

    Divine intervention!


    Here read it in their own hand…

    The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia:
    “The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the fact that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is Media, which is the Biblical Ashkenaz… Krauss is of the opinion that in the early medieval ages the Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim… About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.”

    The Encyclopedia Judaica (1972):
    “Khazars, a national group of general Turkic type, independent and sovereign in Eastern Europe between the seventh and tenth centuries C.E. During part of this time the leading Khazars professed Judaism… In spite of the negligible information of an archaeological nature, the presence of Jewish groups and the impact of Jewish ideas in Eastern Europe are considerable during the Middle Ages. Groups have been mentioned as migrating to Central Europe from the East often have been referred to as Khazars, thus making it impossible to overlook the possibility that they originated from within the former Khazar Empire.”

    (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).
    The Jews admit that they are not the descendants of the Ancient Israelites in their writings. Under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following:
    “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”


    The newest DNA science finding is from Dr. Eran Elhaik (“a Jew”) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In research accepted December 5, 2012 and published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, it was found that the “Khazarian Hypothesis” is scientifically correct.

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