ed note–And finally, 6 years after the fact and 6 years too late, Jones gets it right.

It wasn’t about a ‘gun grab’, but rather about an operation in psychological manipulation and in driving otherwise curious people away from ‘alternative’ media and ‘unorthodox’ theories about the major political events taking place today.

And all it took for Jones to come to this no-brainer of a conclusion was to be dragged kicking and screaming into court to defend himself from losing millions of dollars that he fleeced from suckers who bought into his BS.

The Daily Beast

Alex Jones isn’t letting procedural defeats in the various defamation suits brought against him by Sandy Hook families numbering in the millions of dollars stop the InfoWars host from discussing what he continues to believe the real ‘conspiracy’of Sandy Hook–the plan to eliminate the First Amendment.

‘What they want to do through discovery is they want to use the legal process to get information that they could not otherwise get, that is private information, that’s protected by the constitutional right to privacy, first established in Griswold v. Connecticut in the 1950s* […] They want to terrorize the public into thinking ‘Jeez, I better never vote for another Donald Trump again. I better never listen to another Alex Jones. You could say Sandy Hook was used against the Second Amendment. Okay, that failed. But now it’s being used against the First!’

3 thoughts on “Alex Jones Is Still Talking About a Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theory”
  1. * Where is the link to listen to your Feb 23rd show, pray tell?*

    ed note–as I just responded to you both via email and to your previous comment, we don’t know WHO YOU ARE as your name is not on the list of those who donated for the program.

    So, let us know WHO YOU ARE on the list, and since–as your original comment intimated, neither ‘the alleged MG’ nor the ‘alleged’ program exist, we will refund your money right away.

  2. Anyone who is still a “Sandy-Hooker” is a jew troll continuing the offensive against REAL false flags like 9-11. Why? Because Israel did 9-11, with the help of a MOSSAD-dominated CIA as well as all the Zionist ticks embedded in Washington, along with more jew benefactors.

    ed note–I disagree slightly, Fredrick…

    I personally know a few Sandy Hookers and they are not ‘jew shills’. What they are is mentally imbalanced and incapable of distinguishing between fantasy and reality/fiction and fact. The bounce from thing to thing to thing like a frog on a pond hopping from lily pad to rock to log back to lily pad again, and Sandy Hook is just ONE of their fetishes.

    Now, is this to say that there are not Jews spread throughout all the various chatrooms pretending to be ‘truthers’ and constantly breathing new life into the SH zombie? No, they are there for sure, but at the same time, we have to be brutally honest about the fact that the movement is a magnet for unstable types who really do believe BS such as this.

  3. MG,

    Yeah, I guess you’re right; I didn’t really consider the simplest, most basic reason; dumb-ass wack-jobs, probably on medication. Yep. No shortage of those! I give people too much credit when so many are truly morons who are intellectually challenged. It’s safer to consider people idiots until they prove otherwise. It still astonishes me how people’s priorities can be so upside-down, like with SH, “Chem Trails”, no moon landing, etc.

    Lack of focus is deadly. If the offensive focus were Israel did 9-11, the media is 100% jew owned & run, and the Holohoax, jewry would be shot in the ass with 00 Buck. It would be exposed as the toxic pariah that it is.

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