0 thoughts on “Idiot Conservative dad threatens ‘shitstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes study of Islam”
  1. love the photo ~ which all Marines should have to wear and be examined for miscreant genes like the ones evidenced by the jerk/dad in the article ~ Marines in general lack the empathy gene.

  2. This shows the power of brainwashing in the US… This is the country which claims to be number one democracy & free country in the world but government knows how to control and brainwash its people. About 30 to 40 years ago they did brainwash and put the same kind of hatred & fear in the minds of people against the Russians & communists and American people believed and followed every nonsense their media or government put in their brains…
    The only difference between US and the 3rd world countries is that they control people directly and their citizens know their limits of freedoms which is called visible or direct control but here in the US unlike what many people think, it is invisible or indirect control. I believe this kind of control is much more harmful and dangerous for future of the country because majority of people don’t feel or see it and they believe & trust their corrupt politicians…

  3. Thirteen years of brainwashing and demonizing of Islam by the Jewish mainstream media has produced irrationality, paranoia and fear in Christians. I know people who actually believe that it’s the goal of every Muslim to force us to convert to Islam or they’ll put knives to our throats and cut our heads off. These people claim to have read the Qur’an and believe that’s what it says. People like that can’t be reasoned with. Unfortunately, you can’t fix stupid.

  4. The brain washing in this country comes from the jews totaliterian control of the mainstream media,and LEFT/RIGHT Matrix-a good example of this can be seen in an old French Film-OCCULT FORCES,1943-You Tube. The Jews managed to get the USA ,into EVERY WAR,last Century,and this-making the people like it! The ‘hate of the month’,described by Orwell,is now Islam,than Russia,and sometimes ,dispite there slavery to NATO-Germany,past,and present…to keep them in line.. This stupid marine,is part of a heavily politicized US military-he is a Zio-Christain,Rothchild FOX NEWS buff for sure.

  5. Some claim stupid cannot be cured. I beg to differ and suggest killing your TV (figuratively) in order to TV elevate your common sense. This guy would likely benefit.

  6. The freaking moron!
    “I told her straight up ‘you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive],” Wood said on Monday. “If [students] can’t practice Christianity in school, they should not be allowed to practice Islam in school.”
    Does this stupid phase come to your mind as it does to mine when reading this?
    Remember these are the Marines are Government want as Police Officers after there tour of duty!
    As the Police State virtually grabs the citizenry collective throats in America!

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