AMERICAN SNIPER vs. BAGHDAD SNIPER (or American zero vs. Iraqi Hero)
‘What has been taken in blood cannot be regained except by blood.’ The Baghdad Sniper. continue reading
Author Rants on how Christians Need to go backwards
ed note (Tony)…Notice how they always stress the importance of Christ’s supposed “jewishness” rather than his Divinity??? This “author” needs to throw down his Cross, become a jew, and celebrate…
A Partial Accounting of the Damage Netanyahu Is Doing to Israel
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Russia: US-Backed Opposition Leader Gunned Down in Moscow
Ed note–excellent piece describing the who, what, where, when, why & how. People need to understand how dangerous this situation is right now, as a group of deranged fanatics bring…
Rubio slams Obama’s ‘lack of support for Israel’
Prominent Republican contender says president gives Iran’s leader more respect than he does Netanyahu
Israel said to seek additional $300 million from US for missile defense
Officials reportedly turn to Congress to make request, bypassing White House amid spat over PM’s upcoming speech ed note–now WAAAAIT a minute here…As we are told on a regular basis…
Senators unveil new bill challenging Obama on Iran
Bipartisan legislation would bar administration from suspending congressional sanctions for 60 days while any deal is reviewed
Hawkish US senators introduce new Iran legislation
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Ed-note (Sabba) – Nietzsche said about the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 that ‘no sacrifice is too great’ in a ‘war for our culture’. What has taken place recently in Nineveh…
Report: Obama threatened to fire on Israeli jets attacking Iran
ed note (Tony)…Hmm…for what it’s worth.
Brooklyn Jew Busted For Attempted Luring, Related Charges
ed note (Tony)…well, what can I say. This is The Ugly Truth.
Ex-Mossad chief: PM taking ‘intolerable’ risks with Israel’s security
Dagan says Netanyahu’s actions vis-à-vis DC have caused ‘heavy strategic damage’; will speak at anti-Netanyahu rally next week ed note–pay attention to what this ‘former’ professional killer is saying here,…
Three decades of US lies about Jonathan Pollard unmasked
JPOST A recent breakthrough in the case of Jonathan Pollard has shed powerful light on the injustice of his continued incarceration. Key portions of a critical classified document, on which…
Ed-note (Sabba) This quote is from that jew who lives in England, an MP and former member of Tony Blair’s cabinet: Jack Straw. We should all know by now that…
Netanyahu speech risks more than Obama’s ire
ed note–within this piece the nature of this gang war taking place between Likud and Labor is plain to see, particularly the section where they quote Jeremy Ben-Ami, president and…
Government Supporters Target of Armed Attack in Argentina
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Poll: 54% of Republicans say that, “deep down, Obama is a Muslim”
ed note–the fact that the US military is at war with Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, etc, and that all of this takes place under the generalship of…
Argentine Judge Rejects Criminal Case Against President
ed note–rest assured, there is mucho wailing and gnashing of teeth over this one. continue reading
Argentine judge rejects cover-up charges in AMIA case
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Israel is galloping to the next war in Gaza
Israel is heading to the next violent eruption with the Palestinians as though it is some sort of natural disaster that can’t be avoided.
Jerusalem Christian seminary targeted in apparent hate crime
Greek Orthodox center torched; graffiti reading ‘Jesus is a son of a whore’ found at the scene ed note–several things worth noting here– 1. The concept of Jesus’ mother Mary…
TUT Broadcast Feb 25, 2015
Tonight’s discussion–Ten days in Iran, where yours truly was the featured speaker at various universities, think tanks, and television programs, resulting in enough public exposure that the powers-that-be decided that…
Why Israel is Fighting Obama’s Iran Deal
It comes down to one word: sunset.
Netanyahu: Powers gave up commitment to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons
Netanyahu: Powers may be willing to live with a nuclear-armed Iran, but I cannot; Kerry: Netanyahu was outspoken in his support for the Iraq war, and we all know how…