The Blessed Bigotry of Mr Trump
by Israel Shamir

Only a dumb fish would complain if a man were to say: “I never eat fish, and I do not intend to eat fish”. Only the dumbest fish would condemn the man as a bigot: “What! He does not like us!” And yet, our Muslim American friends apparently emulate the stupid fish when speaking of Donald Trump.
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7 thoughts on “The Blessed Bigotry of Mr Trump”
  1. Quite a few problems with this article, besides its logic. Firstly, Americans are leaving the U.S. in record numbers, not sure where he got his stats on ‘brain drain’. Secondly, regardless of whether or not Trump believes the inflammatory remarks he made about Muslims or not, or if he was just pandering to the far-right for votes, is irrelevant. Now the far-right feels like they have a ‘leader’ who speaks for them. How exactly is Trump going to put that genie back in the bottle, even if he becomes president? Did any of you even think of that fact?
    So much for the Christian Muslim solidarity, good job TUT!
    ed note–I have dedicated the last 13+ years of my life, jeopardizing everything I have, for the cause of Christian/Islamic unity, and part of that mission in bringing it about is my support for Trump.
    He is not a ‘racist or a ‘nazi’ anymore than Muslims are followers of a ‘terrorist’ religion. The same people who demonized Islam and got a war started that has resulted in the incalculable human suffering that has taken place are the ones who don’t want anyone voting for Trump, and for easily discernible reasons–He is the only candidate–if elected–who will bring an end to the wars against Islam being fought for Israel’s benefit.
    As far as your other comments concerning ‘the right wing’ being a genie that needs being put back in the bottle–I am very right wing, as is most of the country, and if there is any chance of mobilizing what is left of the masculine energy needed in saving this country, it is by energizing the right wing.

  2. @MG: “I am very right wing, as is most of the country” That’s an interesting comment…
    I specifically said far-right, and here is your far-right which Trump has ‘energized’:
    Good luck with your unity…

    ed note–I am pretty ‘far-right’ as well, but for matters related to principle, unlike the knuckledraggers at the website you linked who are driven by their own personal failures and an insurmountable sense of their own race entitlement.
    I do agree with you however that there can be no ‘unity’ with idiots like this, but it is not Trump’s fault, but rather that of this ‘movement’ who tolerate and support garbage like this.

  3. @MG: “I do agree with you however that there can be no ‘unity’ with idiots like this.” Well, that is where you and I disagree then!

    ed note–well, then knock yourself out.
    Personally, having spent a good 25+ years around people like this, what I have learned in a manner up close and personal is that by and large they are unstable, unreliable types, one minute at your feet and the next minute at your throat and in general are driven more by their own personal issues arising out of being unmarried, childless, undereducated and under-employed. They are not ‘political’, except in the sense that they are looking for someone/something to blame for the unhappy state of life they suffer and are more interested in joining a support group of like-minded lonely hearts rather than being part of something substantive and productive.

  4. @MG: “…in general are driven more by their own personal issues arising out of being unmarried, childless, undereducated and under-employed. They are not ‘political’, except in the sense that they are looking for someone/something to blame for the unhappy state of life they suffer and are more interested in joining a support group of like-minded lonely hearts rather than being part of something substantive and productive.”
    Well, that is where we disagree also then, that and I’m no right-winger. I have been celibate for 14 years or more; have no children, and will never be married, yet I am no racist, nor am I unstable.
    We believe such behavior to be of genetic origin. We call them the ‘Untermenschen’. Now that they’re in your ‘big tent’, well, reap what you sow I guess…
    –ed note–please read again, with more care–
    ‘in general’
    Yes I acknowledge that there are exceptions, and you should thank your maker every day that you are one of those exceptions. But as I said, IN GENERAL, they do indeed conform to the rule, and moreso in America ad the other English-speaking countries than anywhere else.

  5. According to the mainstream media anyone opposed to “gay marriage” or illegal immigration is “far right”. If you’re a Christian and you work in a gov’t office and you refuse to sign off on a “gay marriage” license you are “far right”, In Europe anyone that is opposed to the mass immigration into those countries that is destroying the ethnic basis for those countries and introducing Islam into Christian Europe on a large scale is “far right”. Anyone that opposes the genocide of the European peoples is “far right”. Anyone in Europe that believes in freedom of speech and violates what views Europeans are allowed to express about WW II are “far right” and can be jailed. In the US or Europe if you think LGBT people are different or a little strange and you oppose their propaganda you are “far right”. All these things were considered normal, mainstream opinions forty years ago and by comparison what the mainstream has made acceptable and “normal” today would have been considered loony 40 years ago.
    The “far right” are the normal people, with normal, sane views. Other people have been conditioned thru propaganda to have far left, absurd views.

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