
When I was very young, a Jewish friend told me this Shalom Alechem type of story:

“A non-Jew came to a rabbi and said, ‘Rabbi, I am thinking of converting to Judaism but I don’t want to have to study the Torah for years and years. I will do it on one condition: if you can teach me all I need to know about it while I am standing on one leg.’

The Rabbi said, ‘It’s simple. All you have to remember is this: Don’t do unto others what you don’t want done unto you.’

I believed it and was impressed by the humanism of Judaism. It was, after all, the religion of the people who had suffered so much. It has been very many years since I discovered that it had been a story that Jews tell the hapless Goyim — a complete reversal of Torah’s spirit and its specific commandments.

I was reminded of it when I saw two videos posted by Nahida (whose poetry is one of the most beautiful expressions of the Palestinian soul and sensitivity).

I don’t know if you can watch them while standing on one leg but they are priceless for a Goy’s understanding of the Torah — the heart of Judaism — and an edifying encounter with the Jews’ most revered exegete of the Torah, Maimonides.

“The ‘bettlefild’ is wherever a single Jew exists”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVWjNOoWLWI&w=420&h=315]

Maimonides on conquering Syria, Alepo, Iraq, then Iran….kill, kill, kill

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9edV7ta-r-Y&w=560&h=315]

5 thoughts on “Judaism for Beginners”
  1. The time is ripe for the anti-Christ to assume that role, too. John Hagee, Pat Robertson, et. al want you to keep feeding the monster as it grows and grows so that, eventually, it literally eat you and your children.

  2. Moshe Maimonides was mentally ill and a slave of the Torah that’s based on fiction, lies and evil.
    Almost everything he says can easily be shown wrong.
    Sooner or later, the whole edifice of Judaism will crumble.
    Judaism is already on its last legs and a laughing stock and this is why many if not most Jews have either turned atheists, become cultural Jews or converted to other faiths and Torah/Tanach has been convincingly debunked and these days only those who are intellectually deficient or superstitious cling to its teachings.
    As for Israel, well, it will either be ruined during World War 3 or it will become an Arab Muslim majority nation by 2050 or earlier.
    If the population of West Bank and Gaza are included in the present census then the Arab Muslims are in a majority at this very moment.
    The Rabbi in the video is evidently mentally ill and incapable of sane and rational thinking.
    In all probability, he’s a product of incest or was conceived during one of those satanic rituals involving blood sacrifices (animal or human) that is common among Talmudists/Kabalists.
    Natural justice will get him and destroy his evil plans – a case of what goes around, comes around.
    The causal laws do not discriminate or favor anyone.

  3. I am a “born Jew” but see nothing special about being Jewish.
    Many Jews pride themselves on being “Jews by birth”, which, according to their infantile reasoning, is a sign of superiority over converts to Judaism and a big advantage with respect to the Gentiles but what these delusional Jews fail to understand is that even though they are born as Jews yet someone in their family tree in some previous generation had converted to Judaism and as such the future generations were born into the faith.
    Why, even Abraham and Sarah were converts to the religion of Ha Shem and were known as Hebrews.
    The word Hebrew means to “cross over” – to cross over from one land to another and/or to cross over from one faith to another.
    Thus, the term a “born Jew” is a misnomer and has no special meaning.
    Jewry is not a race as many naively assume.
    The erroneous notion of race has long since been debunked and humans everywhere share 99.5 % or more of the human genome with the rest (0.5% ) genetic dissimilarity brought on by adaptation, mutations, variation, endogamy and the like.
    Jews are a nation of people of various ethnic types whose origin lies in the ME.
    In later times, as groups of ME Jews began migrating out of the ME, Judaism spread to Europe where many Europeans converted to the faith and some married with the ME Jews while other European converts to Judaism preferred to marry among their own kind.
    If Jews were G-d’s chosen people, as the absurd Torah myth goes, then that tall claim should be accompanied by visible signs.
    A cursory survey reveals that Jews are as vulnerable to pain, sorrow, suffering, poverty, persecution, delusions, ignorance, jealousy, rage, hatred, inferiority complex, failure, crime, disease and death as any Gentile and there the silly scriptural claim of being “G’d’s chosen people” gets soundly trashed.
    On the other hand, Jews are more susceptible to certain nerve disorders, homosexuality, criminal mentality, lying, cheating, crass materialism and mental illnesses than other communities.
    Besides, the Torah is an amalgamation of fables, morals and practices most of which are borrowed from the older or parallel cultures of Asia.
    It thus stands to reason that deviant scribes and unsagely sages pieced together the narratives of the Torah with just a tiny fraction of the scripture retaining some semblance of the original teachings.
    Even the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) which is known as Ha Shem among Jews is borrowed from the sacred names in circulation in Mesopotamia in ancient times.
    The Tetragrammaton is simply an abbreviation in the Hebrew script of the actual pronunciation of the Babylonian name.
    A Mishnah (oral tradition) says that the Hebrews were the last recipients of the Torah after other cultures corrupted the Name or mixed it with polytheism.
    So, there’s nothing unique about Judaism or Jews.
    The present version of Torah is highly corrupted on account of the numerous lies, myths, superstitions and evils found in its teachings.
    Jews have been suffering since the past 3000 years for basing their beliefs, practices and behaviour on falsehoods as found in the Torah and the suffering is set to worsen if they don’t reform their ways and if they don’t completely revamp the Torah by retaining only the truly spiritual elements centered on The Name while rejecting the falsehoods and questionable teachings.

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