Mark Glenn

The most dangerous thing about Benjamin Netanyahu–and no one should make the mistake of thinking he’s anything otherwise–is that he appears ‘normal’ by human standards. He speaks with a ‘human’ voice, seems to have all the required ‘human’ hardware/behaviorisms and in general is able to pass muster in his daily interactions with others. Best guess is that he has skin rather than scales, eyelids rather than slits, and doesn’t slither on his belly from point A to point B…

The truth however is that all of this ‘humanism’–for lack of a better word–attributed to/associated with Netanyahu is just an illusion of sorts, and the world–for the sake of its own collective life and limb–would be best served by turning a blind eye and deaf ear towards black magic such as this.

Despite a few outward superficialities, there is nothing ‘human’ about ‘Bibi’, nor about those who hold membership in his exclusive streetgang.

Like the ravenous wolf dressed as the harmless old lady in the childrens’ story, his true nature is something else entirely…Otherworldly and subterranean…A living, breathing nightmare, oceans-deep with rich, horrific detail or some dark, foreboding chapter out of either Poe or Stephen King. A wild animal in an expensive suit, ‘King Bibi’ is the stuff of Apocalyptic warnings from centuries past, where prophets went mad forecasting a future time featuring monsters in human form prowling about the world and remaking it into something more akin to their liking–soaked in blood, scorched with fire and teaming with every type of human suffering imaginable…The type that causes Satan to beam with hopeful pride while simultaneously giving God worry lines and chest pains, he’s the ‘human’ equivalent of the rabid canine that the local sheriff is periodically called out to shoot for the sake of a terrified townspeople. Better suited for either a zoo or a laboratory, specimens like Netanyahu are those whose deeds eventually become so record-breakingly evil in their size and scale that they become permanently burned into the collective memory of man like some mental scar that is passed down generation after generation. He’s the ‘businessman’ whose private deal with the devil takes place each morning while staring into the mirror and a ‘true believer’ in the most dangerous sense of the word, similar to the cyborg featured in the Terminator films who doesn’t need to be pushed or prodded when it comes to inflicting violence against innocent people, given that the program loaded onto his mental/spiritual harddrive is write-protected and impervious to any outside tampering.

This–his ability to blend in with his human surroundings and thus escape detection–is singularly the most important component making him the danger to the civilized world that he is. A beast walking on 2 legs, it is his chameleonesque ability to replicate the outward appearance of humanness that has provided him the keys to the kingdom and membership to a club where he does not belong, a tragedy due more to the cooperative blindness of his soon-to-be victims rather than to any curse from heaven or quirk of fate.

But besides the truly terrible nature of his nature making him the clear and present danger that he is, it is all the extra baggage he carries with him that portends the worst. While it’s true that humanity has never suffered a shortage of anti-social individuals with ‘bad attitudes’, nevertheless given their lack of resources and inferior positioning on the economic and political chessboard means that the misery they’re able to inflict on large numbers of people is for the most part mitigated.

Obviously not so with Netanyahu…

Head of the largest crime family in human history, with life-or-death power over not just millions, but indeed billions of people due to the stranglehold he and his cousins maintain over economics, media and politics, he keeps a terrified world in line with the threat of lighting off some (or all) of the 400 nukes that he and his loyal disciples have smuggled into every world capital over the course of the last several decades. Leaders from every country–from the U.S. to the U.K. to the U.A.E.–doubtless have had it explained to them in infallibly-explicit language that as far as he and his demands are concerned, every request–be it money, political protection or increased war for Israel’s benefit–is an offer that no one can refuse, for the simple reason that when Bibi hears the word ‘no’, bad things happen. Economies crash. Bombs blow up at marathon events. Planes fly into skyscrapers or computer systems that manage and maintain critical infrastructure operations such as powergrid, clean water, or those necessary measures designed to prevent meltdowns at nuclear powerplants go haywire.

But again, more dangerous than Netanyahu’s inherently violent, vicious, and volcanic nature (paired with his ability to make good on the Judaic voodoo he threatens from time to time) is the manner by which he is misunderstood by most of his would-be victims. Rather than being feared for the deadly, highly-venomous viper that he is, instead he is mocked, jeered, ridiculed, made the butt of jokes and in general taken no more seriously than one of the highly-neurotic characters featured on the television series Seinfeld. In an obviously clear, unequivocal warning to the ‘civilized’ world concerning what kind of unpleasant fate awaits mankind if his demands are not met, he personally orders and oversees–in broad daylight–the butchering of thousands of human beings in Gaza, and yet few hear or understand the language being used…Standing before the United Nations and on full display before 14 billion eyes and ears the world over he wields cartoon drawings conveying his personal promise to incinerate every square inch of God’s green earth unless 75 million Iranians are mass-murdered in a real-life/real-time/real-deal re-enactment of the Judaic blood-festival Purim, and rather than this threat being recognized for what it is, instead it is treated like stand-up comedy appearing on an episode of Saturday Night Live. With obvious sneering and condescension, pundits and commentators around the world snicker at the entire spectacle, not realizing that as they do so, a 200 megaton gun is being pointed at their heads and that in the end–barring some act of God–Nutty Netty will be the one having the last laugh the moment he lights the fuse and walks away.

What can be said about all of this, other than ‘it is what it is…’ Rarely has any tidal wave of evil–in this case, psychopaths hijacking ships of state and deliberately steering them over the cliff and into the darkest abyss–beset mankind throughout history where there weren’t clear warning signs that trouble was coming. Mother Nature may indeed be unpredictable when it comes to her oftentimes temperamental mood swings, but as far as the dark side of human nature goes, more often than not the tic-tic-ticking sound of a human time bomb about to go off is hard to avoid hearing.

Nevertheless, as history–and especially present-day events–has all-too-tragically shown, people can be convinced (seduced) into believing that the tic-tic-ticking sound they clearly hear is but a figment of their imagination, thus giving otherworldly/subterranean creatures such as Netanyahu the passive cooperation they need in conjuring forth their particular brand of murder and mayhem. Few and far between are those willing to trust what their common sense tells them and recognize the danger for what it is vs. those multitudes who ignore the thunderous noise of the onrushing waters until it is upon them and there is no escaping it.

The difference now of course is that the waters in question are deeper, faster and more lethal. Never before in human history has so much violent, Apocalyptic power resided in the hands of so few people who were free to do so much damage with so little effort.

And–just like his dangerous nature that should not be underestimated–neither should people underestimate the length and breadth to which Netanyahu plans to take all of this at days’ end, an awareness that can only begin with knowing that the one thing which he does best and loves the most is war.

Just as the profile of some infamous crime lord is incomplete without including background scenery such as money laundering, prostitution, drugs, bribery, murder, etc, likewise an accurate accounting of Benjamin Netanyahu remains informationally anemic without mentioning his abnormal appetite for state-sponsored mass-murder, otherwise known as war.

Simply stated, take this aspect out of any discussion featuring Netanyahu and there is little to nothing left to discuss.

For ‘Bibi’–the latest incarnation in a long line of King David wannabes–war is his beating heart, (if he has one) his lifeblood (if he has any) and the electrical current that powers his mental functions, if indeed any exist. Envisioning himself the great, great grandson of biblical warrior kings such as Moses, Joshua et al, who ‘made their bones’ (at least as recounted within the pages of Jewish ‘holy’ texts such as Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers, etc) by fulfilling the commands and commandments of Yahweh to ‘slaughter them all and utterly destroy them’ and to ‘save nothing alive that breathes’ and all the rest of the biblical madness which Israel uses in justifying the Gentile-cide that she perpetrates in the region, war on behalf of the Jewish state is as sacred to Netanyahu as Holy Communion is to Catholics or Salat is to Muslims. Whereas within the ‘civilized’ world, war is considered a pestilence and is viewed only through the lenses of dread, regret, reluctance, reservation, etc, for Netanyahu war is playtime, and the various killing fields over which he has personally presided–from Gaza to Syria to Iraq and beyond–are indeed his playgrounds and sandboxes. While the sights and sounds of deliberately inflicted human suffering and carnage cause civilized others to recoil in horror, for Bibi & co they are a source of spiritual electrification, similar in many respects to the rush of excitement felt by prospectors once gold has been found. Like the High Priest featured in Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto who rouses the fervor of his flock to a state of religious hyper-mania by cutting out the living, beating hearts of innocent human victims, so too do Netanyahu and his fellow acolytes achieve the same type of psychological climax in knowing that the god of Israel–as depicted within the various ‘holy’ books of Judah-ism–is appeased and satiated with the rivers of blood shed in his honor.

Therefore, when he talks about Iran being destroyed, what he means is IRAN  BEING  DESTROYED, brick by brick, bone by bone…Likewise Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, town after town, city after city, country after country and–if necessary–continent after continent, wherever the religiously-mandated ritual of Gentile-cide may be practiced, as if all of it were some type of installment plan attached to a debt that–according to the accounting firm of Israel, Israel, & Israel–can never be paid off.

The fact that Netanyahu is a ‘purest’ when it comes to the business of Armageddon–and no one should make the mistake of thinking he is anything otherwise–is clearly evident in the various snarlings and growlings attributed to him over the years but which have been mischaracterized by the Gentile world as meaningless political meanderings with no deeper implications attached. Indeed, just as with the infamous ‘bomb-gonna-go-boom’ cartoonery he utilized at the UN General Assembly in 2012 conveying the threat of Judaically-induced holocaust against Gentiledom if his demands regarding war with Iran and others are not met, likewise have there been numerous other instances where Mr. 666 talks with the mouth of a man but speaks the language of the beast.

And if ever there were an instance where the world should have perked up its ears and honed in on that tic-tic-ticking sound of a human timebomb about to blow, it was in June of 2012, a mere few months prior to his well-known incident at the UN, where Netanyahu, like some crime boss giving orders to his assembled caporegimes, addressed a gathering of pro-Zionist operatives in the U.S. via telecom and discussed the manner by which ‘militant Islam’ would be defeated by the end of the 21st century.

Not by the end of the year or end of the decade, but end of the century.

For those who don’t get the math here, what this means is that a war that began when the 21st century was a mere newborn baby still in diapers, a war that’s already destroyed the lives of millions of people, decimated the global economy, stopped human progress dead in its tracks and set 1.5 billion Christians and 1.5 billion Muslims (collectively making up nearly 1/2 of the world’s population) at each others’ throats is–according to Netanyahu’s timetable–‘jes gettin’ warmed up,’ with another 88 years to go.

And let no one be fooled by his use of the term ‘militant’ as a qualifying adjective in describing Islam. Like his bomb cartoon brandished at the UN, this was typical gangsterese on his part, i.e. saying one thing but meaning another…Rabbinical sleight-of-hand and a spell of sorts meant to hypnotize the collective Gentile mind and prevent it from understanding what kind of devastating Judaic black magic he and his fellow wizards have cooked up in their cauldron of Zionist intrigue.

His use of the term ‘militant’–meant to materialize in the Gentile mind imagery of ISIS, ISIL, Al Qaeda, etc–in actuality is an all-encompassing term meaning any and all followers of Islam. To Netanyahu & co, the ‘militant’ Muslim is the Palestinian boy who throws rocks at IDF terrorists who just shot his mother and baby sister in cold blood…It is the young Iraqi woman who–despite seeing her country obliterated after 20 years of Israeli-engineered war, nevertheless–insists upon maintaining her chastity and wearing her hijab…It is nations such as Iran, Syria, Libya (before its destruction) and others who insist upon remaining sovereign, stable countries, as opposed to those such as Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia et al who have surrendered their necks over to the vampire and in the process have become mere handpuppets to global Zionist designs.

In short, to Netanyahu (and to those who share his vision of the future) ‘militant’ Islam is any organized barrier–spiritual, political, economic, social or moral–to the same deadly Z-bola contagion that has decimated the nations of the ‘Christian’ West. Just as all social order within the once-vibrant Christian civilizations has been transformed into an extended real-life/real-time/real-deal re-enactment of The Walking Dead as a direct result of the town well being poisoned with the toxic, fecal-laden moral sludge flowing out of the synagogue and into the minds of the masses via a mainstream media owned lock, stock & barrel by organized Jewish interests, so too is this the only form of Islam that Netanyahu & co find ‘acceptable’.

As carriers of a deadly spiritual virus that cannot exist in a sterile, anti-biotic environment, Netanyahu & co understand that Judah-ism and Islam occupying the same space on this late, great planet earth is simply not possible. Whereas Christianity–given its fatal attachment to the same Torah that serves as the beating heart and lifeblood of the entire Judaic structure–provides organized Zionist interests a ‘back door’ through which hackers may surreptitiously enter and hijack the religion based upon the teachings and personhood of Jesus Christ for their own criminal purposes, Islam however contains no such liabilities. In Islam, there is no depiction and celebration of founding fathers such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, et al being thieves, liars, murderers, usurers, war criminals, etc, in the same manner by which they are represented in Judeo-Christianity and which forms the basis upon which the entire Zionist narrative rests.

Therefore, given that no such depictions exist within Islam that can be used in penetrating, subjugating, degenerating, mutating, debaucherizing and bastardizing it so as to bring it ‘into the fold’ as a cooperative family member alongside Judeo-Christianity, the only way it can be dealt with is through war.

The devoted followers of Judah-ism–understanding that it is an all-or-nothing paradigm that has no place in its lexicon for ideas such as ‘live and let live’–understand therefore that Islam cannot be permitted to continue as a pure and incorrupt ideology, but must instead either be made sick and weak through a century of war so as to mitigate its influence in world affairs or else be eradicated from the planet in its entirety.

And this, the Apocalyptic, far-reaching implications of Netanyahu’s 100-year war against ‘militant’ Islam, is the devil in the details that few–especially in the West–seem to grasp. The peoples of the once-Christian West, basking in their unrivaled power–economic, political, military, etc–fail to see that–contrary to what their bought-and-paid-for religious leaders tell them–it is not ‘God’ who has blessed their civilization with such largesse, but rather the most dangerous crime family ever to exist in human history. A century ago, just prior to this, the ‘Jewish Century’ (as described by Jewish writer Yuri Slezkine) the time period scheduled to serve as the 100 year gladiatorial game between Christianity and Islam, organized Zionist interests began the process of seizing control of the various power centers of the West, after which time steroids cooked up within the temples, lodges, and synagogues were injected into the bloodstream of Western Civilization so as to create this present monster-in-human-form that had but one purpose–to prowl about the world and remake it into something more to the liking of Judah-ism’s eternal aims–soaked in sacrificial blood, scorched with sacrificial fire and teaming with every type of sacrificial human suffering imaginable.

Equally tragic is the fact that the West, in acting as the dutiful, loyal un-hired hand for the synagogue in rampaging through the Islamic world and eradicating the one remaining block of resistance to the same system of institutionalized evil which prophets of old went mad foretelling, at the same time what these worshipers of the beast fail to understand is that this 100-year campaign against Islam actually has 2 intended victims, the 2nd one being Christianity itself. By setting these 2 peoples who collectively make up nearly half the world’s population at each others’ throats, what organized Jewish interests hope to achieve is the killing of two birds with one stone. 100 years of ceaseless, bankrupting war can only result in the complete economic and political meltdown of the aggressor civilization that can then only result in its own ruination. As a civilization ostensibly built around the teachings and personhood of Jesus Christ, it will cease to exist as such, leaving only Judah-ism as the dominant and domineering influence in world affairs, and as such, the synagogue and its ruling class, the Sanhedrin, will have finally achieved what did not materialize 2,000 years ago when a mafia-hit against a Galilean carpenter backfired.

To many, a scenario as Apocalyptic as this, brought into being by a mere string of words requiring no more than 5 seconds in speaking and coming out of the mouth of a mere man seems implausible. Accustomed to associating big things only with big beginnings, many are–to their own detriment–incapable of joining together images such as raging infernos and tiny sparks.

Such skeptics would do well however to remind themselves that similar conflagrations throughout history–before war became the instant, on-demand product that it is now–began in similar ways, including one that destroyed the lives of tens of millions of people that began with one bullet fired by an assassin named Gavrilo Princep in 1914.

Indeed, in many dramatic and traumatic events throughout history, it is the details–including (or especially) those coming out of the mouths of nightmarish creatures such as Netanyahu–that often matter, the small things that seem to escape the notice of the average ear and the average mind, but which in essence are the corners, closets, and crevices that serve as hiding places for the devil.

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