Head of mosque alleged Israeli intelligence, Zionist businesses behind massacre in Christchurch that killed 50

ed note–one again, Prima Facie evidence of how and why the Jews always win.

The initial statement on the part of the Imam that ‘Mossad’ was behind the murder of 50 innocent Muslims kneeling in prayer was by itself a STUPID thing to say. Unlike the terrorist attacks on 9/11, where at least POWERFUL circumstantial evidence existed in the arrest of the 5 dancing Israelis who later turned out to be Mossad, there was no evidence–circumstantial or otherwise–tying Mossad to the murders in Christchurch.

Rather, the Imam–as well as every other person since the time of those murders who has alleged that ‘Mossad’ was behind this horrific event–had all the raw, unassailable evidence needed in ‘proving’ Israel’s role in this murder of 50 innocent Muslims, as well as all other similar events, including the war on terror, the ‘Arab Spring’ and everything else, and it is none other than this–


And this–

Otherwise known as–


–and which is an extension and department within Israel’s Mossad and which has been the primary source in creating, sustaining and fueling the hatred of Islam that resulted in the horrific murders taking place in Christchurch.

However, rather than focusing on this piece of slam-dunk-convictable evidence, instead, this Imam–as well as many others–chose instead to focus on something that is conjectural in nature, has no hard evidence backing it up and which gives the Jews all the ammo they need in furthering the narrative that all those opposed to organized Jewish power are unhinged ‘anti-Shemites’ who blame anything and everything on the Jews and who–like Alex Jones–derive such theories from the depths of their ‘psychosis’ and who therefore have no credibility.

Times of Israel

A Muslim community leader in New Zealand dismissed claims by the head of the country’s biggest mosque that Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency was behind the killing of 50 Muslims at two Christchurch mosques.

Mustafa Farouk, president of the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand, referred in his statement Thursday to remarks made on March 23 by Ahmed Bhamji, chairman of the Mt. Roskill Masjid E Umar mosque.

“Recent comments by an individual do not represent the views of the Muslims of New Zealand,” Farouk said.

The killings on March 15 were perpetrated by a 28-year-old white supremacist gunman from Australia.

On March 23, Bhamji said during a sermon: “I stand here and I say I have a very, very strong suspicion that there’s some group behind him and I am not afraid to say I feel Mossad is behind this.”

Bhamji continued: “And not only them. There are some business houses, also, who are around … you know, Zionist business houses that are behind him.”

The country’s Jewish community and national human rights institution both condemned the remarks, made on Saturday at a rally in Auckland organized by a group called Love Aotearoa Hate Racism and streamed live on local broadcaster Apna TV’s Facebook page.

“These conspiracy theories are dangerous lies,” New Zealand Jewish Council spokesperson Juliet Moses told local website Newshub. “They put the Jewish community at risk, at a time of heightened security concerns.”

“Conspiracy theories — particularly the idea that Jews (whether through the Jewish state or otherwise) are a malevolent controlling force in the world — are at the very core of anti-Semitism,” Moses added.

The Human Rights Commission, New Zealand’s national human rights institution, said: “Prejudice against Jewish people has no place in New Zealand. We must condemn racism, hate and anti-Semitism whenever we see it.”

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