ed note–keep in mind a few minor details here…


This is not ‘Khazar’ Judah-ism. It is not ‘Talmudic’ Judah-ism. It is not ‘Zionist’ Judah-ism. As the story makes plainly clear for those with eyes to see and brains to cogitate and discern, this is the Judah-ism of the Torah and of the Old Testament…It is the Judah-ism of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, Esther, etc, etc, etc…It is the Judah-ism that rejected Jesus Christ, hunted down His apostles and subjected them to prison, torture, and death…It is the Judah-ism that acted as the electrical current fueling the Bolshevik revolution, WWI, WWII, etc. It is the Judah-ism that runs Hollywood, the porn business, abortion on demand, the banking system in the West, etc. It is the Judah-ism that animates ‘good Jews’ like those at Neturei Karta, Jewish Voice for Peace, J-Street, and all those other groups whose job is to keep Gentiles confused about what the nature of the problem truly is. It is the Judah-ism worshiped by certain backwards sects within Christianity, including Christian Zionism and Christian Identity. It is the Judah-ism that destroyed Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and if it gets its way, will see the entire world hacked to pieces in exactly the same way that these poor kids were murdered, because as far as Judah-ism is concerned, the term ‘Amalekite’ is a one-size-fits-all designation that can be/is used whenever someone else’s existence has been deemed a threat to the greater good of Judea, Inc.


In short, Judah-ism, from root to stem, is a sickly, diseased tree that has never produced any fruit, exactly as Jesus Christ charged. It is a mental illness all its own that infects and destroys all living things in its environs, and the only substantive difference between what this father did in hacking his family to pieces vs what the IDF, Hagganah, Stern Gang, etc have done/do on a regular basis is that he did it in a ‘hands on’ manner rather than with the sexy, sophisticated use of high-tech weaponry.


Times of Israel


A man was charged Thursday with murdering his wife and two young children along with a neighbor’s child and attempting to murder another child, after being judged fit to stand trial.


Nadav Sela, 28, was accused in the Nazareth District Court of stabbing to death his wife, Dor Crasanti-Sela, 23; sons Yosef, just under 2, and Binyamin, 8 months; and neighbor Nachman Atia, 11, in the family’s home in the northern town of Migdal outside of Tiberias on Saturday, January 28.


Nachman’s brother Natan, 10, was knifed in the face, neck and hands but managed to survive by playing dead and later escaping out of a ground-floor window. Nahman and Natan had been invited over for a Shabbat meal.


According to the charge sheet, Sela did not stop the stabbing even as the victims begged to be spared and did not leave the house until he was sure that he had killed everyone.


While Sela was changing his clothes Natan Atia managed to jump out of a bedroom window and run for help. Dor’s father, Eitan Crasanti, arrived at the house, saw through an open window what had happened, and called the police.


A mobile police unit arrested Sela shortly after the killings at a nearby grove of olive trees. He confessed, the charge sheet read, and just mumbled the words “They’re Amalekites, they’re Amalekites.”


In biblical Jewish tradition, the nomadic Amalekite tribe came to be viewed as the essence of evil.


Of the 613 commandments followed by Orthodox Jews, one — based on 1 Samuel 15.3 — orders the destruction of Amalekites and says, “Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’


No traces of alcohol or drugs were found in Sela’s blood. During questioning, he just repeated, “I murdered everyone at home because they were Amalekites.”


Ofer Osta, head of the Israel Police northern district’s homicide unit, revealed that after questioning dozens of family acquaintances as well as rabbis with whom Sela had studied, in an attempt to discover the motive for the crime, “We found a piece of correspondence in one of his religious books that said something about the Amalekites. There’s a verse like that in the book he was reading but he didn’t know how to explain it or to quote any spiritual authority.”


Psychologists ruled that Sela was fit to stand trial after observing him for more than two weeks at a psychiatric medical center. During a previous remand hearing, he had said he was “a cat” and that he had slept with other women.


Osta said, “I sat opposite him [Sela] for 19 hours and the man was under the microscope. He behaves in a normative way.”


“We checked the whole family background,” Osta went on. “Dor, the mother, was pure and always did want he wanted and protected his dignity, raised the children and broadcast to the outside world that everything was okay. Her parents were the ones who helped them financially.”


Osta said, “This was one of the most difficult crime scenes that I’ve witnessed in my long service with the Israel Police.”


The court heard that during the days before the murder, Sela had contacted individuals in town to apologize for various things.


That cohered with statements by Dor’s mother, Ravit Crasanti immediately after the killings, in which she said she was certain that her son-in-law had planned his actions in advance.


“He went and said goodbye to everyone,” she said. “On Friday night he sat with me at the table and asked for forgiveness. He said, ‘I’m sorry if I hurt you, I’m sorry if I said anything bad about you.’ He did the same to other people in the community,” she said. “He took his leave of them.”


Shortly before the court hearing, Crasanti burst into the hall carrying pictures of her daughter and her dead grandsons and repeatedly called on Sela to look at them. “You low-life murderer! Just look what you took from us!”


“It was important to me that he sees the faces of the children, that he understand what he took, the happiness of the family. Since then, there’s no happiness. He’s taken the life from us,” she said.


In response to a reporter’s question, Sela said, “I’m sorry.”

4 thoughts on “Israeli father murders his wife and children because they were ‘Amalekites’”
  1. These psychologically fragile people (no matter how vilely and/or convincingly normal they carry themselves in the world of gentiles) are proof that this strain of “humanity” is truly frail. Even Pax Judaica and various organizations admit that the Jewish people such as they are carry an extremely high number of mental illnesses.
    Just pop in a search on your favourite engine for “Jews, mental illness” or some such thing and it is amazing what comes up regarding the Jewish claim to “own” neurosis. So much material; most comes from Jewish links that we do not provide here at TUT. But, try Haaretz for starters. A lot there.
    No excuse. Just sayin’.
    It will be interesting to see what they do to this one considering he does not fit the “madness” category ~ their usual hidey-hole defence.

  2. diseased minds
    from a diseased belief system
    passed from generation to generation

  3. The Jewish scriptures, in various editions, have variously rendered the Amalekites as the ‘Egyptians’, then the ‘Armenians’, and so on, and Palestinians are now termed by many Jews as being ‘just like the Amalekites’ as well.
    ‘Jewish Talmudic Extremism: Rabbi Yisrael: All Palestinians Must Be Killed, Men, Women, Infants and Beasts’
    “Annihilate the Amalekites from the beginning to the end. Kill them and wrest them from their possessions. Show them no mercy. Kill continuously, one after the other. Leave no child, plant, or tree. Kill their beasts, from camels to donkeys.” Rosen adds that the Amalekites are not a particular race or religion, but rather all those who hate the Jews for religious or national motives. Rosen goes as far as saying that the “Amalekites will remain as long as there are Jews. In every age Amalekites will surface from other races to attack the Jews, and thus the war against them must be global.”
    In fact, the Kings Torah states that , as Amalekites will continue to appear in all peoples around the world, then the war against them must be ‘global;’.
    And of course, that insanity will cause them to see the enemy as even being amongst their own. Jews believe in reincarnation, so are always on the lookout, double checking to see that they have no ‘cuckoos in the nest’, any sneaky Amalekite Gentiles craftily reincarnating amongst them to do untold ‘evil’.
    in the Torah, ALL Gentiles are termed as being from hell, spawn of Satan, essentially all Amalekites in fact, so we are all going to be in for the chop.
    This is an extremely interesting report, as it shows the utmost extents of the lengths that Jews are willing to go to to ensure that no ‘evil’ souls are sneaking past their psychic checks and boundaries to enter into their midst.
    Ultimately, if you are not a Jew, then you are an Amalekite, and this is exactly what you will get too, death by one means or another, no ifs or buts about it.
    All Jews must be removed from positions of power and influence with the utmost urgency, or their 1991 US Noahide Laws will eventually be fully effected during a planned time of complete chaos and breakdown when the US Constitution can be suspended and the Noahide Laws laws put in the place of the Constitution, with the certain genocidal slaughter of scores of millions in the US to follow without the slightest doubt at all, which will be much worse than the slaughter of the 66 million Christians that followed the Jewish takeover of Russia in 1917, at the time of the misnomered, Russian Red ‘Revolution’.

  4. Reblogged this on Mothman777's Blog and commented:
    The Jewish scriptures, in various editions, have variously rendered the Amalekites as the ‘Egyptians’, then the ‘Armenians’, and so on, and Palestinians are now termed by many Jews as being ‘just like the Amalekites’ as well.
    ‘Jewish Talmudic Extremism: Rabbi Yisrael: All Palestinians Must Be Killed, Men, Women, Infants and Beasts’
    “Annihilate the Amalekites from the beginning to the end. Kill them and wrest them from their possessions. Show them no mercy. Kill continuously, one after the other. Leave no child, plant, or tree. Kill their beasts, from camels to donkeys.” Rosen adds that the Amalekites are not a particular race or religion, but rather all those who hate the Jews for religious or national motives. Rosen goes as far as saying that the “Amalekites will remain as long as there are Jews. In every age Amalekites will surface from other races to attack the Jews, and thus the war against them must be global.”
    In fact, the Kings Torah states that , as Amalekites will continue to appear in all peoples around the world, then the war against them must be ‘global;’.
    And of course, that insanity will cause them to see the enemy as even being amongst their own. Jews believe in reincarnation, so are always on the lookout, double checking to see that they have no ‘cuckoos in the nest’, any sneaky Amalekite Gentiles craftily reincarnating amongst them to do untold ‘evil’.
    in the Torah, ALL Gentiles are termed as being from hell, spawn of Satan, essentially all Amalekites in fact, so we are all going to be in for the chop.
    This is an extremely interesting report, as it shows the utmost extents of the lengths that Jews are willing to go to to ensure that no ‘evil’ souls are sneaking past their psychic checks and boundaries to enter into their midst.
    Ultimately, if you are not a Jew, then you are an Amalekite, and this is exactly what you will get too, death by one means or another, no ifs or buts about it.
    All Jews must be removed from positions of power and influence with the utmost urgency, or their 1991 US Noahide Laws will eventually be fully effected during a planned time of complete chaos and breakdown when the US Constitution can be suspended and the Noahide Laws laws put in the place of the Constitution, with the certain genocidal slaughter of scores of millions in the US to follow without the slightest doubt at all, which will be much worse than the slaughter of the 66 million Christians that followed the Jewish takeover of Russia in 1917, at the time of the misnomered, Russian Red ‘Revolution’.

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