geraldo fox news correspondent

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0 thoughts on “Fox News senior correspondent: Saudi Arabia the gravest threat to the US’”
  1. I am surprised Mr. Geraldo Rivera missed several important points… Doesn’t he know that Saudis are US puppets and they do whatever their boss in Washington tells them to do?

    Doesn’t he know that US silence regarding the Saudis’ criminal activities in Yemen, helping ISIS and also helping terrorists in Syria and finally their alliance with Israel means lack of information or hidden from Washington?

    Now he calls them a grave threat to Washington… I wonder what kind of political adviser is he? Maybe his knowledge and mentality is good for Fox News but I am sure he is a joke as a political analyzer or adviser in international levels…

  2. “I would die for Israel”. I recall Jerry Rivers,aka Rivera, on FOC,after 911. He is as ‘Latino,’as Senator Mark Rubio…..Ribenstein,but in this he might get fired. Saudi Arabia is a tacit ally of Israel,and owes its very survival to the International Jews,principally the Rotysfhilds. The Saudis are the principle stockholders of Rotuschilds FOX. Jerry Rivers better have savings,and investments. He might go the way of Judge Napalitano.

  3. Why would anyone heed what a tired old has-been talking head whore of the mainstream media has to say? By now we all should know that every last one of them have sold their souls to the devil for 30 sheckels of silver and thus that they are pathological liars.

    Anyone of the truth should know by now that the gravest threat to the US are the Antichrist impostors posing as Jews living in our midst.

    Notice how Rivera continues to promote the lie of 9/11 being an Arab Muslim terrorist attack when the hard facts prove that it was a false flag attack on America by the rogue terrorist and welfare state of faux Israel, aided ands abetted by leaders at the highest levels of the “jewish” owned mainstream media and our own federal government who censored the official record of what really happened and have been relentlessly suppressing and silencing this hideous truth ever since.

    When are Americans going to get really angry and shut these psychopaths down for good? It will never happen. Christ is returning in late 2016, and He will do that which mankind is incapable of doing: destroying that which is pure evil.

  4. More sensationalist “truth” supposed to break new ground whilst enforcing old myths ~ in this case 911 lies.

    This Jew plays the misrepresentation game only on a slightly more sophisticated level than most. He is very crafty and extremely ego centric and although he speaks that wee bit of truth, he still inserts those block building lies.

    But as a result, even ANY wee bit of truth, is snapped up by the gullible who also then continue on with the 911 BS even more deeply ingrained.

  5. what you all miss is that the tide is starting to turn. Saudi Arabia’s usefulness is near an end. As such? their land will be invaded, torched and the spoils divvied up amongst the ZioFilth, like the rest of the M.E.
    Blood Border remapping fully in play

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