0 thoughts on “The class character of Syriza revealed”
  1. From what I glean, Syriza will veto EU sanctions against Russia and Is against the rape of its economy by the banksters. This criticism of Syriza doesn’t feel right to me.

  2. Thank you for posting this. It confirms what I’ve said all along, that Syriza will bring no “change.” Syriza wants to keep the euro, and they have decided to continue participating in the sanctions against Russia.

    ”By joining with ANEL, Syriza was seeking to create the best conditions for shifting its policy to the right, while signaling to the Greek and international bourgeoisie that its new government is no threat to their fundamental interests.”

    “Bourgeoisie” means the rich owners and financiers. Politicians are their puppets.

    ” Control of the Ministry of Defense has been handed to Independent Greeks leader, Panos Kammenos, a man with close links to the military. In his first statement as minister, Kammenos pledged to find funds for new armaments programs, maintain current ones and review new threats to security.”

    And therein lies a big part of Greece’s problem. With a population of just 11 million, Greece is the largest importer of conventional weapons in Europe—and ranks fifth in the world. Greece spends a whopping 3 percent of its gross domestic product on military hardware, compared to an average 1.7% in the other European NATO countries, including nations involved in conflicts such as Britain, France and Germany.

    The very nations that have been pushing the Greek government to squeeze Greek workers are the same nations that have been pushing Greece to purchase massive amounts of worthless weapons.

    And where do all these useless weapons comes from? Germany! The country that endlessly scolds Greece for “living beyond its means.” Greece buys endless mountains of useless German weapons on credit, and the debt is dumped on the Greek masses. Military spending over the past 30 years accounts for over 1/3 of Greece’s current debt.

    This continues because Germany bribes Greek politicians to keep the scam going.

    When German Chancellor Angela Merkel scolded the Greek government “to do its homework” on debt reduction, she wasn’t talking about revisiting the over one billion dollars that Greece had spent on two submarines from Germany, or the more than two dozen F16 fighter jets it bought from the United States at a cost of more than 2 billion dollars.

    “It is well known that the Greek police force is staffed with supporters of fascism. In last week’s election, as was the case in the 2012 election, between 40 and 50 percent of officers voted for the fascist Golden Dawn party.”

    Whoops. The World Socialist Web Site is Marxist in orientation, and therefore has no idea what “fascism” means. In realty the police always work for the rich. Their job is to maintain the gap between the rich and the rest. Therefore they routinely arrest members of the Golden Dawn Party who call for genuine equality.

    “The Syriza government is appealing to European countries, including Italy and France, and above all to the United States, to urge the type of reflationary strategy of quantitative easing already announced by the European Central Bank—in order to prevent a renewed plunge into global recession.”

    Like I said, Syriza does not represent change. Quantitative easing is about juicing Wall Street, not helping Main Street. Syriza favors this.

    No wonder the money masters installed Alex Tsipras. His job is to create the illusion of caring about the Greek masses while they continue to be raped.

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