TUT Broadcast Jan 09, 2017
Tonight’s program– ‘Come with me if you want to live’… All Gentiledom facing extermination unless and until it comes to grips with the fact that a spiritual type of cyborg…
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
Tonight’s program– ‘Come with me if you want to live’… All Gentiledom facing extermination unless and until it comes to grips with the fact that a spiritual type of cyborg…
Tonight’s program–The UN declares the land stolen by Israel in 1967 as ‘illegally occupied’, thus paving the way for future sanctions and if necessary, military force. Danny Danon, Israeli ambassador…
Propter vocem populi Romani, TUT redit… Tonight’s program–Trump wins the Electoral College, despite Judeae’s attempt to assassinate him politically. And now, let the gladiatorial games begin… Listen Here
My two back-to-back interviews with Prof. Alexander Azadgan. Part I–The Russian withdrawal from Syria–what’s really going on behind the scenes? Part II–From Atlantis to Tel Aviv…The Occult roots of Zionism,…
Back after an extended and difficult 3 month battle with a nasty sinus infection… TONIGHT–The real reason for organized Jewish interests opposing Trump–Not just their fear of a temporary cessation…
The current facelift Israel is attempting to bring about in the aftermath of the video showing the ‘wedding of hate’ celebration of the deliberate murders of the Dawabshe family–an application…
Tonight’s program–‘Bloody Trump’. In mid September 2015, in the midst of the 10 ‘High Holy Days’ that commence with Rosh Hashanah and end with Yom Kippur, the above artiste, Sarah…
Tonight’s program–‘All she wants to do is dance’–The West’s romance with Judaism, Zionism, and organized Jewish power and its inevitable result–war, despoilation, and the death of civilized society. Listen Here
Tonight–Donald Trump’s assertion that all Muslim immigration to America must halt, resulting in his support base soaring and the establishment panicking over the prospect that once again, Bibi may not…
Tonight’s program– The shootings in San Bernadino, their anomalies and implications. Also–Trump’s recent speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition and his stating that the reason American Jews won’t support his…
Donald Trump claiming ‘thousands of Muslims’ were cheering on the morning of 9/11 in New Jersey, despite the fact that the official record says they were not Muslims, but rather…
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