0 thoughts on “Since 1945, the USA has attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments”
  1. Dear old US of A. Its entire role ,is to rule the world for the International Jewish banking Elite. Funny,how at one time the Jews used the “Eastern Establishment”,to hide behind,Brown Brothers Harrimen,Rockefellers,JP Morgan,and other lights….kaboom ..they have been push aside for the Jews ! Did you ever notice how everyone the USA fights is ‘evi’,’corrupt,’un-democratic,’cruel?” Doesn’t it get stale? It is pure childishness,and the saps in the public eat it up. The love “MURIKAN EXCEPTIONALSISM”. Land of Wall-Mart,and Shopping Malls,a CVS on every corner,TV Preachers,sports ,and empty,self-created celebrities their concearn. What new oizza or burger,is being offered at the fast food places,….talentless Taylor Swift,who grew up in a mansion,in Wyomissing,PA,outss ide of poor Reading,Pa;(A place she denies,and will not return to)put up 1 million dollars of his own money,to to put his mean,bully,of a spioled daughter ,in to show biz…she has 200 million views on Y-Tube,to hear her screach. All while the Jewush Occupied US System takes the world down into hell. USA 1,USA 1!

  2. I read with,at first skepticism,than with greatinterest Roger Stones book:THE SECRETS OF NIXON: It is fascinating,and juicy. He does nottouch theJew issue,but throws curved punches,to my surprise. The CIA,is assualted heavily,and he attacks the criminal Bush Family-the Establishment backed young Nixon to take down Jerry Voorhis,who wanted the Federal Resewrve eliminted ! This cinced the work for me. …elemintes with theCIA,NA ,hated JFK,and Nixon,and wanted threm out -JEWS. The USA is an Empire,and set up,as the new British system. Poverty,and struggle,for the masses,and a small elite above:Jews,sports stars,celebrities,with no real appeal…….the cIAs. wole is to maintain this system,by taking over the planets resources. …no real jobs,opportunity for the masses. Controlled religion,politics ,conspiracy theory. Military industrial complex-the Rothschilds pay the bills. See:THE END OF SOVEREIGN MERICA:Real Jew News.Com, REAL MONEY & THE JEWISH DIALECTIC :Real Jew News.Com.

  3. The stench of innocent blood from tens of millions more than was “pinned” on the National Socialists has reached the heavens. May The Lord pass judgment on this writhing sewer known as the U.S.A. and quickly embrace Britain, Israel et al with the same.

  4. The problem is that majority of the American people don’t know about their country’s invasions around the world. Some even think that they have been exporting democracy to other countries and those countries don’t appreciate it…

    We should not expect any change in US foreign policies as long as people are either careless or brainwashed in this so-called free country…

  5. A lot of this is wrong. According to The Congress the U.S. has attacked over 70 countries since after WWII. We also dropped over 100 Million tons of bombs on foreign lands including atomic weapons and Depleted Uranium munition, killing over 50 Milliln civilians and counting.

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