0 thoughts on “Latin America Leaders Warn of Chile Style Coup in Venezuela”
  1. Good. I love it that more and more countries in Latin America are against the Imperialism, finally they have opened their eyes.

  2. The citizens of Latin America had their eyes pried open long ago. The many may not know that the “chosen ones” piloted the planes that attacked them, but there are also many more that fully understand that these torpedo planes left the terminals of Estados Unitos to sacrifice South Americas own physical and cultural wealth on the sacred alters of liberal “peace” and “Free Trade”. And the citizens of the offending country, America, blinded by their own insolence, scream madly about “illegal immigration” without ever understanding that it was the same “outsiders” (Jews), that caused this offense, with a goal to harm us both for their own gain.

  3. Latinos were the first ones to tell me about War Criminal’ Kissinger’s crimes in Latin America. The fact that he’s still alive, shows you everyone shuts up for Usury Tribe… I was watching old clip of Vanessa Redgrave’s 1977 Oscar Speech. She spoke out against treatment of Palestinians. It could have been shown today, like a same reoccurring daily event, same narrative as today and same mob mentality. She was booed by all those celeb’ Attention Whores. White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Fake Jew & Christian Hypocrite’ Bootlicks’ sitting in audience. People willing to gang up on a group of people at a chance for fortune and fame from nuzzling their noses in ‘Jew Usury Tribe Butt’. All for more of their Wealth, Fame and Power. The trickery of moneylending and mass murder… Like a bunch of Mindless Goons… I don’t read or see many movies, but I did see Stephen King’s movie adaption of “Carrie” a long time ago at someone’s house. The people in power and ‘making bank’ in all areas of our lives including the National Sports’ Jocks too, are the worst people. These are the same people who would pretend to like Carrie and elect her as the Prom Queen. Then ask her to take the stage & pour pigs blood on her…

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