In bid to fight rising anti-Semitism, Jewish organization hands out 10,000 kits containing honey candies, detox patches and the text of the law banning anti-Semitism.


Against a background of rising anti-Semitism in France, a French Jewish organization has begun distributing 10,000 boxes of “anti-Semitism first aid treatment” under the brand name “Antisémitox,” TV5 Monde reports.

Each box contains three honey candies, detox patches, and the text of the law stating the penalties that apply to people who express anti-Semitism publicly.

The poster of the campaign features a doctor wearing a white coat and stethoscope brandishing a box of pills that reads: “Antisémitox, the first treatment against anti-Semitism.”

“The honey candies contained in the packages works to immediately soften the anti-Semitic words and behavior that are the first symptoms,” the organizers of the campaign wrote in a statement. “These include insults, curses, aggressive behavior, hallucinations, and quenelles [a Nazi-like salute popularized by an anti-Semitic French comedian.]”

The campaign is the brainchild of the Organization of Jewish Europeans, which was established only a few months ago. All proceeds from the campaign “will finance the struggle against anti-Semitism,” the OJE said.

Anti-Semitic acts and threats in France have increased by well over 100 percent in the first 10 months of the year,” France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said last week. He added that “more than 930 cases” were prosecuted in the first half of the year.

According to the Jewish Agency in France, the emigration of Jews from France to Israel more than doubled over the first ten months of 2014.

0 thoughts on “Cure for anti-Semitism found in France?”
  1. how can a jew take you to trial and claim that you did ” anti semitism, when if fact , told by israel itself, that all jews in israel are nothing than khazars from the north ????

  2. Sounds like you’ll need a morphine drip, or just grin & bear it. While you expose Usury/Jewry & its Supremacist Ideology for what it really is

  3. How ’bout a kit for Jews that prevents them from committing offenses that cause “anti-Semitism”??

    It would contain 3 cyanide capsules, a cross and a suicide note reading “I hate Gentiles”.

  4. I would think this was a joke, if I didn’t know how paranoid and obsessed with themselves that tribe is. And to think…they’re not even Semites: a bunch of Khazar wanna be Jews, one clown short of a circus.

  5. It’s amazing how hard they worked to get these anti free speech laws into effect yet those damn French won’t listen. So instead of legally forcing them to accept the Jew uber alles, so now they wanna drug people. Great. They should come up with a pill for their own kind to prevent them from being such smug a_holes.

  6. They have not left any poor Muslim country unharmed.
    Their tyranny will flourish and exceed all bounds.
    There is no life between their greed economic nor Religious hatred for the rest of us.
    There should be no negotiating with tyranny nor any pussyfooting around this is well.
    A spade is a spade we are under the worst oppression ever and it is global.
    They act as if they are guaranteed immortality.

  7. Streisand effect doesn’t adequately describe the unintended consequences of banning a particular topic in France or any other normal place in the world. An example of such consequences here:

    Are they afraid the French may discuss the Revolution instigators or who funded Emperor Napoleon I and his attempted conquest?

    These people just don’t get it.

  8. Can they mature a bit and stop acting like stupid, brainless spoiled brats?Time that not only the people but also our governments tell them enough is enough… splash down or get out of here… you are not our masters neither than the masters of the world. Time they learn to stop lying, doing atrocious things, manipulating, stealing… well the list is too long to finish it… and respecting other people too… and stop thinking they are as precious as a god’s poop. They are normal human beings and not of the best mental quality, sadly.

    So, upgrade your programs with the 21st century one and stop living in the archaic barbarian highly schyzo and psycho times. That will solve a lot of problems.

  9. I cannot stress enough how enlightening the following video is if a person wishes to understand the workings of the Israeli Judicial system. Just reading the article on Chris Hedges had me remembering this video. It is a short interview with a woman, a British woman, who married a Jewish man. Her conversion is a story in itself. But her story is how their situation regarding his adult children in Israel becomes a sweeping review of the welfare state. As a Canadian I see so many correlations in the destruction of the family by the state. There is too much to describe but here goes anyhow. The amazing content left me with a very sore jaw because it kept falling to the ground from the facts she was dropping.

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