Back after an extended and difficult 3 month battle with a nasty sinus infection…

TONIGHT–The real reason for organized Jewish interests opposing Trump–Not just their fear of a temporary cessation in Israel’s wars, but indeed the unhinging of a 2,000 year long plan of Judaic revenge arising out of Rome’s destruction of Judea taking place between 67 and 73 A.D.

ALSO–we are honored to be joined by Professor Alexander Azadgan to discuss the recent elections in Iran and the maniacal drive on the part of Israel and her lackeys in tow to destroy this great and ancient nation.

Listen Here


10 thoughts on “TUT Broadcast March 5, 2016”
  1. OK Mark, this show was extraordinary. So glad you are back and sounding much better, sniffles notwithstanding.
    Please please post that link to the video as you promised… regarding the Romans and the Jews. This is the kind of stuff that makes my mouth water with anticipation…. Definitely on to something major here. We have discussed the corrosiveness of these folks throughout history. I thought I was doing well when I did work on their destruction of Venice… Now we are going so much further back. Waiting for that link eagerly.
    Professor Alexander Azadgan was a delight. His information and the free flow between you was top drawer. He painted a side of Iran, the less perfect one, that so many imagine. Few understand that Iranian society has so many levels of freedoms and social issues. They are not all “just iggernant Iranian Moozlims” on the same level of thought. I learned a lot even if I forget 2/3 of what was said.
    One thing I see as being used to divide Iran is the whole gay thing. It has been utilized against Iran… “See what those barbarians do to nice gay boys… ” but IN Iran it is used as a lure … to be free… to rebel… this is a heavy part of that cultural invasion the Professor speaks of.
    Here is a FINE example of cultural marxism and the foisting of sickness upon Iranian society. That this horrific limp-wristed pervert was named “Iranian Man of the Year 2012” and this was heralded as a great advancement for Iranian society…. I cannot put up his picture cos I jutht want to thwap him thilly!
    “Reza is now a role model, as celebrities often are, for gay/lesbian Iranians, or Middle Easterners. By sharing the status of his sexuality and allowing cameras to follow his familial relationships (in season one, Reza famously reunited with his Jewish father) and friendships Reza …..” BLECK.
    That whole thing is a HUGE potential wedge as I have seen in previous documentaries on Iranian youth and this whole issue.

  2. This was a wonderful broadcast and interview Mr Glenn.
    I think the YouTube suggestion by Professor Azadgan was a good one.
    The younger are more visually receptive. All of us with the blessing of sight,
    are more receptive or rejective to what we see.
    I would love to subscribe to a YouTube channel with you and Professor Azadgan
    and many of your other guest.
    The Great MCP argued and debated in hostile territory, and gained ground for us.
    I think it is time to take the baton he handed to us and run the best we can with it,
    without any fear.

  3. The day of this program is most appropriate! Is it just a coincidence or was it done on purpose to have it on a 5th of March, known in Roman times as the Ides of March, a date now assimilated with the day Caius Julius Caesar was assassinated.
    One thing I would like to add if I may: not only da joos got the great great great grand children of the Roman to bring them back to judea, but they are also getting them to pay back that tax.
    The joos paid that tax in gold (and we can imagine how painful it was for them to part with their gold), we are paying it back in form of ‘military aid’, ‘financial aid’, ‘holocaust reparation’ and of course the ‘blood tax’, i.e. getting us to fight and die for them in their wars.
    So from a jewish perspective, everything the western countries are giving them is a pay back but is also what the ancient used to call a tribute to the jewish state, a payment made regularly by one state to another as a sign of submission, as a sign of dependence.
    I think that’s why they genuinely believe that ‘we owe them’, and do not understand why we could even think of protesting, rebelling, standing up against ‘jewish power’.

  4. Just wanted to say that as a septuagenarian originally from Iran, I really enjoyed your interview with Professor Azadgan. I thought his perspective was quite accurate and valid. The first section of the TUT was also very good. Please regard this comment as feedback. By the way, too, your efforts in making young Iranians aware of where Iran stands regarding the plight and fate of humanity is truly commendable. It is essential that people, especially the youth become aware of the Zionist Anglo-American agenda in order for people to become aware and recognize their own humanity that is being incrementally stolen from them. May God bless you in your efforts.

  5. Great talk, Mark, and great interview with the Iranian professor. Most informative on Iran and on the masonic roots of the two-party systems.

  6. I recently heard a broadcast the you did Mark with another gentlemen speaking on how the Arab/Muslim world is our only hope in saving America. Joe Cortina also wrote about this in his blog a while back and I thought both were excellent points of truth that need to be addressed more. Last night I heard a podcast Mark with you, Cortina, and Brother Nathaniel about Christmas Eve. You 3 (or just Cortina) should return together again and make another podcast/video regarding this important yet hidden truth regarding our making amends with the Muslim world (since the jew is our common enemy) and fight this war to gain America back for the sake of our children if the world lives that long (Sampson option?) God has put a burden my heart for the Palestinians for some time now and I feel like a lone sheep out here in the “christian” world since they all favor israHELL and detest the Arabs/Palestine due to false teachers. It’s sickening to say the least, however people like you and Cortina are a shinning light of truth in this dark generation of vipers and we need more of you! PLEASE contact Mr. Cortina and try to get another podcast out regarding this very important message. God bless all you do Mark. I also am reading your book, No Beauty in the Beast, Israel without her mascara. What a wonderful powerful book of truth. I’m reading all 3 of Cortina’s books and he is my hero through and through. I pray to God for you both nightly, for your safety, health, and strength to continue doing what you do; it’s not done in vain!

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