Conversion inquiries, particularly among ‘unaffiliated’ Israelis, climb as Israelis reconnect with tradition and Judaism after October 7


ed note–a certain ‘saying’ seems appropro here–


‘You can take the Jew out of the Sin-a-Gog, but you’ll never take the Sin-a-Gog out of the Jew’


Now, for the sake of clarity, let it be understood–Jews and their attachment to their Judah-ism isn’t about ‘getting close to God’, being a righteous people or seeking to live in a state of harmony with their ‘fellow man’, unless of course that ‘fellow man’ happens to be of the Hebraic persuasion.


Rather, their attachment to their Judah-ism is based upon their own sense of superiority, their perceived ‘betterness’ over Gentiles and their self-annointed ‘right’ to rule ruthlessly over ‘lesser’ beings, much in the same way that a rider whips his horse in order to make it run faster and harder.


And please, no interjections from the ‘expert’ brigade about how all of this is a ‘Talmud’ thing rather than something that has been baked into the DNA of Judah-ism ever since the days of a certain ‘Abram’ hearing promises in his head that ‘I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you’.


The Jews of today, guys and gals such as these–



–Have remained the same corrosive force throughout the 3,000+ years that they have infected God’s green earth with their radioactive thinking and destructive behavior, and who–with mere microscopic exceptions–seem incapable of being reformed or rehabilitated, in as much as the alligator can never/will never become a vegan.





Hamas’ October 7 assault on Israel elicited a response from the IDF in the Gaza Strip that was unparalleled in its intensity, resulting in a high number of casualties and spawning a significant wave of global anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiments.


In the aftermath of these developments, a notable number of Israelis, including a substantial portion of the roughly 560,000 ‘unaffiliated’ people in the country, reported feeling a deeper affinity to their Jewish heritage and traditions. A significant segment of this secular population, who identify as Jews but aren’t recognized as such by Halacha, initiated a conversion process.


The ITIM organization, spearheading the Halachic Conversion initiative, offers a bespoke conversion process in accordance with Halacha that operates independently of the Rabbinate’s control. For the first time, they are releasing data on the volume of conversion requests they have received. A dramatic surge in requests for conversion, primarily driven by the secular demographic, is being reported.


ITIM Chairman Rabbi Dr. Saul Farber said, ‘We’re seeing a trend among populations not recognized as Jewish expressing a desire to join the Israeli-Jewish community. This trend is evident in the increasing number of conversion requests we’re receiving. We’re working tirelessly to meet this demand. Beyond the logistical and religious components, we view this as a mission to strengthen the Jewish people and the State of Israel, particularly during these times of conflict.’


The Prime Minister’s Office confirmed the trend despite not releasing accurate data on the demand for conversion since the war began. ‘The state conversion system noted an uptick in applications for conversion in the last quarter of 2023. However, it’s premature to definitively link this increase to the events of October 7. We plan to continue tracking the data throughout 2024, anticipating a sustained rise in conversion applications,’ the PMO said.

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