ed note–as always, a tidal wave of important info that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.
Firsto, ladies and gentile-men, a lil’ historical background before we delve into all of this–
President of the United States John F. Kennedy moved against Israel, first in demanding that Israel open up her nuclear facility at Dimona for inspections in making sure that weapons were not being produced, then in putting the muscle on the American Zionist Counsel (forerunner to today’s AIPAC) to register as a foreign lobby, and shortly thereafter was assassinated…
President of the United States Richard M. Nixon moved against Israel by demanding that a state for the Palestinians be created along the pre-1967 lines and was forced to resign from the office of POTUS because of Watergate…
President of the United States Gerald Ford moved against Israel by picking up where Nixon left off viz a state for the Palestinians, pressuring the Pirates of Judea to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt and putting a 6-month moratorium on any military or financial aid to the Jypsy State and was rewarded with 2 separate assassination attempts by ‘lone nuts’ who got to within spitting distance of him. He lost his re-election to Jimmy Carter.
President of the United States Jimmy Carter moved against Israel by picking up where Ford left off via his Camp David Accords that forced the Jypsy State to return to Egypt the Sinai Peninsula was stolen by the Pirates of Judea in ’67. Part II of Camp David would have seen the creation of a Palestinian State, but after a failed economy (courtesy of organized Jewish interests running the Fed and other financial institutions) the hostage crisis in Iran and the disastrous failed attempt of rescuing those hostages that resulted in the deaths of 8 US servicemen, Carter lost his re-election bid and blamed the Jews for organizing his defeat.
President of the United States Ronald Reagan moved against Israel by picking up where Carter left off viz his plans for a Palestinian State and in his direct involvement in brokering a ‘peace deal’ between the PLO headquartered in Lebanon and Israel. As a reward for his efforts, he found himself on the receiving end of an almost successful assassination attempt, and despite having survived it, then found himself embroiled in the Iran Contra scandal (in which Israel was DIRECTLY involved up to her bushy eyebrows) and therefore had no political room to maneuver in doing anything except remaining alive politically. In putting the icing on the cake, the Jews’ assassination service Mossad played a direct hand in the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut that resulted in the deaths of 247 US servicemen and which forced the US pullout of the region as ‘peacekeepers’.
President of the United States George Herbert Walker Bush moved against Israel by forcing the Jypsy State to attend the Madrid Peace Conference which he and Sec. of State James Baker organized. The reason for and the intended end result of this conference was the creation of a Palestinian State. In pressuring the Pirates of Judea to participate, Bush held back $10 million dollars in loan guarantees to the gangsters of La Kosher Nostra unless they attended. According to former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovky, Israel set into motion plans for assassinating Bush at the conference, the assassins of course being Palestinians and Syrians. Despite his being the most popular President in US History with an approval rating of over 90% in the aftermath of the stunning military victory against Iraq, he lost his re-election bid as a result of an economy that dropped dead in its tracks for no discernable reasons. Bush blamed his loss on the very Hebraic Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, whom he accused of deliberately keeping interest rates high that then resulted in the economic problems that ushered into office Bush’s successor.
President of the United States Bill Clinton moved against Israel by forcing Israel to participate in his plans for a peace deal that resulted in the Oslo Accords and which gave birth to an embryonic Palestinian State, as sick and dysfunctional as it has been since that time. It was during this period and in the aftermath of the creation of the Palestinian Authority that a brash and bold new politician rose to power in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, who came into office vowing to eliminate this peace agreement and who has since that time pulled every lever in his arsenal to begin the dismantling of this nascent Palestinian State.
Clinton–after the hundreds (millions?) of sexual peccadillos that had never before had the slightest negative effect on his ability to hold public office–suddenly found himself embroiled in a political scandal as a result of his affair with that ‘nice Jewish girl’ and obvious Mossad honeypot asset Monica Lewinsky. Clinton found himself the 2nd US president to have been impeached.
President of the United States George W. Bush was just a mere few days away from announcing on the floor of the UN General Assembly that his new administration would seek the creation of a Palestinian State, but before he was able to give that speech and announce that promise to the world, airliners crashed into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, thus setting into motion the ‘war on terror’ which was in fact a war against those countries Israel had decided had to be destroyed by the military might of America.
And finalmente, President of the United States Donald J. Trump moved against Israel viz his plans for the creation of a Palestinian State under his ‘Deal of the Century’, and in circumventing what Trump would have certainly accomplished, given his political and business skills, he found himself the target of an UNPRECEDENTED tidal wave of political terrorism during his term, including the release of a lab-concocted virus, 2 impeachments and the theft of the 2020 election which he most certainly won.
In an interview he gave to Israeli journalist Barak Ravid, Trump revealed that Netanyahu was the one behind all the turmoil that resulted in the ‘Deal of the Century’ not being implemented, called Netanyahu a traitor and just so that there was no confusion about Trump’s feelings for him, said in the plainest of language, ‘F*ck him’.
Therefore ladies and Gentile-men, as we have counseled on this website ever since Nov. 5th, do not be surprised if on January 20th, Trump does not wind up being inaugurated as POTUS, as the Pirates of Judea are 666% intent, come hell or high water, of preventing any president, especially Trump, from achieving what previous presidents have tried to accomplish, i.e. the creation of a Palestinian State on that ‘promised’ land which the Jews plan to steal in its entirety.
by Evan A. Davis and David M. Schulte for The Hill
The Constitution provides that an oath-breaking insurrectionist is ineligible to be president. This is the plain wording of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. ‘No person shall … hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath … to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.’ This disability can be removed by a two-thirds vote in each House.
Disqualification is based on insurrection against the Constitution and not against the government, and the evidence of Donald Trump’s engaging in such insurrection is overwhelming. The matter has been decided in three separate forums, two of which were fully contested with the active participation of Trump’s counsel.
The first fully contested proceeding was Trump’s second impeachment trial. On Jan. 13, 2021, then-President Trump was impeached for ‘incitement of insurrection.’ At the trial in the Senate, seven Republicans joined all Democrats to provide a majority for conviction but failed to reach the two-thirds vote required for removal from office. Inciting insurrection encompasses ‘engaging in insurrection’ against the Constitution ‘or giving aid and comfort to the enemies thereof,’ the grounds for disqualification specified in Section 3.
The second contested proceeding was the Colorado five-day judicial due process hearing where the court ‘found by clear and convincing evidence that President Trump engaged in insurrection as those terms are used in Section Three.’ The Colorado Supreme Court affirmed. On further appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, the court held that states lack power to disqualify candidates for federal office and that federal legislation was required to enforce Section 3. The court did not address the finding that Trump had engaged in insurrection.
Finally, there is the bipartisan inquiry of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol. More than half of the witnesses whose testimony was displayed at its nine public hearings were Republicans, including members of the Trump administration. The inescapable conclusion of this evidence is that Trump engaged in insurrection against the Constitution. In particular, Trump unlawfully demanded that his vice president, Mike Pence, throw out votes in the Electoral College for political opponent Joe Biden, a power he did not have. While the riot was in progress, Trump used Pence’s rejection of his demand to further enflame the crowd and cause them to chant ‘Hang Mike Pence!’
Some will argue that the Supreme Court decision in the Colorado case, Trump v. Anderson, precludes Congress from rejecting electoral votes when they convene on Jan. 6, on the basis of 14th Amendment disqualification, but this view lacks merit for three reasons.
First the majority’s suggestion that there must be new implementing federal legislation passed pursuant to the enforcement power specified in the 14th Amendment in what lawyers call ‘dicta’. Dicta are the musings of an opinion that are not required to decide the case. The holding that Section 3 is not self-executing may be an alternate holding, but thoughts about the kind of implementing statute required are plain dicta. Dicta are not precedential. The four dissenters strenuously objected to this part of the opinion as overreach to decide a question not presented. This overreach is a power grab which Congress is not required to credit.
Second, counting the Electoral College votes is a matter uniquely assigned to Congress by the Constitution, and under well-settled law this fact deprives the Supreme Court of a voice in the matter, because the rejection of the vote on constitutionally specified grounds is a nonreviewable political question.
Third, specific legislation designed for this situation already exists. The Electoral Count Act was first enacted in 1887 and later amended and restated in 2022. That statute provides a detailed mechanism for resolving disputes as to the validity of Electoral College votes.
The act specifies two grounds for objection to an electoral vote: If the electors from a state were not lawfully certified or if the vote of one or more electors was not ‘regularly given.’ A vote for a candidate disqualified by the Constitution is plainly in accordance with the normal use of words ‘not regularly given.’ Disqualification for engaging in insurrection is no different from disqualification based on other constitutional requirements such as age, citizenship from birth and 14 years’ residency in the United States.
To make an objection under the Count Act requires a petition signed by 20 percent of the members of each House. If the objection is sustained by majority vote in each house, the vote is not counted and the number of votes required to be elected is reduced by the number of disqualified votes, and if all votes for Trump were not counted, Kamala Harris would be elected president.
The unlikelihood of congressional Republicans doing anything that might elect Harris as president is obvious, but Democrats need to take a stand against Electoral College votes for a person disqualified by the Constitution from holding office unless and until this disability is removed. No less is required by their oath to support and defend the Constitution.
F##K them Mr. President. Take power anyway you can.
Dems have undermined the Constitution many time under FJB.