Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast US has no right to choose Syrian president October 28, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Refugee crisis is the end result of West-instigated wars in the Middle East October 28, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast World supports Putin’s war on terror in Syria October 24, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Rouhani’s remarks deserve large round of applause October 18, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Russia achieved in two weeks in Syria what US could not in two years October 17, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast US terrified of Russian moves in Syria October 10, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Israel, America, and the West checkmated by Putin in Syria October 6, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast US seeking to undo Iran’s 1979 Revolution October 1, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Israel-tied fundamentalist churches may exploit Mina against Islam September 25, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Washington’s dirty hands in Syria September 24, 2015 tut editor continue reading
Television Interviews Press TV’s The Debate–Islam-bashing big business in US September 23, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews Disagreements grow between Russia, West on how to fight Daesh September 16, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews Visit to Iran by Austrian delegation meant to pressure Iran into dropping support for Syria September 8, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews Statement from Presidential hopeful Fiorina meant to absolve US of Syrian crimes September 6, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast US and Israel seeking to destroy success of Iranian revolution through back door of nuclear negotiations August 29, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Al Etejah TV–Escalation of US involvement in Syria aimed at regime change August 5, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Human rights, a political tool in US hands August 5, 2015 tut editor continue reading
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast US & Israel don't want ISIL defeated August 2, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast World becoming more and more aware of the criminal nature of the Jewish state August 1, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Israeli-controlled Congress resolved to kill nuclear breakthrough with Iran July 23, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Iran's policies towards the US will not change as a result of the nuclear deal July 19, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Major diplomatic blow has been dealt to Netanyahu with Iranian nuclear agreement July 18, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast US making irrelevant demands on Iran July 11, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast 'Wily' Hillary Clinton can't be trusted when it comes to a nuclear deal with Iran July 4, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews US not interested in dealing with Iran as a sovereign power June 28, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast Saudi aid for Yemen a mere PR ploy June 12, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews The Ugly Truth Podcast US Seeks 'new strategy' in Iraq because of Iranian success in defeating ISIS June 10, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews THE US could destroy ISIS, ISIL & other terrorist groups at ‘snap of her fingers’, but won’t May 27, 2015 tut editor
Television Interviews ISIS destruction of Middle East paving the way for ‘Greater Israel’ May 21, 2015 tut editor