ed note–and, here we go again ladies and Gentile-men…

The author of this piece, David Frum–


Is an asset for Israeli intelligence and a personal errand boy for Benjamin Netanyahu and who has for decades used his position in furthering Israel’s ‘Clash of Civilizations’ between the Christian West and Islamic East otherwise known as the ‘war on terror’.

He–along with the rest of his assassination team including creatures of the night such as  Kristol, the well-fed and portly Kagan brothers, Jennifer Rubin, Eliot Cohen, Max Boot, Charles Krauthammer, Eli Lake, etc, not only moved heaven, hell, and everything in between in trying to prevent Trump’s election, but now, are moving heaven, hell, and everything in between in trying to get him impeached and removed from office.

This is not a fancy, fantasy, fiction, or theory. All one need do is a simple search and read for themselves with open eyes what these operatives working for Israeli intelligence have written and said for the last 3 years, and no, it isn’t all ‘just an act’ as some ‘experts’ like to claim.

Hillary Clinton was clearly ‘the chosen one’. As a corrupt, ambitious, remorseless politico who participated in the many human sacrifice/black masses demanded of her, including but not limited to the ‘Arab Spring and its offshoots–Syria, Libya, and the murder of Ghaddafi, Judea, Inc knew she could be counted on to do as ordered, including expanding those bloody black masses to include unwilling participants such as Iran, Russia and whoever else the Jews decided needed to die in appeasing yahweh, the violent god of Israel.

Mueller’s report is out but that does not mean it is over. The same NeoCon faction that opposed Trump’s presidency before will not stop until Trump has been removed before he can get too far with his plans, and particularly those plans concerning a certain ‘ultimate peace deal’ between Israel and the Arabs.

That these very basic facts need the kind of elaborate explanation as has appeared on his website over the last 3 years to a ‘movement’ boasting its 20/20 x-ray vision in understanding and divining the mind of Judea, Inc speaks volumes as to why, almost 20 years after 9/11, we still stand on the precipice of apocalyptic destruction by a fanatical cult of theocratic sociopaths and why the fuse attached to that doomsday bomb built for our own demise continues burning own to ignition point.


David Frum for The Atlantic

Although Donald Trump owes his job in large part to Russia for helping him get elected, the president did not conspire or collude with his helpers. He was the beneficiary of a foreign intelligence operation, but not an active participant in that operation. He received the stolen goods, but he did not conspire with the thieves in advance.

This is what Donald Trump’s administration and its enablers in Congress and the media are already calling exoneration. But it offers no reassurance to Americans who cherish the independence and integrity of their political process.

The question unanswered by the attorney general’s summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report is: Why? Russian President Vladimir Putin took an extreme risk by interfering in the 2016 election as he did. Had Hillary Clinton won the presidency—the most likely outcome—Russia would have been exposed to fierce retaliation by a powerful adversary. The prize of a Trump presidency must have glittered alluringly, indeed, to Putin and his associates. Why?

Did they admire Trump’s anti-NATO, anti–European Union, anti-ally, pro–Bashar al-Assad, pro-Putin ideology?

Were they attracted by his contempt for the rule of law and dislike of democracy?

Did they hold compromising information about him, financial or otherwise?

Were there business dealings in the past, present, or future?

Or were they simply attracted by Trump’s general ignorance and incompetence, seeing him as a kind of wrecking ball to be smashed into the U.S. government and U.S. foreign policy?

Many public-spirited people have counted on Mueller to investigate these questions, too, along with the narrowly criminal questions in his assignment. Perhaps he did, perhaps he did not; we will know soon, either way. But those questions have always been the important topics.

The Trump presidency from the start has presented a national-security challenge first, a challenge to U.S. public integrity next. But in this hyper-legalistic society, those vital inquiries got diverted early into a law-enforcement matter. That was always a mistake, as I’ve been arguing for two years.

Now the job returns to the place it has always belonged and never should have left: Congress. This is all the more the case since the elections of 2018 restored independence to that body. The 2016 election was altered by Putin’s intervention, and a finding that the Trump campaign only went along for the ride does not rehabilitate the democratic or patriotic legitimacy of the Trump presidency. Trump remains a president rejected by more Americans than those who voted for him, who holds his job because a foreign power violated American laws and sovereignty. It’s up to Congress to deal with this threat to American self-rule.

Mueller hasn’t provided answers, so much as he has posed a question: Are Americans comfortable with this president in the White House, now that they know he broke no prosecutable criminal statutes on his way into high office?

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