
By Trevor LaBonte for AFP

AUSTIN, Texas—“Blessed are you, Lord God, Creator of the Universe. You have supplied us all that we need for life and productivity. I pray that you will bless Israel, especially in oil productivity. Father, I ask that you will lead the engineers to find the riches of the world hidden deep beneath the surface of the Earth. May all those involved have ears to hear your voice as you lead them to the vast oil fields in Israel. In Jesus name I pray, amen.” So go the words of Texas state representative and “Christian Zionist” Molly Suzanne White, on the Zion Oil and Gas Facebook page in 2014.

Why did Representative White feel the need to ask God to bless an Israeli company? According to financial disclosure reports, she is also an investor in the Israeli company. This is the same Texas state representative who was recently caught up in considerable controversy when she decided to place an Israeli flag on the reception desk in the entrance of her state office.

“Today is Texas Muslim Capital day [sic] in Austin,” White explained in a statement on the Internet. “The House is in recess until Monday. Most members including myself are back in district. I did leave an Israeli flag on the reception desk in my office with instructions to staff to ask representatives from the Muslim community to renounce Islamic terrorist groups and publicly announce allegiance to America and our laws. We will see how long they stay in my office.”

Whatever one may think about Islam, White’s ridiculous demonstration shows she understands little of what is going on in the Mideast.

White wants everyone to accept United States law, so why not place a Texas flag on her desk? Or simply Old Glory?

Her obvious political and financial ties with the illegitimate, border-less, constitution-less, usurping Zionist entity more than call into question her own commitment to America and Texas.

Her explanation was that she wants Muslims to apologize for terrorism, even though considerable evidence proves that Israel, not Muslims, was behind the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington. Osama bin Laden was never charged with the attack officially because the Federal Bureau of Investigation could not produce evidence that he had anything to do with it.

In addition, this newspaper has been reporting that other Islamic terrorist groups such as al Qaeda, Jahbat al Nusra and Islamic State have been armed, funded and trained by the Israelis and their proxies. Their mission has been to terrorize and weaken the region to make way for the “Greater Israel” project, which allows Israel to completely absorb Palestine and spread beyond its current borders into Egypt and Jordan.

Representative White is clearly playing along with the Jewish state’s propaganda, but she faced an intense firestorm of criticism by outraged Americans who are aware of Israel’s many deceptions.

And while White would like to blame all terrorism on Muslims, she neglects to mention the long history of bloody terrorist acts carried out by Israel over the last century, including Israel’s long history of treacherous false-flag operations blamed on Muslims. These include the King David Hotel Bombing, the “Lavon Affair,” the June 8, 1967 USS Liberty attack and, of course, 9-11.

This reporter reached out Representative White’s office as well Texas Governor Greg Abbott for a statement. After repeated attempts to contact them, neither could be bothered to respond.

0 thoughts on “Israeli flag flies in Texas”
  1. I lived in Texas a number of years. I can still remember when I first moved there how neatly everyone seemed to be do obedient. Obedient is the best word I can use to describe it

    I had always heard how independent and “honorable” Texans were and how they were a “loner”State. But Texas seemed to me to along the lines of a Stepford mentality like in the movie The Stepford Wives.

    So many times I would stop my car at a traffic light and there would be silence. No music playing. No thump thump of a car stereo. No conversations being overheard. And cameras cameras cameras everywhere.

    And how they love their Mexican workers there in Texas and I know for a fact they were not all citizens.

    Texas is a big pushover.

  2. Texas is the “lone star state” after all. Texas is also home to some of the largest Calvinist bible brothels in the states. Sweaty, frothing at the mouth Hageeites swaying mesmerically to the infernal din of the Hatikvah in the Cornerstone Sin-agogue. That vision of human depravity haunts my waking hours, but is emblematic of the American descent into Jewish servility, enough!

    Seriously, these Orcs are the embodiment of the shabboz goy, the negation of all the noble characteristics the Texans illegitimately arrogate to themselves, individualism, ruggedness, free spiritedness, they are in truth, the worlds foremost grovellers and workhorses.

  3. In the same lines as the featured article, here are some interesting views:


    “Evangelical Treason Rips America” — Who’s Wagging Your Neighbor’s Tongue? (~Anton Chaitkin)


    “The greatest threat from terrorism in the United States comes from people who are associated with a British Church of England-run Pentecostalist movement inside the United States. It is this apparatus which has structured the militias. Now, most people in the militia movement, or associated with it, have no part of the intentions of those who are behind it, particularly that section in the Episcopal Church, or Pat Robertson, who’s part of this same movement, who are barking–authentically barking–Pentecostalists, who, with their connections with the military, deeply embedded in the military, including the … corps of chaplains in the U.S. military, are largely controlled, presently, by outright barking Pentecostalists …. This is the … main source of the internal threat of the potential for terrorism, and other kinds of treason inside the United States, today.“

    –Lyndon LaRouche, “EIR Talks,” July 30, 1997.

    “The British Empire high church apparatus seeks to reduce the American mind to that of a clown, a hypnotized “Christian” who babbles or barks like a dog; a “patriot” numbed by anti-government gossip and Armageddonism, so that he sees his own nation as his enemy.”



  4. The Jews created Zionist Christianity ,with John Calvin,and gave it political force with Oliver Cromwells ,take over of England in the 1600’s. Fast forward to our time. The US Bible Belt ,was inside the Jews orbit from the beginning of the US. It was highly Masonic (the Southern Rite,Illumanati Version codified by General Pike) ,and had a defacto alliance with Britian for its cotton,and importation of slaves. It wanted low tarriffs for trade with the British Empire (The world) ,while the North wanted high ones to build US Industry (Anti- Rothschilds) The CSA was run by a Jew. Jefferson Davis was a mere front man. The later was a Judah Benjamen. He held THREE POST similtaneously : Minister Of War,State,and Treasury. After the conflict,he fled to his sponsers ,in London. As Jew Power ,grew in the USA,they entered ,and took over the Democrat Party ,beginning with their total stooge Wilson . That parties base,was in the deep racist,Bible Belt South. That party DID NOT have a Civil Rights Plank until 1948-even FDR,did not endorse such ! Because of this ,they had a lock on the US System politically ;Jews (North, Cities) Red Necks (South,Rural) The Republican Party was seen as for “Civil Rights”in the South (Party Of Lincoln) tarrifs (Industry) ,and Anti – Interventionm in the North to the Jews -(War) … When the Civil Rights Movement,and Anti Vietnam War one,came forward to storm the Democrats ,the Jews where loosing their grip ! What to do? They began the Neoconservative/Fundamentalist transformation of the Republican Party ,into the old Dixie Crat base of Wilson,FDR,and Truman,etc ! TodayTexas is a fortress for Isreal. The Yellow Rose Of Texas is the Blue Star Of David (Saturn,Hexogram ) 666.

  5. @Dante : I thank you every time you mention that crucial Masonic fact/ link. The Brits and their commissioned Rothschilds DID intend the US of A to be a Masonic Corporation from the very start. I often cried for those whose emotions have always been manipulated by patriotic lies — those are the very people, often great people, who will just not be able to wake up to the monstrous degree of this deception. … By the way, there are a great number of nations out there that have been lied to in the same systematic way regarding their [national] identity and premise. and they will never want to wake up either. [That ‘Neo-wakes-up’ moment in the movie Matrix is actually for only a strong few, and most people are incapable (or unwilling) of that degree of self efficacy.]

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