
[Ariadna: I asked a good friend, Pedro Amado (a Spanish-speaking Christian with a solid grounding in Christian dogma) his opinion about Pope Francis’ various recent pronouncements. The Pope’s Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, in which he said, “We hold the Jewish people in special regard because their covenant with God has never been revoked” elicited from Pedro a response best translated into English as, “Is he for real?!” I asked Pedro to put his views in writing and I then translated the essay he sent me.

The Pope’s Bible, Pedro demonstrates, appears to be his own, ductile as a piece of chewing gum, to be stretched and twisted at will.

For Spanish speakers I append his original below my translation. Instead of translating the scriptural quotes that Pedro included, I replaced them with the corresponding citations from my copy of King James Bible, although I found the Spanish version clearer and even more beautiful; however, the meaning is identical and unambiguous in both.]

Cardinal Bergoglio Celebrates Hanukkah at a Buenos Aires Synagogue in December, 2012, four months prior to his Papal election.

The Pope’s Statements and the Bible’s Doctrine

By Pedro Amado

“The Covenant of God with the Jews was never revoked.” These words pronounced by Pope Francis not long ago deserve to be analyzed for two reasons. First, we need to determine to which covenant he is referring. Second, we need to clarify if his statements are in agreement with what the Bible says, or if the Pope only spoke for himself.

It is not a question of defending the biblical doctrine but simply of stating briefly what the Bible says in this respect.

In the Bible there are eight covenants with God:

1) The Edenic Covenant (Genesis 1:28-30) between God and Man.

2) The Adamic Covenant (Genesis 3:14-19), which governs life after the Fall.

3) The Covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:1-17), which governs life in the new beginning.

4) The Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15:18), which promises Abraham plentiful descendance and blessings, both spiritual and material.

5) The Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 19:25). This Covenant was made with Israel.

6) The Palestine Covenant (Deuteronomy 30:3), which indicates the conditions under which Israel will enter the land of Canaan.

7) The Davidic Covenant (II. Samuel 7:8-17) on which the kingdom of Christ is based (Luke 1:13-33; Hch. 2:29-36; 15:14-18).

8) The New Covenant (Hebrews 8:6-13), better than the Mosaic Covenant (Hebrews 7:19; Romans 8:3, 4). This covenant is based on the sacrifice of Christ and bestows eternal blessing unde the Covenant of Abraham (Galatians 3:13-29) to all those who believe.

Evidently, Pope Francis refers to the Mosaic Covenant or the Covenant of Law made with Israel, which establishes:

(1) The commandments that express God’s will (Exodus 20:1-26);

(2) The laws that govern the social life of Israel (Exodus 21:1-24:11);

(3) The requirements that govern the religious life of Israel (Exodus 24:12- 31:18).

All of these together form the body of the Law. (The Palestine Covenant – the other covenant God made with Israel — only applies to entering Canaan).

Now the question is: did the Mosaic Pact, or the Covenant of the Law, expire or not?

Let us see what the Bible says in this respect:

“For if the first Covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.” (Hebrews 8.7)

and when God speaks of a new pact it is because, “In that he saith, A new Covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.” (Hebrews 8:13).

And why is the Covenant of the Law imperfect?

“For the law [of Moses] having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect.” (Hebrews 10:1)

Furthermore, why are those who place their trust in the Law under damnation, because the Scripture says: “For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written: Curse is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.” (Galatians 3:10).


“But before the Faith came, we were kept under the Law, shut up unto the Faith which should afterwards be revealed.” (Galatians 3:23).

The Bible adds:

“But now we are delivered from the Law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the leter.” (Romans 7:6)


“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.” (Romans 8:1-3)

“And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.” (Hebrews 9:15).

In summary, the Mosaic Covenant was temporary, to continue only until the arival of Christ. And Christ has already arrived, just as the Bible teaches, therefore the Covenant of the Law has expired.

Furthermore, “For you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26).

It no longer matters whether Jew or Greek, slave or free man, man or woman, because united in Christ all are one (Galatians 3:28).

“For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us.

Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of comandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.

And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby.” (Ephesians 2:14-16).

As we can see, the Bible clearly teaches that the Covenant of the Law was revoked and that in its place the New Covenant with Christ is now in force. According to this covenant the inheritors of God’s promises (which are eternal) are no longer only the Jews but all the people, and not for observing the law but for faith in Christ.

From all this transpires that the Jews, far from being at peace with God, are in reality a people in obvious rebelion against God for not having placed their faith in Christ, and that they will continue to be so until they accept the New Covenant. The Jews keep clinging to a legal system that is no longer valid in God’s eyes and to a ritual law that has lost its reason of existence. (Hebrews 9:1; 11-14).

This has been a summary of what the Bible teaches about the Jews’ Covenant with God. Every person is free to decide whether to believe or not in what the Bible teaches. Nevertheless, those who, like Pope Francis, claim that they believe the Bible must accept it as is. The Bible’s doctrine is not a piece of chewing gum to stretch at will in order to please all and not hurt some sensitivities. As the saying goes, one cannot serve both God and the Devil, whether Pope Francis likes it or not.

This is known as orthodoxy. Orthodoxy in doctrinal matters is not exclusive to biblical doctrine; it is in fact a common trait of all the religious doctrines of the world. Orthodoxy is the defense mechanism that a doctrine –- whichever one — needs to have in order to avoid being contaminated or “cannibalized” by another. It is a question of survival. Why then do they not open the doors of the synagogues to Christian service as Francis did by opening the gates of a Christian church to the Judaic rite?

With all this in mind one cannot help but ask if Pope Francis truly believes what he says or is simply in the service of other interests, very different from those of Him whom the Pope is supposed to represent here on earth.

The Pope’s actions and his statements speak for themselves.

Pedro Amado’s Original


“El Pacto de Dios con los judíos no caduco´.”Estas palabras pronunciadas por el Papa Francisco no hace mucho tiempo atrás merecen ser analizadas brevemente por dos razones. Primero debemos determinar a qué Pacto hace referencia el Papa. En segundo lugar debemos aclarar si sus dichos confirman lo que dice la Biblia, o si solo habló por su cuenta.

No se trata aquí de hacer una apología de la doctrina bíblica, sino simplemente de exponer brevemente lo que la Biblia dice al respecto.

En la Biblia encontramos 8 Pactos de Dios con los hombres:

1) El Pacto Edénico (Gén. 1:28-30) entre Dios y el hombre.

2) El Pacto Adámico (Gén. 3:14-19), que gobierna la vida del hombre después de su caída.

3) El Pacto con Noé (Gén. 9:1-17), que regula la vida del hombre en su nuevo comienzo.

4) El Pacto con Abraham (Gén. 15:18), que promete a Abraham numerosa descendencia y bendiciones tanto espirituales como materiales.

5) El Pacto Mosaico (Éxodo 19:25). Este pacto es hecho con Israel.

6) El Pacto Palestino (Deut. 30:3) que señala las condiciones bajo las cuales Israel entraría en la tierra de Canaán.

7) El Pacto Davídico (2 Sam 7:8-17) sobre el cual se basa el reino de Cristo (Luc. 1:13-33; Hch. 2:29-36; 15:14-18).

8) Nuevo Pacto (He. 8:6-13) mejor que el pacto mosaico (He. 7:19; Ro 8:3,4). Este pacto se basa en sacrificio de Cristo y garantiza la bendición eterna bajo el pacto de Abraham (Gl.3:13-29) a todo aquel que cree.

Evidentemente, el Papa Francisco se refiere al Pacto Mosaico o Pacto de la Ley hecho con Israel, en el cual se establece: 1) los mandamientos que expresan la voluntad de Dios (Ex. 20:1-26). 2) Los juicios que gobiernan la vida social de Israel (Ex. 21:1-24:11). 3) Las ordenanzas que gobiernan la vida religiosa de Israel (Ex. 24:12- 31:18); que juntos forman el cuerpo de La Ley.( El Pacto Palestino-el otro pacto de Dios con Israel-solo aplicó para la entrada a Canaán).

Ahora la pregunta es: ¿el Pacto Mosaico o Pacto de la Ley, caducó sí o no?. Veamos que dice la Biblia al respecto: “Si la primera alianza (Pacto de La Ley) hubiera sido perfecta, no habría sido necesaria una segunda alianza (Nuevo Pacto)” (He.8.7) y “Cuando Dios habla de una nueva alianza es porque ha declarado vieja a la primera; y a lo que está viejo y anticuado, poco le falta para desaparecer”. (He. 8:13).

¿Y por qué el Pacto de La Ley no es perfecto? “Porque la ley de Moisés era solamente una sombra de los bienes que habían de venir, y no su presencia verdadera. Por eso la ley nunca puede hacer perfectos a quienes cada año se acercan a Dios para ofrecerle los mismos sacrificios”. (He. 10:1). Además, porque “quienes ponen su confianza en la ley están bajo maldición, porque la Escritura dice: Maldito sea el que no cumple fielmente todo lo que está escrito en el Libro de La Ley”. (Gl. 3:10). Y “antes de venir la fe, la ley nos tenía presos, esperando a que la fe fuera dada a conocer”. (Gl. 3:23).

Y agrega la Biblia: “Pero ahora hemos muerto a la ley que nos tenía bajo su poder, quedando así libres para servir a Dios en la nueva vida del Espíritu y no bajo una ley ya anticuada”. (Ro 7:6). Y : “Así pues ahora ya no hay ninguna condenación para los que están unidos a Cristo Jesús, porque la ley del Espíritu que da vida en Cristo Jesús te liberó de la ley del pecado y de la muerte. Porque ha hecho lo que la ley de Moisés no pudo hacer, pues no era capaz de hacerlo debido a la debilidad humana….”. (Ro. 8:1-3). “Por eso, Jesucristo es mediador de una nueva alianza y un nuevo testamento, pues con su muerte libra a los hombres de los pecados cometidos bajo la primera alianza, y hace posible que los que Dios ha llamado reciban la herencia eterna que Él les ha prometido”. (He. 9:15).

En resumen, el Pacto Mosaico fue temporal, esto es que continuaría solo hasta la venida de Cristo. Y Cristo ya vino, por lo tanto, tal como lo enseña la Biblia, el Pacto de La Ley ya caducó.

Ahora, “por la fe en Cristo Jesús todos son hijos de Dios”. (Gl.3:26). “Ya no importa el ser judío o griego, esclavo o libre, hombre o mujer; porque unidos a Cristo Jesús, todos son uno solo”. ( Gl.3:28). “Cristo es nuestra paz. El hizo de judíos y de no judíos un solo pueblo, destruyó el muro que los separaba y anuló en su propio cuerpo la enemistad que existía. Puso fin a la ley que consistía en mandatos y reglamentos, y en sí mismo creó de las dos partes un solo hombre nuevo. Así hizo la paz. El puso fin, en sí mismo, a la enemistad que existía entre los dos pueblos, y con su muerte en la cruz los reconcilió con Dios, haciendo de ellos un solo cuerpo”. (Ef.2:14-16).

Como vemos la Biblia, claramente, enseña que el Pacto de La Ley ya caducó y que en su lugar ahora, rige un Nuevo Pacto en Cristo. Según este Pacto, ya no son sólo los judíos los herederos de las Promesas de Dios (que sí son eternas) sino todos los hombres; y no ya por el cumplimiento de la ley, sino por la fe en Cristo.

De todo esto se desprende que los judíos, lejos de estar en paz con Dios, son en realidad un pueblo que está en clara rebeldía contra Dios por no haber depositado su fe en Cristo, y seguirán estándolo hasta tanto no acepten el Nuevo Pacto. Los judíos siguen aferrándose a un sistema legal que ya no es tenido en cuenta por Dios, y a una ley ritual que ya no tiene razón de ser (He. 9:1; 11-14).

Hasta aquí esta reseña de lo que la Biblia dice en cuanto al Pacto de Dios con los judíos. Cada hombre decide libremente si cree o no cree en lo que dice la Biblia. Pero los que, como el Papa Francisco afirman creer en ella, deben aceptarla tal como es. La doctrina bíblica no es un chicle que pueda ser estirado al antojo de cada uno para dejar contentos a todos y no herir susceptibilidades. Como se dice comúnmente, no podemos estar bien con Dios y con el diablo, mal que le pese al Papa Francisco.

Esto se conoce como ortodoxia. La ortodoxia en materia doctrinal no es privativa de la doctrina bíblica, sino que es un rasgo común que comparten todas las doctrinas religiosas del mundo. La ortodoxia es el resguardo que la doctrina-sea cual sea- necesita para no ser contaminada o ser “canibalizada” por otra. Es una cuestión de supervivencia. Si así no fuera ¿Por qué entonces no se abren las puertas de las sinagogas al culto cristiano tal como Francisco lo hizo al abrir las puertas de un templo cristiano al rito judío?.

Con todo esto en mente uno termina preguntándose si realmente el Papa Francisco cree en aquello que dice creer, o si simplemente está al servicio de otros intereses muy distintos de los intereses de Aquél a quien dice representar aquí en la tierra.

Sus dichos y sus actos hablan por sí mismos.

0 thoughts on “The Pope’s Bible — A Piece of Chewing Gum”
  1. Just to be clear. Let’s NOT call him “pope”. How about Francis or antipope?? Or apostate?
    Calling him ‘pope ‘gives him credibility and legitimacy, which he doesn’t have or deserve.
    The man is bogus, fake. He is a False Prophet described in the Apocalypse.

  2. A brilliant article,and wonderful explanation..I am not religvious, but for those who are this proves the apostosy of those who associate Christ,with OT ” Law ,and not a break.

    Pope Francis is rejecting Christ’s entire mission by saying the ” Old Covenant is still for the Jews”.

    There’s is neither Jew not agree in Christ Jesus.

    He is placing Yahweh in charge,and riding behind Christ. This puts the Jews ,over mankind ,and keeps their bogus,” Chosen People”, nonsense.

    But of course they are a Chosen of a tribal diety ,who would never allow another God ,son or not to supplant him ! Thou shall not have any Gods before me ,means Christ, and obviously still stands !

    No where does the Noahide Laws predict ,or want,” a son” .

    The Jews are already redeemed ,by their ” blood”.

    The Pope is a traitor .He really means it, when he bows to the Jews, and covers Christ Cross.
    I have not even heard him utter the word ,” Jesus Christ”, since the International Jews appointed him !
    Antipope Francis, is following the line of the Evangelicals . Calvin ,Cromwell, Darby, Scofield , and their TV preacher masonic heirs.

    Is Francis evil? He sure is serving it ! You decide.

    By their works ye shall know them .

  3. BRILLIANT!!!!

    Wonderful article and hope many read. I would only add one piece of scripture and that is God divorced physical Israel: Jeremiah 3:8. Christ made it a spiritual covenant at the cross.


  4. Before discussing the non-historicity of all these “biblical covenants,” I would like to briefly point out the origins and literary evolution of the biblical god. The deity worshipped by the Israelites started out as the tribal war god of a people the Egyptians referred to as the Shasu. They were Bedouin who roamed with their flocks from Edom through the Negev into northern Sinai (the exact geographical area attributed to the post-Exodus wanderings of the Israelites). The god of the Shasu, called Yahu (Yahweh), is mentioned on two royal Egyptian stelae, one from the reign of Amenhotep III in the 14th century BCE, and another from the reign of Ramesses II in the 13th century. A stela enumerating the Canaanite conquests of Ramesses II’s son and royal successor, Pharaoh Mer-en-ptah, mentions that he wiped out a tribe in southern Canaan called Yisrael. The Mer-en-ptah stela (also called the “Israel Stela”) is dated to 1207 BCE. From this point onward, the oral and later written traditions concerning this deity began developing, and Yahweh began taking on the characteristics, epithets, and mythic actions of El, the patriarchal god of the West Semitic pantheon, and Ba‘al, the warrior and storm god of the pantheon, as well as the characteristics of several other deities, such as the warrior goddess Anat and the plague god Resheph. In other words, the god of the Hebrews is a composited literary character, built from the parts of older West Semitic deities and inserted into the biblical folktales and myths which the biblical authors “borrowed” from all the ancient cultures around them, cultures which they openly despised, but had no shame regarding the theft of their myths for their own purposes.

    Regarding these multiple “biblical covenants,” there was no covenant in Eden between Adam, his wife, and the god Yahweh. The whole myth, talking snake and all, is a clever literary mix of three different, but related, creation stories borrowed from the Canaanites, Mesopotamians, and Persians.

    There was no covenant with anyone named Noah, for the entire story of the Great Deluge was ripped off from the Mesopotamians (cf. the epics of Gilgamesh and Atrahasis). This is not history, it is plagiarized mythology, and in the original Flood myths there is no covenant made between any of the characters in the story.

    There was no covenant between Abraham and Yahweh (in a dream), for the biblical tales of the patriarchs are simply collected oral traditions of tribal folklore (literally filled with historical anachronisms) based upon eponymous tribal ancestors, for whose existence there is not a single shred of archaeological or inscriptional evidence. The modern day descendants of Khazarian and Berber converts to “Judaism” are actually trying to make a case for their theft of Palestine and the brutalization of its people based upon nothing more than a story in which a non-existent, humanly constructed deity appears in the dream of Abraham, a fictional character from Israelite folklore. Amazing, and this con job only works because the Gentile world of adults possesses the religious naivete of a bunch of six year olds in Sunday school.

    There also was no Mosaic covenant for the very simple reason that the biblical Exodus (taking up 4 volumes of the Torah) did not historically occur (AT ALL). The mythic biblical exodus is based upon the actual documented HISTORY of the Canaanites being militarily driven out of Egypt en masse around 1532 BCE after they had controlled northern Egypt for a little over a century. Actually, the Canaanite Hyksos were the de facto controllers of half of Egypt and they enslaved the Egyptians, not the other way around. The Egyptian army of Pharaoh Ahmoses (notice the name!), the founder of Dynasty 18 and the New Kingdom period, liberated his country from the control of the Western Semites and drove them back into Canaan. Pharaoh Ahmoses, after besieging their capital city of Avaris in the Delta, gave these people free and unmolested passage out of the country, and this actual exodus consisted of around 2,000 people walking back into Canaan with the Egyptian army escorting them out of the country. This is all recorded in various royal Egyptian texts. Of course, the men who wrote the five books of the Torah turned this actual history of Egypt into a large mythological epic starring the Israelites, who were portrayed as the poor slave victims of the mean Egyptians. Long story short – the biblical Exodus, the revelation of The Law on Mount Sinai (much of which was ripped off from Mesopotamian law tablets), and the Mosaic covenant are all fictional narratives written down in the late 7th century BCE, and further developed during the Babylonian exile of the 6th century.

    Regarding the so-called Davidic covenant, this is based on a series of Hebrew folktales concerning the lives of two legendary “kings” (David and Solomon) and their all-powerful kingdom for which there is, again, ZERO archaeological proof. The David and Solomon stories were based on an oral folklore tradition known as the “David cycle.” If David and his son Solomon (Shlomo) actually did exist, they were not “kings” over a “kingdom,” but most likely over-glorified “tribal chieftains” to whom became attached various tales of heroism over several centuries before they were all written down sometime in the 6th century BCE.

    As religiously blasphemous as most of this information may sound to some, these are not my individual opinions, but form the modern historical consensus reached by over two centuries of research by thousands of the greatest scholars of the ancient Near and Middle East. What is happening in “modern” biblical scholarship is that archaeologists and textual researchers have been piecing together the actual history of the development of the Israelites, their two Iron Age kingdoms, and the evolution of “Judaic monotheism,” a process which is now understood to have taken place in multiple stages over five centuries, not even fully manifesting until the writings of Deutero-Isaiah (Isaiah 40-66) under the social, political, and religious pressures of the ‘Exilic period’ (587-539 BCE). And yes, the Babylonian exile is real and verifiable history.

    As soon as you liberate your modern mind from all these ancient fairytales, the better you are going to feel. People who do not understand the fictional nature of the Bible will always be subject to the con games played by religious charlatans who use the Bible as their main weapon against your mind and soul. The Bible, in fact, is probably the greatest obstacle to true spiritual understanding. If you think that the composited literary character known as Yahweh is “God,” then your understanding of the Divine is pretty much ZERO. The ineffably awesome and transcendent Godhead sits in the heart of your soul, always offering full wisdom and love. We do not need to keep our minds and hearts chained anymore to this primitive collection of Hebrew fairytales. Cut your mental chains to this collection of humanly concocted tales, and God (the real one) will appear to you with open and liberating arms. Free your mind, heart, and soul!

  5. Bill, thanks for this extremely interesting and just as extremely irrelevant comment. Imagine for a moment that you are watching a poker game and notice that one of the players is playing with marked cards. You call him out on it but a Bill Burroughs intervenes and starts giving you the history and origins of the poker game after which he lectures everyone on the intrinsic immorality of the game.
    Let me restate the premises of this article:
    1. Pope Francis is the head of the Catholic Church, hence implicitly Christian to his gills… remember the saying “more Catholic than the Pope.”
    2. As such he is supposed to know better than anyone that Christian dogma is precisely that: DOGMA. Not ductile, not kneadable, but immanent, yet he does it time and again as if he either doesn’t not know any better or he thinks he can put one over his flock.
    3. By twisting Christian dogma to suit the purposes of very much “OTHER THAN” Christians interests, he is in fact betraying his faith. Hence the Pope is an impostor.
    That’s it.
    Nothing in the essay addresses the historicity of the Bible, nothing about its origin.
    Of course you are welcome to take a walk through the left field anytime, just so long as we know it has nothing to do with the post.

  6. Please let me thank Bill Burroughs for his most brilliant comment here !

    I am most grestful to him.
    The tragedy of our roof is that a nsdty cut and paste job ,manipulated ,and configured by religions/ political authorities has been considered the ” word of God”.

    Far from it, as I have never found much spirituallity in it at all !
    I see the story of a political maneuver, hate, geography ,real estate, and a crushing material miasma ,which sanctify exploitation, and places the unnatural on the natural !

    The work is wholly political ,but as it is believed, it is reality ,and we must deal with it !

    To liberate oneself from its literal context ,and studying directly ,with ” awesome reference”, I have found the most spiritual liberation, and enlightenment that I ever had !

    Instead of being away from ” God”, I am closer because sorry,I cannot believe he lives in that book !
    If so, I reject Him,as an ogre ,and fool. An endorser of child sacrifice, and genocide !

    A cheap,petty mind of limited love,and power…a childish ,and capricious personality I wouldn’t want to know as a mortal friend, let alone ” God”.

    But that primitive manner ,is why it is used by the powerful to rule,and manipulate the masses.

    The tragedy is people of limited horizons will now call me every possible calumny.
    Because they are ” for God”.

    But they are for ,a” a book ” they project their own prejudices on,and hide their hate behind.

    It can sanctify anything.

    Well I don’t sanctify anything,and will place my morality, and spiritual connection go the true universal good,over any petty pages of a book endorsed by mortal men.

  7. That should be ,” The tragedy of our epoch”,is that a nasty cut and paste job”.
    Androids can have a power if their own !

  8. Duly noted, Dante. The scope and vantage point of this essay, however, are IMO simply limited to the question:
    As a Christian, indeed as the alleged “representative of the Lord on earth,” is the Pope faithful to Christian dogma or is he betraying it?
    For that reason I am more interested in hearing whether people agree with the essay’s conclusions or not, rather than in a lateral discussion on the fallacy of any and all religions that you propose, not that it may not be interesting when apropos.

  9. I studied Amado’s work and the translation, a very good and precise one, good to learn both languages. Besides I have this comment: I grew up Catholic, now I’m not. Francis, the marxist viper is an antipope, a puppet of the evil jews. Since Vatican II the church lost its credibility and became derailed or separated from Christ, with several jewish popes and at least kosher all of them. Catholicism is in the dust. With respect to Bill Burroughs’ comment, I think it’s true and very good too, tangential but very good. The real God, I continue to believe, is Jesus Christ. Bless you all guys. “Before considering any hypothesis, any”scientific” theory, any doctrine, any narrative, one must research the author’s race; if he/she is a Jew, the Goy cannot expect anything good from that jewish work…” (Quote from Father Bustamante and Dr. Palacios). I could not do a very good translation like Ariadna, in Spanish it sounds better, more euphonic, I love as well many sayings in English that sound beatiful to my ears). Vale

  10. Thank you for your comment, Omar. I very much liked your concise description of Pope Francis, reserved as it is 🙂
    “Francis, the marxist viper is an antipope, a puppet of the evil jews.”

  11. Ariad ,your indulgence again,to reply.
    I hoped that I made it clear in my earlier comment that I heartily agree with this brilliant essay that Francis ,indeed none of the Vatican 2 Popes represent Peter,…” On the rock I shall build this Church “.
    Jesus Christ.

    It was just such a feast ,to see Bull Burroughs post in reference to the fascinating thrust of the original

    I never even heard Francis use the word ,” Christ”.

    He is such a Judaic construct !

    My late gracious mother was once told to take a picture ( I still posess it), off the wall ,as not to offend a coming Jewish guest .

    She refused !

    For Francis to hide the cross of Christ, and his before the president of a temporal state ,Israel who rejects Christ ,is absolute betrayel of Jesus Christ.

    He did this before Rabbis as well.

    These acts are much deeper than just the clumsy attempts of a dolt not to offend .
    They are symbolic of Francis negating the ” New Covenant “, for the old .

    He is submerging Christ for Yahweh ….take note how he never refers to the Trinity ?

    That is because, ” Thou shalt have no other Gods,but Yahweh “.

    When crypto Jew Anti Pope Paul VI visited the UN in 1966 ,he descretly wore a small facsimile of the breast plate of the High Priest if Israel ,emblazoned with 12 precious,and semi previous stones ,rerpresenting the twelve tribes if Israel !

    This was the same thing that Caiphus wore ,as he condemned Christ for ” blasphemy to Yahweh ” ,before the Sanhedrin.

    It said to the International Jews that Christ is condemned again !
    The single tribal God of the Jews ,Yahweh still rules. The New Covenant negated.

    Since Vatican 2 the Catholic Church lost its prestige,and has gone into confusion, scandal, and ridicule.
    The faithful are in denial, or to obtuse to see.

    Francis entire Papacy is about making the Catholic Church wholly in accord with the Jews NWO agenda.
    He has made it very clear Christ us not his interest ! Only the Jews are.

  12. Sorry ariadnatheo, I do understand your points, and yes, I am fully aware that the Pope is a Christian, however, the article under discussion begins with a quote from the current leader of the Catholic Church who states that “The Covenant of God with the Jews was never revoked,” and the author goes on to ask which covenant he is referring to, with a listing of multiple covenants between “God” (played by Yahweh, the Hebrew conception of “God”) and various biblical characters – Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon (all who have been proven to be mytho-folkloric in nature). The author then asks: “…did the Mosaic Pact, or the Covenant of the Law, expire or not?”

    So my point in posting this here was not to discuss whether the pope is a bonafide Christian, or is a heretical front for world Jewry’s long-time infiltration of the Catholic Church, but rather to point out that discussing the ins and outs of biblical covenants and the pope’s comments regarding them is an exercise in futility as all of these “divine covenants” are completely fictitious. There was NO covenant between God and the tribal people called Israel, and in this regard, briefly discussing the origins and multi-century evolution of Yahweh as one of several deities worshipped by the Israelites, including the goddess Asherah, is relevant to an understanding of the non-historical literary nature of the biblical deity, an entity who does not actually exist outside of the biblical text. If, as several centuries of multi-discipline research has shown, Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and the god who made covenants with them are all religious literary characters, then discussing the historicity of the characters who make up the core foundations of Hebrew myth and epic is relevant to the big religious picture in which both Jews and Christians are running around an imaginary tree having profound discussions over the nuances of literary fiction and mythology as if these events actually happened in history. The discussion of the non-historical nature of the entire biblical Exodus epic is especially relevant – no Israelites enslaved in Egypt during the reign of Ramesses II + no mass exodus of slaves from Egypt + no Moses parting the Sea of Reeds + no divine law revealed at Sinai and written on Babylonian style tablets = no covenant between God and the Israelites – end of story. So the answer to the question of whether the Mosaic Pact, or the Covenant of the Law, expired or not is that the covenant never existed and is merely a religious invention of the Jerusalem priests, scribes, and scholars who composed and redacted the thirty-nine books of the Hebrew Bible over a period of four or five centuries.

  13. Love your blog, BTW, and I have you on my blog roll. Just a few quick points on “god” that most religious adherents will never mention. I was raised in a baptist home and told that my god was also the god of the Jewish people. There a a few problems with this and I request an additional minute to explain.
    1)Genesis 1:26, 3:22 and 11:6,7 all have one commonality – it clearly states that there is a group consciousness and not a single entity that pretends to be a singular, masculine god.
    2) The very words of the Christ, as he spoke to the religious class, are completely overlooked by ministers, namely, John 8:44, where he “suggests” that their god is the father of lies and a murderer. Clearly, their god is not the “Heavenly Father”, according to Jesus himself. How can this collective of entities (some names found in the Kaballa) be the “God” of Christianity?

    And yet….this is seldom taught or talked about in Christian circles. As a quick aside to this…. some have claimed that The Protocols were/are an elaborate hoax, with many believing that and yet have not read a word of them. According to them, the RC church must be destroyed so the “king of the Jews” can be crowned as King of the World. That is allegedly the end goal of these secret “Jews”. It suggests strongly, I would add, that the Pope will not head the “new and improved” one world religion, as so many have speculated. For those who are observant, the present Pope’s ascendancy was somewhat unusual, when combined with the Malachy prophecies, you must admit.

    Sorry for going off topic a bit but this post just got me thinking…which is dangerous at the best of Very interesting post and insight. I’ve enjoyed the range of comments as well.

  14. Bill, I also understand your points. Kamal Salibi wrote a superb study (The Historicity of Biblical Israel) in which he demonstrates, not by common sense, but with definitive archeological, historical and linguistic research data that NONE of the tale proposed in the OT about the so-called history of the Hebrews is valid. No, they were never slaves in Egypt, etc.
    Nevertheless, when Christians refer to the Bible they mean BOTH the OT and the NT. In front of the OT there is no page that says “This is what Christ rejected. And by the way it’s all bunkum but it has some passages of literary merit.”
    In the early centuries of Christianity (in the Byzantine empire) there were attempts to excise the OT from what came to be known as the Bible, but they failed. Perhaps they failed because the idea was to give Jesus— although his historicity is not seriously in doubt — a venerable priestly genealogy? The fact remains that Christianity accepts the OT as valid history while rejecting its theogony, its God concept and its entire ethical scaffolding. So when someone claims to be a Christian, he must be judged by these accepted norms, which Pedro Amado did. If I analyze ‘Julius Caesar’ by Shakespeare, I critique it from the point of view of its internal dramatic consistency, I don’t pick on the Bard for the historical inaccuracies in it. That was my point.

  15. Excelent article and comments.Of the utmost importance regarding Pope’s speech before UN this week that might eventually move RCC closer to the jews than ever . Thanks.

  16. The Truth is simple like that: I’ll make it as brief as possible.
    The satanic, judeo-masonic Forces for many centuries plotted the infiltration and ultimately the destruction of the Catholic Faith and the Church , the only real true opponent to their demonic Powers.
    They finally managed to achieve part of its goal by oficially overtaking the Institution of the Catholic Church during Vatican 2 Council ( 1962-65). Obviously the preparations for THIS massive physical and spiritual takeover started many decades earlier.
    Their initial goal was /is TO USE the Institution of the Catholic Church itself in order to destroy the FAITH of its believers.. They ‘ve managed to achieve that through the promotion of a pseudo-religion ( known to some as the V-2 ‘religion’) something that RESEMBLES Catholicism, but in reality is NOT the real thing.
    “……you MUST have a new dogma, new ministry, new rituals, new religion that VERY CLOSELY resemble those of the surrendered Church…”.

    As freemasons predicted”‘many cardinals, bishops, priests, believers, etc.,will think that they are marching under the banner of the keys of Peter , while, in fact ,they are marching under the banner set by Freemasonry.”
    Another major , mega- deceit that was plotted against the people.
    This time with eternal consequences.

  17. All of it was all predicted in the Bible and in many Catholic prophecies and visions ,( La Sallete, Fatima, Katherine Emmerich, pope Leo XIII and more), so in a way , ‘sub sole nihil novi est’.
    It was predicted that “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist..”
    and that ” the Church will be in eclipse.”. ,and etc.
    We are now witnessing the fulfillment of many of those prophecies , and since only the “Divine Providence” fulfills the words of the real, true prophets, we should pay close attention to them ,
    and consider them NOT as some bogus hocus-pocus tricks , but as the signs and warnings
    that the Final Days are here, and the Day of Judgement is coming , and those who are not true beleives wil be very sorry for ever, and ever ,and ever…………….ever.

    “…These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church,
    the spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter
    and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, …”

  18. Look in to the eyes of the Pope in that above photo…
    The eyes are the window to the soul..
    & I have seen the eyes of a ready to strike Cobra….

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