Mark’s comments on World Jewry Uneasy with Israel  offer, as I see it, a perfect summary of the principles of operation of global Jewish Power (JP), that can be stated as follows:

  1. In order to continue to ride roughshod over the 7 billion Goyim it is imperative for JP to maintain in best shape the chain around their necks that performs the chokehold, not only financial, economical and political but, most importantly, mental.

  2. The chain is made up, not by the Israeli Jews, but by the “diaspora” Jews, and its strength resides, not in any of the individual links, but in the strength of the chain as a whole: the tribal solidarity that ensures support of the Israel Project and any other Jewish power interests. The chain is carefully and constantly checked to prevent deterioration.

I could not agree more. The intrinsic quality of the individual links does not matter in the least as long as they are reliable stress points in the chain. A look at the Jews in high positions of power in the US and Europe abundantly confirms this.

They are not the awesome “Jewish intellectual elite” (whose alleged brilliance Gilad Atzmon explains “scientifically” with his theory of the ‘clever eugenic methods’ used by the shtetl denizens in 19th century Europe). They are in fact utter intellectual mediocrities. Look at the Jews on the Supreme Court (Ruth Beta Ginsberg? Elena Kagan? Please!) or at the Federal Reserve Board (Janet Yellen? Please!). Look at the current intellectual landscape in France to see who passes for a philosopher nowadays in the land of Pascal, Diderot, Fermat, Descartes, Voltaire, Montaigne and others: Jews Alain Finkielkraut and Bernard-Henri Levy! France weeps in shame. 

If indeed, as Atzmon insists, by marrying their daughters to the most brilliant boys in the yeshiva (note: brilliance in this case is defined as davening while reciting prolifically memorized bits of the Torah and the Talmud) the rich shtetl Jews created an “intellectual elite,” why did their progeny illustrate themselves by nothing other than faithful obedience of JP? Why are they so abysmally mediocre intellectually? (Note to self: the Jewish Nobelists deserve an article all by themselves.) Or perhaps the phrase “Jewish intellectual elite” is only meant to be used as an ironic oxymoron, like “Jewish Probity,” “Jewish Honesty”?

The key to the successful implementation of JP’s objectives, including that of Project Israel, has been not the marriage of money with brains, per Atzmon, but of money with the bold (if covert) long-term actions of a disciplined army of fanatical devotees to the tribe worldwide and to its Judaic tenets: the sayanim.

  1. Israel has been a difficult project lately for JP. Initially created by JP as its Golem made from the clay of the stolen land of Palestine, it was activated and controlled to give Jewry a sense of nationhood, a banner to rally around, and a reminder to keep the wagons circled around the Tribe. As such, the Golem called Israel performed well for decades. It houses the most important Jewish altar –- Yad Vashem — which is not only worshipped by all Jews but is also the place for all Shabbat Goy “dignitaries” to perform obeisance rituals. Notably, Golem Israel works as a permanent prod to the sayanim to spare no effort in their tribal tasks of supporting Israel’s “right to exist.” First under Sharon and even more blatantly now under Netanyahu, the Golem started seeing itself as, if not independent of JP, at least a partner in decision making having to do with strategy and image projection. It has been acting out….

While being a Jew means never having to say you are sorry or engaging in delayed gratification, JP has global agendas that do not welcome the light in which Israel defiantly basks, and, by association, draws attention to Jewish misdeeds worldwide, including the hijacking of power in the western world. It wants Israel to be mindful of PR.

Israel and the Holocaust™ are two inextricably linked pillars of the sayanim’s Jewish identity. Israel cannot be discarded by JP easily.

The Rothschilds built the Israeli Supreme Court (under curious conditions) but they are never going to move to Israel and await the birth of the red heifer. They do their davening in front of their safe deposit boxes. At the apex of JP, they are deeply Judaic in ideology and ethos, but the New World Order they are building is all about money and power, for which Israel is more of a means than an end. Yet without Israel even the Holocaust™ loses its shine and the Jewish herd starts losing its “solidarity.” It is the JP’s conundrum.

Back in 2012 I was pondering the same question:

Israel — Bane and Boon for Jewish Power?

There is a lot of talk about Israel as the State for Jews being bad for Jews worldwide, engendering increasing anti-Israel as well as anti-Jewish sentiment, but I submit that it is primarily bad for Jewish Power, the so-called Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC), insofar as it throws an unwelcome spotlight on it. There have always been subscribers to the Protocols but until relatively recently they have been easily dismissed if not ostracized as anti-semitic conspiracy theorists, and Jews have managed to restrict the gentile book-keeping of influential Jews to counting the Jews on the Nobel Prize winners list.

Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians whose land they took over has been beyond despicable from the very beginnings of the state, yet well-organized hasbara has managed to inculcate into the minds of the Western Goyim the dichotomy: Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims = terrorists vs Israeli Jews = peace-loving, long-suffering victims. Not so anymore. Israel is no longer seen as even a “legitimate” state but a rogue nuclear power, a racist, expansionist war criminal and war monger. Of more concern, in attracting scrutiny to its successful flouting of international laws, it has led to an examination of what exactly allows it to act with complete impunity. It has exposed the lines of power that move the governments of the major world powers, like puppets on a string, to act as its enablers, indeed as its agents. The lines are now seen by more people than ever before to lead to the Jewish lobbies, to the ZPC, which does not reside in Israel, but permeates the power centers of the US and the UK, and not only.

The ZPC needs Israel, the flag under which the sayanim can be rallied to march in lockstep (notwithstanding the minor kvetchings that serve to depict “plurality” and “diversity” of Jewish opinion) and to do its work in the “diaspora.” Without Israel the very useful concept of “diaspora” could not exist and the Jews might take it into their heads that they are nationals and citizens of their own countries first, foremost and last. Israel is a boon for the ZPC.

But what kind of Israel would serve the ZPC best? Definitely not the one in existence. The Palestinian “problem” has not only refused to go away in more than six decades, it has in fact grown due to Israel’s egregious actions (and its lack of action) into an impossible to hide or paper over hideous contradiction of Israel’s hasbara posters of itself. More and more people, organizations and governments worldwide are reacting to the reality staring them in the face, and concerted Jewish blackmail or cajoling is not making them back down any more. Israel is a bane to the ZPC.

These facts are recognized by the likes of big ZPC movers and shakers like Soros and by new Jewish organizations like J Street, who seek to address them, while the old guard — AIPAC, ADL and its dershes refuse to do so, not only because they think it can still be all made to go away with the old “Anti-semitism!” cudgel, but also because, on a personal level, they fear the new gang would eventually make them unclasp their paws from the high branch on which they have been perched for so long.

The ZPC needs an Israel it can both wave to the sayanim as the heart-touching symbol, the call to arms, the reproach, the unity symbol, the house that Yad Vashem built, as well as a world-wide sellable story of the success of Jews–a nation like any other (just a little bit more so…), peace-loving (say Shalom loudly and say it often), long-suffering, democratic, moral and just.

If that is what the ZPC needs then they must think that Israel is run by complete idiots. Their idiots but catastrophic idiots nonetheless. Their inability to solve the Palestine problem in the simplest and most advantageous way is proof of it.

What would happen if Israel became one state legally, not just militarily and, where it really counts, de facto, as it is now, and if the Palestinian refugees who wished to return would be allowed to do so? The Jews may become a minority in Israel. So? Is it a problem for the ZPC and indeed for Jews in the US and the UK that they are a tiny minority there? Why would it be a problem in Israel? The “demographic bomb” nonsense ignores the reality of Jewish Power. Were Jews to become a minority in a putative Palestine-Israel state, their status might well emerge elevated for all practical and political purposes. They would become the minority to watch out for and protect like nobody’s business. What’s not to like in this?

Attractions for the Israeli Jews in the new Formerly Known as Israel (FKI) state: they can have a Jewish Lobby there, and an ADL too! Jewish historians will be busy writing a Revised Revisionist history, recounting their ethnic cleansing in the FKI state during which, say, 600,000 Jews disappeared. They can have it all, the same, yet new and cleaned up.

Most of all, the highly inconvenient spotlight on Jewish Power worldwide could be turned off and everything would be business as usual again quietly. Critics of the ZPC, of any and all its aspects, from international banking to media ownership and the political levers of power in the governments of the major powers will more easily be made into crass “anti-semites” again.

Israel could stop being a bane for the ZPC if only the ZPC “deciders” were really as smart as they are supposed to be, according to the ethnic hype. This is just a Goyische opinion but it is offered freely to zionist plagiarists.



Israel’s incestuous relationship with its parent — Jewish Power — is currently characterized by (please pardon my vulgar language) dyspareunia. It remains to be seen how they solve it.

0 thoughts on “Israel and Jewish Power”
  1. An excellent synopsis ariadnatheo.
    It is something that should be shared with our
    critters in “congress” and all congregational
    Wednesday evening “Christian” bible studies.

  2. In regards to the Jewish intellectual elite and their achievements, there is strong evidence that many of those “high achievers” owe a lot to ethnic networking and ethnic nepotism, supporting one of theirs over everyone else. Ironically, this is what they accuse everyone else of, from keeping Jews off golf courses, to keeping them out of top universities. And they have made this accusation in all the countries they have resided in. But the evidence shows just the opposite.
    Jews now dominate the USA’s Ivy league schools, the USA’s elite schools. There are far more Jews at Harvard and the other Ivy league schools, (despite making up only 2% of the population) than the country’s majority whites but the smaller number of whites that made it into Harvard are outperforming the Jews by far scholastically. This is strong evidence that Jews with inferior scholastic abilities are being picked over whites with superior abilities for entrance to Harvard and other schools. I would have never believed this in the past, but I have read several excellent articles demonstrating various methods Jews have used to build someone (sometimes a mediocre someone) into an intellectual superstar and how they have pushed underqualified people like Elena Kagan and others into positions of power. The website The Occidental Observer goes into this in great detail with various articles on famous Jews and an article on Elena Kagan and how she made it big time.
    Also, I had heard of similar accusations against Jews forty years ago already when I read about several of Germany’s Nobel Prize winning scientists accusing Jewish scientists of taking unfair credit for things they did not deserve in the 1920’s and 30’s. Of course, reading about this forty years ago, we were told these Germans were “NAZIS” and told the Jews were indeed better scientists. But after reading various articles on Jewish strategies of pushing fellow Jews ahead, I began to question how much of their success is due to their abilities and how much is due to support for fellow Jews. The Occidental Observer had two articles on those German scientists, including a discussion of the German Physics movement, a movement Jews derided as racist, but upon inspection deserves consideration. I won’t go into further detail, but here are the articles.
    At about the same time, many years ago I read articles of envy by Jews against a German scientist that they said unfairly received the Nobel Prize while a Jew named Lise Meitner should have received a Nobel too. I read about this same accusation many times, always put forward the same way, from the Jewish point of view. In 1939 the German chemist Otto Hahn discovered nuclear fission. This is what led to the atomic bomb race, including Albert Einstein’s letter to FDR encouraging him to support the project to drop the bomb on Einstein’s fellow countrymen. Otto Hahn received the Nobel for chemistry in 1944, but Lise Meitner did not receive a Nobel. She had done an analysis of Hahn’s experiment and explained what had happened, but the Nobel committee did not think her work was worthy of a Nobel Prize. Somehow, the Jews blamed the scientist Otto Hahn for this, calling him a “Nazi” among other things. Hahn was a very decent man and he and Meitner were lifelong friends. But this demonstrates how Jews react if they think they didn’t get their due credit. This is extremely important to them, while keeping anyone else from holding any marbles. Unfortunately, Hahn didn’t keep his findings limited to Germans and when the discovery got out the Americans (actually European exiles) started work on the bomb and were the first to achieve success.
    The OO has many articles on Elena Kagan and her selection for the supreme court but I’ll just post this one. It discusses her average achievements as a scholar, Jewish support for her in the media and Jewish ethnic networking and how it helped an inferior candidate get selected.
    Here is an article on the composer Gustav Mahler and a new book written about him by a fellow Jew. “This book is the latest in a long line of encomiums by Jewish music critics and intellectuals that have transformed Mahler’s image from that of a relatively minor figure in the history of classical music at mid-Twentieth Century, into the cultural icon of today.”
    A less important philosopher and “the Jewish effort to place him at the very heart of the Enlightenment, and to crown him as nothing less than the founder of the modern West, and even of modern democracy itself.” An article on philosopher Baruch Spinoza.
    This article is about a book by a scientist that says Einstein is highly overrated and that much of his work was plagiarized. I believe the Jewish media in Germany and then elsewhere played a big part in making Einstein the legend he became.
    The pushing forward of Jews as “geniuses” and ethnic favoritism toward fellow Jews (while deriding white “racists”) seems to be a tactic that Jews have used for a very long time.

  3. The global banking empire of Rothschild in the City of London (which now controls the Prime Meridian) created an ‘Israel’. Rothschild created it for certain purposes in order to gain strategic financial positioning in those past decades.
    Times have changed since those days. Saudi Arabia is feeling the noose tighten around them and as a result, are making deals and investments in Russia. Israel is also losing support and its umbilical chord is being slowly cut.
    Rothschild’s IMF has created a safety deposit box where a lot of wealth is stored. That safety deposit box is China. Out with the old and in with the ‘new’. Europe, under London’s rule, is also turning on Israel.
    London carved up the ‘Middle East’ after WW1. London again has their scalpels out to give it a new, modern facelift. Saudi Arabia will go down fairly easily but Israel will fight it.
    In 2012, apparently…a member in the Pentagon told Netanyahu that if he tries to stir the pot in the US and send off a cruise missile, we will blow it out of the sky and THEN come after you.
    Netanyahu, feeling left in the cold by Europe, has been seeking deals with BRICS. So, both Saudi Arabia and Israel are feeling something not quite right with the West.
    Old worn out chairs on the deck are being rearranged…and a few are being tossed overboard.

  4. @whiskeypapa, remind me, please: which of the two — “Jews” or “Khazars” — are adepts and practitioners of Judaism? We need to know since that is the core issue.
    No, wait, they BOTH are… I guess the difference is … what? Now you got me confused… not. 🙂

  5. Thanks, Todd.
    Thank you, Peter, for a great comment that amply documents the mechanism of Jewish networking, whose effect is to promote Jews and push aside (and out) non-Jews. Having done this job successfully, the Jews then waste no time squawking about their brilliance and prominence pointing to the very “success” they manufactured by dirty maneuvering and tribal connivance as proof of their superiority.

  6. Great article, but I wish the various authors would proof-read their work; “word” for world and “their” for they’re looks bad. Gives the jews something to criticize in an otherwise true evaluation.
    I see typos pretty regularly. The articles aren’t very long, so there’s really no excuse for typos.

  7. No, there is no excuse, you are right. Head hung in shame I am diving back into my article to correct all the typos I find, but not out of concern that the Jews will criticize the argument for typos. Only because, as you said, “there is no excuse.” To them I’d say, “Show me my crimes against orthography, I’ll raise you your crimes agains truth, and that’s just for starters.”
    Thank you for your comment.

  8. Look again; there were only two. “Their” instead They’re; “Their” idiots….catastrophic idiots…the other; “Word” Jewry…..instead of World Jewry. That’s all. Great article…It’s just that I don’t like to forward articles (which I do daily to over 30 targets) with typos. In the twisted minds of our enemies, even that will give them the excuse to disqualify it.
    Forgive me, I’m an editor. Typos & incorrect spelling jump out at me.

  9. my sincerest thanks and congratulations to Ariad for brilliant thoughts expressed with equally-brilliant words and phraseology.

  10. Patty dearest, I appreciate your time and attention. Here’s what I found:
    1. “Their idiots but catastrophic idiots nonetheless.” This is CORRECT. It is what I intended to say, paraphrasing “they are Bastards but they are our bastards.” The idea is that the Israeli Jews are THEIR (the JP’s) idiots but idiots nonetheless. Confusing “their” with “they’re” is not a typo but a grammatical error. That does not happen to me. Typos, yes, oh, yes.
    2. I still did not find “word” instead of “world.”
    3. Laugh your head off if you want but I used to be en editor too. Nevertheless with time (a nicer, vaguer word than “age”) I tend to see the typos of others but not my own because I “see” not what I typed but what I know I wanted to type.
    Thanks again

  11. Peter can add Rosalind Franklin and Watson/Crick DNA Nobel as being similar to the Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn situation. IMO both Lise Meitner and Rosalind Franklin were very capable scientists though. Emmy Noether falls into a similar category in Mathematics. Jews like to extol their scientists, particularly the female ones – many times at the expense of non-Jews.

  12. Can you expand a bit on “Rosy” Franklin, please? All I know about her is from Watson’s book (“Double Helix,” as I recall, was the title).
    I met Watson and Crick once at the 45th anniversary of their discovery, a celebration held because the organizers feared that waiting another 5 years to make it a round number might not find both W. and C. alive… Crick was very impressive and … “human”, while Watson struck me as horribly obnoxious, and so arrogant he could have been an honorary Jew… This, of course, has nothing to do with his scientific and intellectual merits. Nevertheless, this impression made me view his take on the people described in his book with a large grain of salt.

  13. ariadnatheo, I get the same impression of Watson. My only point was that Jews press hard to have their members recognized. You probably know more about Rosalind Franklin than I do. I was just observing the “politics” around her. There was a show on PBS about her about a decade or so ago which gave the impression to the viewer that she was more important than Watson/Crick and that they just stole her research. That could very well be true for all I know – it’s not my field. Jews pushed hard to get Emmy Noether recognized as well. Noether’s Theorem might be a little overstated in its generalizations; but it is very interesting nonetheless. I don’t see it as wrong to extol these people – just pointing it out though. Lise Meitner deserved to be recognized as well of course.

  14. “My only point was that Jews press hard to have their members recognized.”
    You can say that again. Why, here, let me do it 🙂
    “Jews press hard to have their members recognized.”
    From what I know of Franklin, she obtained the images but did not have a clue what to make of them. Had she not died of breast cancer before, she would have probably been included in W. & C.’s team who received Nobel prizes. She was a technician, basically, in this endeavor and no, nobody “stole” her research, she was given credit for her contribution. I agree that the noise made around her name is strictly tribal promotion as usual.

  15. This is a fascinating discussion to me. I’m not a scientist and I can’t judge the value of different scientist’s work but you can make certain judgments about things. I didn’t say it above but every article on the Hahn-Meitner controversy claimed Meitner’s work was far more valuable. They didn’t say Hahn didn’t deserve the Nobel Prize. They just made it look like he kind of accidentally discovered nuclear fission, had no idea what it was and then Meitner explained it.
    This kind of thing is not unusual. When I read about the discovery of X-Rays (Roentgen rays in Europe) the way it happened according to what I read is Wilhelm Roentgen had placed (I think) his hand near something and could see the bones and then he got a Nobel Prize in Physics for that. With the German scientists this phenomenon is more pronounced and it shows animosity. It doesn’t always have to be a Jew writing such an article, but I suspect they originated most of these ideas. I’ve seen Roentgen called a Hungarian in a book and I recall Beethoven often described as Dutch and then in one TV program they claimed he had African background. They would do everything to expound upon and make any Jewish achievement something great and everything to minimize or erase a German achievement, even claiming the person was a different race or nationality.
    The Haber-Bosch process is the same thing. One of the most important discoveries in chemistry by Fritz Haber who was Jewish and then what has been called the greatest engineering achievement by Bosch (a real German, a non-Jew), producing it on a large scale. But Bosch is barely mentioned and the whole discussion is about Haber.
    In Fritz Stern’s (son of a German Jewish scientist and Einstein’s Godson) “Einstein’s German World” the whole book is about German Jewish scientists, how they were kept down and their great achievements despite this. When a German non-Jew is mentioned it is how his Jewish rival bettered him.
    As a child already I realized there was a dichotomy between what I saw on TV and read in books about Germans and what my parents told me and what I realized upon closer inspection. Of course WW I and II made what we’re discussing here more pronounced. Germans were presented to Americans as stupid people. Thick, unintelligent and not creative. I knew this was not true by the number of famous Germans in different fields and by what I learned from my parents. But it was only in the late 1990’s that I realized that until Germany’s defeat in 1945, Germany had far more Nobel Prizes than any country in the world and the only reason I realized this was because I got a book out and counted how any Nobel Prizes each country received thru 1945. When I told an American co-worker this he disputed it and then got upset when I showed it to him. This is the world of lies we live in.

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