ed note–as we say here often, one cannot understand the larger world and the major geo-political events taking place these days without first understanding the Judaic underpinnings that subtly influence and guide the direction of these events.


Yes, the following piece was written by a Judaic nutjob who is using the opinions and writings of another Judaic nutjob in fleshing out the thesis.


But what Gentiles reading this have to understand is that it is precisely THESE types who behind the scenes manipulate and maneuver the levers of power in the same way that a preacher or pastor from the pulpit instigates and initiates ideas and themes that are then manifested in the ‘real world’ once church service is over and life picks up again where it left off.


That Jewry views the West as ‘Edom’–said to be the descendants of Esau who–as the Torah makes clear–was cheated out of his birthright by his brother Jacob who later was re-named ‘Israel’ speaks mountains to several ideas–


1. The biblically-instituted justification for Judaic thievery of today’s Western world that is manifested in the PREDOMINANT role that Jewish interests play in the financial concerns of the West and how all Western societies are held captive to the power of Jewish money,




2. The larger view of it all, which is the manner in which Judaism views today’s West as the great, great grandchildren of the same Romans who destroyed Jerusalem and scattered the Jews to the 4 corners, resulting in their ‘exile’.


Remember, as history has demonstrated now beyond any doubt or dispute, the Jews as a group ‘never forget’ and NEVER forgive. Their religious feasts–thousands of years along in their celebrations–commemorate and cheer the revenge that befell Gentiles in Egypt, Persia, Greece, Babylon, etc who got sideways with the apple of Yahweh’s eye and who received a healthy dose of holy hell for doing so.


At present however, there is no ‘celebration’ of the defeat of Rome, whose treatment of the Jews has from an historical perspective been the most enduring and severe–2,000 years of exile, and 2,000 years of ‘anti-shemitism’ that then resulted in the ultimate tragedy of human existence, the ‘Hollerco$t’.


What we are witnessing now on a geo-political level viz the Zionist-instigated ‘war on terror’ between the Christian West (Edom) and the Islamic East (Ishmael) is Judea’s revenge against Rome in preparation for the creation of a new Judaic feast modeled along the same lines of already existing feasts such as Passover, Purim, H’Nookah, etc, and the particulars of this insane, deranged essay provide some of the perspective necessary in better understanding this fact.



Breaking Israel News


‘Four mighty beasts different from each other emerged from the sea.’ Daniel 7:3


The Jewish people have been exiled many times by ‘mighty beasts’ from the Land of Israel. The traditional rabbinic understanding of four of these ‘beasts’ mentioned in chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel, is that they represent four primary periods of exile that were predicted in the Bible.


The four main exiles of the Jewish people are identified as Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.


There is a second, more esoteric rabbinic commentary which teaches that Genesis 1:2 also hints to the four primary exiles of the Jewish people.


The earth being unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep and a wind from Hashem sweeping over the water— (Genesis 1:2)


In this teaching, ‘unformed’ refers to Babylon, ‘void’ refers to Persia, ‘darkness’ refers to Greece and ‘over the surface of the deep’ refers to the final exile, which most rabbis agree is the Roman exile, under which the Jewish people are still suffering.


But there is another exile in the news today. Commonly called The Ishmaelite Exile, it refers to the terrorism that the Jewish people are subject to at the hands of the Muslim world.


Last Thursday evening, Rabbi Daniel Glatstein of Cedarhurst, NY delivered a lecture in Jerusalem entitled The Rise of Yishmael At The End Of Days And The Coming Of Moshiach.


Rabbi Glatstein spoke in detail about the various prophecies that relate to the number of exiles the Jewish people will endure before the End of Days.


Although there are four basic exiles that have been predicted, there is an opinion based on a verse from the Book of Psalms that there are actually eight.


For the leader; with instrumental music on the sheminith. A psalm of David. (Psalms 6:1)


The hint to eight exiles is hidden in the word sheminith, which is related to the Hebrew word for eight.


According to this opinion, the last two of the eight kingdoms to oppress the Jewish people are Yishmael and Edom, which will co-exist at the End of Days.


‘At the end of days, there will be two powers remaining… Western civilization and the Arab world,’ Rabbi Glatstein asserted. He explained that in today’s terms, Yishmael is a reference to the Arab world and Edom is a reference to the United States.


Rabbi Glatstein asked, ‘which nation will prevail? Who will be the last nation standing?’ In his view, ‘we don’t have a definitive answer.’


After citing multiple rabbinic opinions holding that America will survive with the Nation of Israel at the End of Days and another set of rabbinic opinions emphasizing that the Arab world will survive with the Nation of Israel at the End of Days, Rabbi Glatstein mentions the Jewish tradition of there being two redeemers.


According to Rabbi Glatstein, Messiah son of Joseph will redeem the Jewish people from the exile of Edom, which is the United States. And Messiah son of David will redeem the Jewish people from the exile of Yishmael, which is the Arab world.


This is why the world needs two Messianic figures, explained Rabbi Glatstein. They have different jobs to do.


Rabbi Glatstein finished his remarks with a teaching from the 18th century rabbinic and mystical genius known as the Vilna Gaon. The Vilna Gaon predicted that ultimately, Yishmael will defeat Edom.


On what basis did the Vilna Gaon make his prediction that the Arab world will ultimately defeat the United States? He derives this conclusion from the well-known Jewish principle that the Messiah son of Joseph will precede the Messiah son of David.


After laying out all the evidence for both sides of the argument, Rabbi Glatstein concluded that the last nation standing at the End of Days alongside the Jewish people will be the Arab world.

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