0 thoughts on “Debbie Wasserman Schultz planned to accuse Obama of being anti-woman and anti-Semitic”
  1. Another traitor to the foreign country. No one seems concerned that all this Kongressional filth aligns itself with the foreign head of state against their president.

  2. Here is the Jew on full display. This nasty Jewess ,puts herself,and Isreal first. Her method of attack;the usual charges,used to slander anyone,the Jew uses . ” We will say,you are not a friend Of Ceaser”, “And you are blashpeming against Yahweh “.

  3. So this is why the the Democrat losses where so extra heavy last year! The GOP had 20 million LESS Votes than GOP ,but still won ! Gerrymandering,and rural areas did the trick. But the Senate was lost on a handful of votes,in key races. A good Party Chair can help prevent this. Wasserman ,wanted, the Jew payed for Republicans in ,I assure you. The Jews are natural born subversives. Perfect spys,and traitors to everyone,but Jews. See how the LEFT/RIGHT Jewish Matrix works : OCCULT FORCES 1943, You Tube. And how Jews bribe at the top: JUDE SUSS 1940,You Tube. You will learn the Jews power methods,like never before.

  4. Schultz is just playing the Anti-Semitic/ Anti-Feminist cards (or frantically/Judaically pressing the slander button repeatedly) … and we who are lucky to be inhabitants of the TUT planet are just so tired of it all … when one Jew calls another Jew “a Jew who hates Jews” … etc. … and on and on with the mind-numbing Jewish reversals of nth order!

    For humor’s sake, the following is the ONLY kind of woman-hater the world NEEDS to see in the US-Govt./ Congress/ US-military, etc. …


  5. I didn’t realize that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the chairperson of the democratic National Committee. Wow. I figured she was just another psychotic Jew blogger like Pam Geller.

    This means she is in charge of making sure that every democratic candidate for every office in the USA supports Israel and Jewish supremacy first and foremost. It also means she was elected by members of the Democratic National Committee.

    Wow. Even the Republican National Committee is not led by a formal Jew.

    (A “basic Jew” is anyone who thinks like a Jew, regardless of what he calls himself. This includes almost all politicians. A “formal Jew” is someone who actually calls himself or herself a Jew.)


  6. “May the blood of this man,be on us,and our children forever”. The Jews shouted,when Pilot wanted Christ released. “Your house shall now be made desolate “. Christ retorted. Look at her face. The deflated soul of 5000 years,of war ,against the the light. Genes,upon genes jumbled from European Gentiles converted,through the Khazar ,of the East,to the Levant. Here is the face a thousand WARS ,have been launched on.

  7. @Dante: That was a nice reflective comment. I tend to think that way, primarily, too. The wicked soul and it’s so called ‘evolution’ of the exterior is one of the greatest disguises that have fooled mankind and distorted history beyond repair, for a while.

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