Wake up alarm
New study recommends university administrators take anti-Jewish activity as seriously as other forms of ethnic/racial bias, and that Jewish groups focus more resources on the subject


NEW YORK – A study of American Jewish university students has found that a majority experienced or witnessed at least one anti-Semitic incident during a single year.

The study’s organizers say that they are surprised and alarmed that 54 percent reported experiencing or witnessing an incident that the respondent defined as anti-Semitic.

Anti-Semitic experiences were reported across an unusually wide swath of students. The study found only slight variation in anti-Semitic experiences across different regions of the U.S., “which strongly suggests that anti-Semitism is a nationwide problem,” according to the report.

“We really need people to pay attention to this. We didn’t expect it to be 54 percent,” said Ariela Keysar, associate research professor of public policy and law at Trinity College. Keysar, a Jerusalem-born demographer, conducted the study along with Barry Kosmin, research professor of public policy and law at Trinity, which is a small private college in Hartford, CT, whose roots are in the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity, but is now non-denominational.

The study, via online questionnaire, was conducted from September 2013 to March 2014 — before the Gaza war of last summer, Keysar notes, which is believed to have given rise to more anti-Semitism on campuses than before — and asked students to report having experienced or witnessed anti-Semitism only during the preceding year.

The anti-Semitism finding was plucked out of a larger study of 1,157 self-identified American Jewish college students on 55 different campuses on a variety of topics.

Since just 8 percent of American Jewish college students say they are Orthodox, few are identifiable as Jewish because of external factors like what they wear. While 90 percent said they are proud to be Jewish, 62 percent reported that the majority of their friends are not Jewish. Little visibly separates the overwhelming majority of American Jewish college students from their non-Jewish peers.

And that is what makes the findings about anti-Semitism so startling, said Keysar — that is experienced not only by students who are identifiably Jewish or involved in vocally pro-Israel activities.

“We were surprised how prevalent it is. There are no pockets where it is in specific places, regions or universities. It’s kind of widespread,” Keysar said in an interview.

The findings are “a wakeup call to university administrators who have been in denial about this problem,” said Kenneth L. Marcus, president and general counsel of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, in an interview with Haaretz. The Brandeis Center is a non-profit organization in Washington, D.C., which monitors and addresses anti-Semitism on campus. Marcus drafted policy recommendations as part of the study report.

“We frequently hear from college students who find that their experiences of anti-Semitism are not taken seriously,” writes Marcus in the report’s introduction. “This report gives substance and data to their experiences.”

“The eye-opening findings should awaken authorities to the need to address campus anti-Semitism much more aggressively, comprehensively and effectively than they are now doing,” the report says.

“Many campus administrators are sensitive to problems facing other minorities, women and people with disabilities, but just don’t get it that Jewish students are facing a problem that needs to be addressed,” Marcus told Haaretz.

Five years ago, Keysar said in an interview, there was far less anti-Semitism faced by Jewish college students. “If this is a common ground that American Jewish students now experience, I want to know more about it.”

According to the new report, 29 percent of respondents said they witnessed anti-Semitism from an individual student, and 10 percent say they did in the context of a club or other campus group, with 6 percent reporting that they did in a classroom setting; 4 percent from the student union and 3 percent from the college administration.

Students in each of the four years of undergraduate study reported experiencing or witnessing something anti-Semitic in almost equal proportion (from 53 percent of freshman to 58 percent of seniors).

So did students across disciplines (from 51 percent of those studying the arts and humanities to 54 percent of students in social and behavioral sciences and 53 percent in science, technology, engineering and math).

There was surprisingly little variation in the rate of students reporting anti-Semitism at the full range of types and locations of campuses, from 44 percent at private colleges in the Western area of the U.S. to 70 percent at public colleges in the South. Though anti-Semitic experiences are conventionally believed to be more common at colleges on the coasts, 56 percent of Jewish students at private colleges in the Northeast reported having witnessed or experienced one, as did 60 percent at public colleges in the West.

Students affiliated with the full range of Jewish campus groups, from Hillel (63 percent) to Jewish fraternities/sororities (67 percent) to Chabad (64 percent), reported very similar rates of experiencing anti-Semitism.

Most surprising, perhaps, is that there is virtually no difference in the rates of experiencing anti-Semitism between those who are “never open” about being Jewish on their campus and those who are “always open” about being Jewish (59 percent of those who are “never open” about being Jewish said they experienced anti-Semitism during the previous year, as did 58 percent of those who are “always open”).

The only notable difference between populations was found in the experiences reported by AIPAC-aligned students and J Street U-aligned students. Of those connected with AIPAC, 73 percent said they experienced anti-Semitism, while 49 percent of those connected with J Street U reported the same.

It might be because “the AIPAC kids are vocal, they are out there. They express some political ideas that invoke resistance on campus,” Keysar conjectured. “These kind of hevre who are out there become a target.”

The other difference, though slight, was in the percentage of male students (51 percent) and female students (59 percent) who reported an anti-Semitic experience.

“That a majority of Jewish students felt they had suffered or witnessed incidents of anti-Semitism on the college campus in only one academic year was an unexpected finding which requires very serious investigation,” the report states, adding that there is thought to be under-reporting of anti-Semitism through the normal campus channels, possibly because authorities are not believed to be sympathetic to such complaints.

Anti-Semitism is a problem faced more by younger American Jews than older ones, according to the 2013 Survey of U.S. Jews conducted by the Pew Research Center. That study found that 22 percent of Jews ages 18 to 29 reported being called an offensive name in 2012, while just 6 percent of American Jews ages 50 to 64 did, as did just 4 percent of those ages 65 and older.

The report’s policy recommendations include university administrators strengthening their definition of anti-Semitism, staff training and response to reported incidents. The report also recommends that Jewish organizations devote more resources to researching and combating anti-Semitism on campus, outside of when it comes up around well-known issues like BDS resolutions.

Administrators “need to name this problem if they’re going to solve it properly,” Marcus said in an interview. “They have to be specific that they’re dealing with anti-Semitism and that Jewish students are facing a problem similar in many ways to what other groups face but it also has its own specific nature and history that is very dark and very disturbing.”

The study covered a wide range of topics, from religious beliefs to their upbringing to feelings about Israel. Anti-Semitism was just one of the areas explored and the researchers hope to pull out data on a variety of subjects in order to produce additional reports.

Some 800 of the study’s respondents expressed a willingness to be interviewed again, Keysar said. She and Kosmin hope to conduct another study in order to follow the topic longitudinally. “We need to further explore and go back to the students to go in depth to the topic” of anti-Semitism, she said. “We want to continue to monitor it.”

lightbulb submission

22 thoughts on “Alarming study on U.S. campus anti-Semitism levels is a wakeup call”
  1. How about a study of how Jewish groups have harassed and threatened Muslims and Palestinian activists world wide. Or, no study necessary?

    These gangsters want protection now?
    This is the old ADL racket that made Murder Inc respectable, now they want to make Zionist, Jewish crimes to be unspeakable.

  2. “New study recommends university administrators take anti-Jewish activity as seriously as other forms of ethnic/racial bias.”

    “Anti-Jewish activity” means questioning the holo-hoax, questioning Jewish supremacy, and questioning Jewish atrocities.

    “A study of American Jewish university students has found that a majority experienced or witnessed at least one anti-Semitic incident during a single year.”

    TRANSLATION: many Jews have heard the Goyim express sadness at the countless victims that we Jews have murdered in the Gaza Death Camp.

    “The study’s organizers say that they are surprised and alarmed that 54 percent reported experiencing or witnessing an incident that the respondent defined as anti-Semitic.”

    TRANSLATION: 54 percent of Jews have seen Goyim do and say things that, when viewed a certain way, did not constitute a fanatical worship of Jews.

  3. Antisemitism comes from thousands of years of Jews pathologically victimizing every race they come into contact with.

  4. Universities need to teach truth in their history and economics classes. Blaming Germany in their class rooms is definitely “ethnic bias”. Blaming Egyptians for the deeds of the deeds of the chosenites is racial bias. Gentile students need to demand truth in universities.

  5. Study administrators could have conducted a comparable study where the same students were asked if the respondents committed acts of racism against non-Jews or asked non-Jewish students whether they experienced or witnessed acts of Jewish racism.

    The report does not provide the questionnaire or the questions. Jews are very sensitive as to what constitutes an “antisemitic” event or act, therefore the study has inherent respondent bias.

    Good research requires a control group since it is easy to design studies, especially questionnaires, to provide results the researcher intends. Political polls are often designed and conducted in this manner where the questions are tailored to elicit a particular response and encourage a specific pattern of thought, then subsequently ordered in order provide the desired answers.

    Q1: Have you experienced or witnessed an antisemitic act or event within the past year?
    A1: Yeah, I was on 4Chan hiding behind seven proxies and someone called someone else a F’in K*K3
    Q2: Have you experienced or witness a disparaging act towards Israel within the past year?
    A2: I saw Carlos Latuff’s cartoon during Protective Edge. It was very antiSemitic!

    Then, there is a problem with performing the proper analysis and drawing a legitimate conclusion — think Bibi’s conclusion concerning Iran’s nuclear capabilities despite facts to the contrary.

    Bibi would do something like this:
    Q1: Hamburgers or Hotdog
    A1: Hotdog
    Bibi’s conclusion: respondents prefer to eat Hebrew Franks over all other foods.

  6. Again Konrad has it. He so wise,because a true NS,he understands the Jews formulas. These even consider calling them a ‘Jew’,is an affront ! Malcolm X pointed this out,and so did Dr.Joseph Goebbels. To paraphrase him-‘call them anything but say “Jew”,and they are enraged. One time,at an upsacle bar, a very stupid Jewish ,young man,and his sister,said something like “Chamberlain ignored Hitler attacking England” I was outraged of course,and replied,as calmy as possible” CHAMBERLAIN DECLARED WAR ON GERMANY WITHOUT HIS COUNTRY BEING THREATEND OR ATTACKED BY HITLER!” Nothing “Jewish “came, up,and I was stating a historical fact. “Your making Anti – Semetic Remarks “he said wide eyed ! Than I added:” yes,he told Ambassador Kennedy:” The Jews pushed me,into it”. Another historical fact,I asserted. Brother,and sister where outraged and left- I later spotted him OWNING a cafe,his father,bought him. Typical Jew looser,in the network of success. One time a fat women sat next to me,with another more attractive. ………….. the former was a house guest of the later,in an upscale suburb,where this bar was. Fatty was an ‘opera star’ ,in a traveling company. I love classical music,and I was plaesed of course. “did you ever do NIXON IN CHINA ?” I inquired RED LIGHT TO HER ,BEEP , “Yes”,she said. ” Its a hard one” . REMEBER,THESE WHERE JEWS,AND NIXON IS KNOWN TO DISLIKE THEM.. “Than i said:” Wagner is my favorite!” I saw the attractive one get wide eyed ! The Fatty furrowed her brow: ” he was a genious ,but an “Anti – Semite”. I replied:” Oh that was the times he lived in “. She dis not like that at all. She went onto to say that President Bush 2,’was so sweet’,as she had met the cretin back stage: “Bush at an opera?” I laughed. “Oh yes,he was great “… “not if your an Iraqi ,or Palestinian,” I answerd She was FUMING,and figured ,she had met THE REAL DEAL in me. “Wow” I added. “Bush has a coalition of trailer trash,and opera stars ! ” Boy did they GO ! One must agree with Jews 100 % …otherwise you are an enemy. Nothing else will do. This, is why we live in such a world of culture distortion, and confusion, Every policy,theology,historical truth, based on their approval,and agenda. THE JEWS ARE TRUTH. Remember that ! NOT .

  7. Whenever the current prime minister of Israel gets an opportunity to address the world, he declares that he represents the entire Jewish people. What this means to non-Jewish people is that all the atrocities committed by Israel against the world — and in particular against the occupied people of Palestine — have to be seen as commissioned (or at least condoned) by the Jewish population of the world.
    So why does it surprise them to “discover” that ‘Antisemitism’ is on the rise?

  8. @ DANTE ARDENZ: Regarding “Chamberlain ignored Hitler attacking England,” there had been no attacks on England while Chamberlain was Prime Minister – but British hostilities had already started against Germany.

    Norway had announced its neutrality, but the British invaded Norway anyway. (The British also invaded Iraq and Iran, which had also declared themselves neutral.) On 8 April 1940, while Chamberlain was still Prime Minister, 24,500 British, Norwegian, French and Polish troops invaded and occupied Norway. This was “Operation Wilfred” and “Plan R4.”

    The following day (9 April 1940) the Germans counter-invaded. Within two months the Germans defeated all the Allied troops, and allowed them to leave peacefully. This was the first of Hitler’s many peace offerings to England, all of which were rejected.

    Chamberlain’s military loss in Norway allowed Churchill to edge him out as Prime Minister on 10 May 1040.

    Then Churchill himself was suffered a far greater loss in France, but he managed to reverse everything and make himself look like a hero. He spoke of the “miracle of Dunkirk,” which was no miracle,. It was another of Hitler’s peace offerings to England.

    The Dunkirk evacuation stretched out for nine days, from 27 May to 4 June 1940. The Germans sat and watched for a week and a half as 338,226 defeated British and French troops gathered their toys and departed from Dunkirk. Meanwhile the Germans were also letting 24,500 defeated French and British troops leave Norway.

    But Dunkirk was only part of the picture in France…

    From 10 to 13 June 1940, the Germans let another 11,059 Allied soldiers depart from Le Havre.

    The Germans let another 2,137 British and 1,184 French soldiers be evacuated from St. Valery-en-Caux.

    From 14 to 25 June 1940 (nine days) the Germans let another 215,000 Allied troops depart from Cherbourg, Calais, and other ports.

    On 16 and 17 June 1940, the Germans let another 28,145 British and 4,439 Allied personnel depart from Brest.

    On 17 and 18 June 1940, the Germans let another 21,474 men, mostly of the 1st Canadian Division, depart from St Malo.

    The Germans also allowed evacuations from Bordeaux, Le Verdon, Bayonne, St Jean-de-Luz, St Nazaire and La Pallice.

    All of this evacuation stretched out for about a month, during which time British planes kept bombing German cities. The Germans in France did nothing, since Hitler wanted to show Britain he wanted peace. Churchill wanted to drop poison gas on all German emplacements in France, but Germany had far more chemical weapons than England did, and the German retaliation would have been catastrophic. Moreover, once the British planes started spraying France, the Luftwaffe would have blasted every British plane out of the sky.

    Thus, as a peace offering, Hitler deliberately let well over half a million enemy soldiers escape peacefully from France. Despite this, British bombers kept hitting Germans cities for an entire month after Hitler let the Allied troops escape. This put Hitler under great political pressure to retaliate. He did not want to target any British cities, since that would bolster Churchill’s propaganda. So, finally on 10 July 1940, while the British continued to bomb German civilians, German planes started to bomb British military airfields. This bombing and counter-bombing continued for the next three months – but to this day, the British pretend that they were innocent victims of “German aggression.”

    By late October 1940 the Germans realized that Stalin had massed a gigantic army in the east, and was preparing to invade all of Europe, including England.

    So on 31 Oct 1940 Hitler ordered his aircraft to stop bombing England and move east to meet the Red army.

    The British declared a “victory.”

  9. Shame on the jews for not doing the right thing and asking themselves WHY?

    Perhaps their collective refusal to distance themselves from israel’s Palestine and Gaza massacres has something to do with it.

    Or maybe the realisation by the Goy that all western media is but a pro jew propaganda machine.

    Or maybe it’s the obvious disproportionate representation and influence for jewish benefit in western governments by jews which upsets (AIPAC).

    Or maybe their excessive influence in western lawmaking is pissing people off.

    Or even the total domination and control of the proven corrupt bankster system by jews is a sign.

    Or their refusal to integrate for equality while dictating rules to we Goy.

    Then again it might be the fact they push lies down our throats with threats of imprisonment if we don’t fully accept them.

    Surely it can’t be the fact that they try to be separate from ‘zionist jews’, when most zionists were just ordinary jews before their greed betrayed and thus promoted them.

    Finally, I don’t suppose it’s got anything to do with the fact they seriously consider Goy to be underclass cannon fodder to facilitate their greed for money and power.

    Can anyone add to this list?

  10. the posts in comment section are very “enlightening”. If only those who do not understand this manipulated perversion through social engineering that we term “society” could grasp these comments without claiming anti semitism. Deprogramming of any type of brainwashing seems nearly impossible at times. Thanks you to those who do get it. I believe on some level that you are making a difference and I base this on the screams from those who try to silence these truths. Seems that if the opposition ( controlled or the handlers) jump up and down in rage……you must be doing something correct. It is a sure sign. Thanks again for everyone’s effort. I know that there is sacrifices to be made for holding such positions.

  11. When anti-Semitism makes its way onto college campuses we have a sure sign of the beginning of the end. Expulsion is right around the corner.

  12. Yawns.

    Last night I fell asleep during the overly long news report of a case of rising anti semitism in Montreal, Canada. I kept waiting for the “Whatcha doin’ Rabbi” cartoon to pop up! So they are now really amping the fear factor for Jewish Canadians.

    “Jewish residents in west-end Montreal are on edge after someone painted four cars with swastikas and left notes, each with a bullet.

    One resident told QMI Agency the note read “we’ll kill you.”

    Another news report said a bullet accompanied the message “you’re going to get one of these in your head.”

    The notes, left on the windshields of four cars Monday evening, made for a tense night for occupants of an apartment building in the Notre-Dame-de-Grace neighbourhood.

    Someone pulled the building’s fire alarm, but when residents gathered in the lobby, there was no fire.

    That’s when one person noticed the vandalism.”

    Read the above and see how many points it gives to make you shudder over if you are vulnerable to this stuff. We see a few cars with backward swastikas. A few interviews with nervous victims, all “white” although those of us with eyes to see would actually see and hear the report with different reference points than most Canadians. Backward swastikas?


    Backwards even.

    Harper is having a field day btw. The two idiots busted for wannabe cooking pot bombs case is being blown up in the media to all sizes and proportions but I don’t know a single person who is batting an eyelash over their bungled attempt to blow up the BC legislature. Sigh. Again. The entire affair is down on tape from the getgo including them being set up….. It makes me want to weep but I really need to conserve my fluids for myself.

    Meet the new Canada. They are putting every military item of emotional content all over the place, blowing up “anti semitic” crap, and generally amping up the fear factor and Canadians are BUYING it.

    It works, goddam it.

  13. The term “anti-Semitic” is itself, of course, meaningless and absurd – since Palestinians, Iraqis, and Arabians, as well as Jews (perhaps) are “Semites”. What kind of statement or action is “anti” ALL Semites??? It is pure Jewish arrogance which seeks to assert that only Jews are “Semites”.

    However, aside from that point, I’d like to see some examples of what those Jewish students consider to be “anti-Semitic” incidents. When the opposition leader in Ukraine is accused of “anti-Semitism” because he said that the Ukrainian leaders in Kiev were “miserable representatives of THE GREAT JEWISH PEOPLE”, ( http://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-run-miserable-jews-rebel-chief-202600090.html ) you know that “anti-Semitism” has no meaning! Would that be an example of an “anti-Semitic” incident which those students witnessed??

  14. Nooralhaqiqa: Thank you for the great update and insightful comment. [And the observation on the Pharaoh Prince Jewlliam in particular!]

    When will the people of N. America learn to see and say the truth — truths such as: The Germans were extremely Semitic in their ousting and attempted subduing of the Anti-Semitic killers (viz., Jews) of the Semite Jesus (pbuh)? … Perhaps never, if they don’t get there by this year. …. In my recent attempts to talk to people … I’ve been getting a curiously ubiquitous alibi : “We’re too ‘busy’ to worry about slavery, emancipation, NWO or imminent death-by-nukes!”

    And when they emphasize on the ‘busy’ escapism … I’m reminded of the following clip, and the question therein: “WHICH is the most human characteristic: Fear or Laziness?” :


    I REMEMBER how Stephen [Craig Hicks] Harper got ‘Riled Up’ at the last G-20 summit and told Mr. Putin to get out of Ukraine or he was going to ‘C-51’ Putin !!!


    Ah Well … we’re not going to laugh because Lester Pearson (before he was Canadian PM, ’63-’68) was a Red Spy/ snitch (’42-’46) working out of DC, America http://www.savethemales.ca/001329.html … or because former Canadian PM Mulroney was a Jew http://www.henrymakow.com/mating_habits_of_the_illuminat.html … or because ROCKEFELLER Created Canadian and Quebec Nationalism http://www.henrymakow.com/jacques_morency.html

    … But we are going to laugh because of the obvious lowliness of Jewish ploys on blind and cowardly masses within today’s Red Canada (or Red US, for that matter) …


    The ONLY thing that frightens me is that it takes THAT little to get people into compliance!


    The Swastika’s resemblance to the Hindu Symbol (or the reverse Swastika of Buddhists) always made me wonder. [No not because of Jewish Canada’s l-e-r-v for Hindus .. and how most city newspapers that have FULL Page Cover celebrations on Jinn-worshipping festivals like Diwali would NEVER have the multicultural decency to put an Eid Mubarak even on an inset!] … It’s because of the following reasons …

    (One must note how the J-people of India — the ‘Jains’ — are only 0.25% of the population and yet own 25% of India’s wealth, as I last read …)



    … and this particular truth is fast becoming clear :



    So, there, like Noor said … Canada’s mask has been lifted, we suppose.






    (In front the Toronto Police HQ on College Street: Statue of a police woman working on an unfinished pyramid.)

    (At the rear of Toronto Police HQ : A boy hauling an out-sized Obelisk on a wagon.)

    https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/24/93/63/249363c08965f3d641f18a7e8775decd.jpg (MTV and Grand Masonic Lodge on Young St., Toronto.)

  15. It is the majority of jews who support the fascist theocracy of Apartheid israel and the genocidal pogrom used on all non-jews in occupied Palestine that created this “problem”; a “problem” that should be encouraged by the university faculty. The ultimate defeat of Apartheid ambitions in South Africa began on campus, the actions of the “jewish state” are more egregious and brutal than anything EVER done in South Africa. Apartheid israel is a FAILED STATE that is beyond redemption or forgiveness, it should be destroyed as soon as humanly possible. Very few jews are of Semitic ancestry, most are Bolshevik Marxists (“Kosher Nostra”) from the former USSR. It is they who are the “Anti-Semites” of the world. Criticizing the terrorist, criminal state is not a racist intent or mind set, it is about human rights, war crimes and deliberate, incremental, GENOCIDE. In the mean time we can band together with the Palestinian people by joining the “BDS” (Boycott, Divest, and Sanction) to harm their economy. http://www.bdsmovement.net/ The killing of children for organ harvest must stop, the targeting of women and children must stop.

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