
Orthodox radio host Nachum Segal will live stream family-friendly band as alternative to football game’s iconic sexually-charged gigs

ed note–definitely one of the ‘Chutzpah’ award winners this one.

The Super Bowl and all the media fanfare that comes with it, including (especially) those portions that are not ‘family friendly’ are the result of the direct, incontestable and unchallenged control that organized Jewish interests have over the media.

And now, we are told, the same Jews who are responsible for peddling this corruption are going to ‘save’ us from it, as if they weren’t the source of it to begin with?

Beam me up Scotty.

Times of Israel

From Janet Jackson’s infamous “wardrobe malfunction” in 2004 to rapper M.I.A.’s middle finger to the camera in 2012, the Super Bowl Halftime Show has not been very kosher in recent years. The halftime show, which usually features some of the most popular musical acts in the world, is often a spectacle of scantily clad dancers and songs that reference sex.

Last year pop singer Bruno Mars and the rock band the Red Hot Chili Peppers played a reasonably family-friendly set, but this year’s headliner, Katy Perry, will most likely bring the show back into familiar territory.

For those looking for a more family-friendly (or a more Jewish) alternative to the usual halftime show antics, Orthodox radio host Nachum Segal provides a solution: the second annual “Kosher Halftime Show.”

Since 1983, Segal, the son of Rabbi Zev Segal, has hosted “Jewish Moments in the Morning” for WFMU 91.1 FM, a Jersey City-based radio station. His usual show includes music (from Hasidic rock to modern Israeli and klezmer music), Jewish and Israeli news, and guest interviews. He calls his longstanding show a “Jewish radio empire.”

This year’s “Kosher Halftime Show,” to be streamed on nachumsegal.com, will feature the jam band Soulfarm, whose co-founder C. Lanzbom has worked with Pete Seeger and Shlomo Carlebach.

“There are many families that enjoy watching the game together, but when the halftime show starts they are uncomfortable,” Segal said in a press release, which also estimates that last year’s show drew over 10,000 viewers.

Nevertheless, for those who are going to stay on the couch for the duration of the normal ceremonies, there will still be at least one Jewish element to the normal Super Bowl this year: Jewish singer Idina Menzel, known for her lead roles in “Frozen” and “Wicked,” will sing the national anthem to kick off the game.

0 thoughts on “A kosher Super Bowl halftime show”
  1. This is the Jew :LEFT/RIGHT Matrix,at play. This ploy ,will be spewed out to the Zio-Christians, Vatican 2 Catholics, and other assorted “Conservative,Patriots”,as proof of the Jews ‘morality;,and value,as “Gods Chosen People”. “Jeeeeesus,was a Jew”,they will nod ,with Wall Mart snacks in their hands.

  2. I’ve never watched the super bowl halftime show because even as a teen, the bands and performers were boring, overrated and overhyped mainstream sellouts. Crappy hip-hop, watered down rock music with old geezers, country western or pop tart bimbos are usually the norm. No thanks.

  3. PROTOCOL #13:
    “In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions…. Soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds: these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them. Growing more and more disaccustomed to reflect and form any opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same tone as we, because we alone shall be offering them new directions for thought.”

  4. The attack of the Jews on the White/ Western psyche/ morality/ spirituality has been ongoing for a while, now. And things have gone so far today, that the saboteurs of the Western society is within their ranks, hidden in plain sight.

    What I’m talking about is well-illustrated in the following article — it’s none other than Freemasonry (which is the real religion/ faith/ behavioral code of some people unknowingly, and for some its knowingly). [This is a must read and a critical eye-opener for every one in the West.]


    “My Lifelong Struggle With Freemasons” — Roger Barbour


    Henry Makow Comment : “Ever wonder why so many white men seem so cold and soul-less? Society has been subverted by this satanic cult which literally steals souls, one at a time. Ultimately the conspiracy is spiritual in character.”


    The first obligation of government is to ensure that society isn’t taken over by a satanic cult. Our government itself has been taken over.

    Freemasonry deliberately corrupts and subverts society and makes every non-Mason a second-class citizen. Freemasons espouse human brotherhood but in practice they discriminate against non-members and persecute them.

    Roger Barbour describes how this works at street level.

    [Commenters’ Comments:]

    “Every small town in Ontario seems to have a ‘lodge’. Many masons run the local councils from behind the scenes as documented by at least one old mason who exposed their numbers in Guelph, Ontario. Ontario’s legislature entrance has a ‘Baphomet’ symbol over the large entrance.”

    “I watched a video series called: Inside the Brotherhood the Secrets of Freemasonry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JVrIFFTbbE … This might be the reason why there’s corruption within police department and the US is turning into a Police State.”

    “I came to Canada qualified as an electrician after working on the receiving end of the stick. It was all uphill for me while others had a much easier time. I had top marks at college for the four years at Clydebank Tech. I thought that I would build a better life in Canada and this was true for most of twenty years in Alberta where I knew many freemasons but never joined their ranks. BC is different. The masons here seem to have a lot of much bigger scams going on. Believe me when I say that I know of many Alberta scams. Some of these involve fake insurance claims by masons who are accident victims and who have an insurance adjuster who is also a mason. I take comfort in knowing that the masons can take nothing with them when they die. They should also know this since it is part of their ritual. (the request for a penny or coin). My day will come but probably not on earth.”

    “After having lived in a number of small towns {Vancouver Island} and now cities {the lower mainland} I discovered that most if not all of the Lodges of this cult are located right smack in the middle of downtown. That is right on main street, two specifically in fact are almost identical to each other being located where all of the major economic activity goes on and that practically in the same block. One was on the island and the other out in the Fraser valley! Incredulous!”

  5. The stupid masses, red Necks, Hillbillies, Joe Six pack, etc. prefer to spend 3 or 4 hours glued to the TV set watching the football game rather than reading a good book or watch something interesting or educational. This is all made on purpose taking the minds of people away from reality distracting them from real issues.

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