0 thoughts on “Clear crisis in US-Israel bond: Analyst”
  1. This is good for America’s foreign policy. I’ve noticed a big increase in online attacks against the president. The increased attacks on President Obama are not for the president’s domestic policies that include the recent nomination of Loretta Lynch to replace AG Holder. Not sure where the attacks originate.

    On the US Attorney General Senate Judiciary hearings with a parody attempt:
    Ms. Lynch was drilled by Republicans on the Judiciary Committee. Senator Graham stumped the nominee with the question: “How was your lunch?”. Ms. Lynch later stated the ultra-liberal death penalty stance, “it is an effective means of punishment”. Concerning waterboarding, Ms Lynch responded without hesitation, ” waterboarding is torture 😉 ;)”.

    Zionist neo-con fascist pundits were appalled Ms. Loretta Lynch, an African-American, pledged to “get tough on black crime”. Not to be outdone by Ms. Lynch, the Zionist neo-con fascist pundits and Republican members of Congress will now refer to themselves as “liberal”.

    Ms. Lynch’s confirmation is certain.

    Here’s the scoop concerning Loretta Lynch http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-01-30/meet-loretta-lynch-%E2%80%93-obama%E2%80%99s-attorney-general-nominee-who-might-be-even-worse-eric-h

  2. It won’t last long; the next Jew sock-puppet president will make sure the marriage is all patched up & consummated. Imagine the next “president’s” appointments! Jews everywhere.

    The CIA must’ve been right there with MOSSAD on 9-11, so WTF? Even if Obama secretly despises Israel, that doesn’t change anything. The USG is thoroughly embedded with Jews; despite the rumblings about Netanyahu being invited to speak to Congress by the traitorous, Israeli-loving republikans, he’ll show up. He’ll be there to accept the raucous, ass-kissing applause, even by the few Democrats who supposedly opposed him coming. I’d be astonished if his invitation was revoked! This piece of pig shit Netanyahu gets the same applause from his bitches in Congress as Stalin got; everyone was afraid to be the first to stop clapping!

    Don’t fool yourself; if Israel got away with 9-11, nothing short of both Israel & the US getting nuked will ever break the bond. Sorry. The US is a Zionist-defeated and occupied nation, period.

    Stupid Americans will inevitably get what they so deserve!

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