Bill Clinton


That GHWB did not go far enough as POTUS viz ‘destroying that gigantic army in the Iraqi desert so that Israel would not have to face it one day on its own border’ as written by Ostrovsky was a fact made immediately clear in the aftermath of the 45-day war.

The pirates of Judea, using the most powerful weapon they possessed (outside of their nukes) in their ship-of-state arsenal–the mainstream media mafia–immediately went to work like Jermites in chewing away at what was the resounding political triumph GHWB had just won, a victory which would (in most normal circumstances) assure re-election for any conquering Caesar–the prosecution and unparalleled victory of what was for all intents and purposes a ‘bloodless’ war as far as American losses were concerned.

Careful not to bare too much fang or sound too much snarl (given GHWB’s immense popularity on both the domestic and foreign stage at that time) nevertheless the night creatures began the process of underscoring the ‘deficiencies’ associated with his stopping short of ‘regime change’ in Iraq, a geo-political/theo-political decapitation which had been as much part of their Judaic calculus as was having Uncle Sam destroy that ‘gigantic army in the desert’. Bush and his generals were accused of being ‘too cautious’ in their refusal to completely annihilate Iraq per the predictions of that aforementioned fellow named Isaiah and then move on to other projects rooted in ‘creative destruction’ in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc, etc, etc.

But, as much a disappointment as Bush’s ‘cautious’ approach was, all in all it certainly gave the vampires some degree of satisfaction in that at least a lot of people died, and after all, why should they not desire/demand such a thing, given that this was precisely what the recipe for ‘Eretz Israel HaSchlema’ required per the dictates of the Pirates’ ‘how-to-manual,’ the Torah, to wit–

When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall save nothing alive that breathes…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy. You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…–Book of Deuteronomy

However, whatever pleasure was derived from a lot of Ishmaelites dying in accordance with the directives of that ‘how-to’ manual, such merriment was muted/mitigated in short time by what came next–the realization of the Pirates’ worst fears that began the moment Bush’s Secretary of State Baker spoke at AIPAC and made clear the plans in the works for ‘Laying aside, once and for all, the unrealistic vision of a Greater Israel’.

Of particular worry for them was what took place on the evening of March 6, 1991, when, to thunderous applause, a tidal wave of ‘atta-boy’ back-slapping, many, many, manly handshakes, beaming smiles, congratulatory shouts and a standing ovation that lasted far longer than with which he was comfortable, POTUS 41 strode into an assembled joint session of the U.S. Congress, climbed the podium and announced within earshot of ‘80 million Americans’ that–

As president, I can report to the nation — aggression is defeated. The war is over…

And then, as if those 4 words–‘the war is over’–weren’t alarming enough to the pirate-midwives of Judea who viewed their baby, ’Operation Desert Storm’ that was conceived within the Judaic womb of intrigue, terrorism, sabotage, and deception, as merely the ‘1st born’ of what was to be a very large brood of violent and dangerous children representing the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ between the Christian West and Islamic East, GHWB then lobbed the next geo-political grenade portending stormy seas for the pirates and their plans, to wit–

The time has come to put an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict…Peacemaking in the Middle East requires compromise, and therefore we must do all that we can to close the gap between Israel and the Palestinians…This comprehensive peace must be grounded in United Nations Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 and the principle of ‘territory for peace…

The screeching, wailing, rending of robes and gnashing of teeth in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and at every Mossad-extension office in America, including AIPAC, ADL, American Jewish Committee, etc must have been, well, as diabolic as it was volcanic. GHWB, in his own haughty Gentile insolence had, as one of America’s most popular Presidents, just ‘sealed the deal’ viz the impending demise of the entire ‘Eretz Israel HaSchlema’ hallucinogenic nightmare, and what’s worse, had the political backing of ‘80 million Americans’ to do it.

And thus in that moment it was both simultaneously and instantaneously decided in Tel Aviv, New York, D.C, Hollywood, and every other place where the pirates maintained a port for their marauding ship of state that GHWB was–politically or otherwise–a dead man walking.

It can be assumed then that given his well-earned/notorious reputation as the smooth-talking/silver-tongued hillbilly crime boss running the Democratic wing of the Dixie Mafia for many years that ‘Slick Willie’–as William Jefferson Clinton came to be known–made all sorts of deals with the pirates of Judea, namely that in return for their supporting his POTUS campaign against GHWB (which they did) not only would he keep his nose out of any ‘peace deals’ in the Middle East, but as well would pick up where his predecessor had prematurely stopped short viz the ‘clash of civilizations’ that began with Operation Desert Storm.

The problem with an arrangement such as Slick most likely made with the pirates is that wars are, by definition, messy. Those Commanders-in-Chief who prosecute them are lucky if everything goes as planned, if victory is easy and relatively painless and, as was indeed the case with Clinton’s predecessor, lasts all of 45 days and results in public approval numbers that generally speaking are mathematically and politically impossible to achieve in the ‘real world’.

In the ‘real world’, wars are tragic events where people die, lots of them, including the young men sent off to fight in them, and at the end of these ‘tragic events’ where the ‘buck stops’ is none other than El Presidente who sent them off to their deaths and who winds up standing in the defendant’s dock pleading for his political life in front of an angry electorate jury.

And thus why those who owe their political fortunes to the good mood of those who put them into office aren’t always eager to light fires that might come back to burn them later.

Furthermore, as no doubt Slick was well-aware (given the very simple apocalyptic mathematics involved in it all) the size, scope and severity of the next dominos which the pirates intended to see fall precluded the possibility of a repeat of GHWB’s ‘45-day war’ since the Judaic calculus baked into it was not merely ‘destroying a gigantic army in the desert’, but rather, destroying a gigantic CIVILIZATION thousands of years old stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates that accounted for hundreds of millions of people.

And so, Slick Willie, POTUS William Jefferson Clinton, understanding full-well the problematic particulars of the disaster that he as El Presidente was expected to deliver, did what all unscrupulous players do at some point in the poker game where they stand to lose everything they’ve tossed into the kitty–

He cheated.

That the pirates suspected he might do this was obvious from the beginning of the ‘92 election season. Reminding him that they had him by the Presidential grapes, not a day (hour) went by in which the news of the moment did not feature some new scandal involving Slick and another woman not named Hillary, any one of which would have instantly and permanently heeled and disciplined any other rebellious and independent-minded politico seeking office.

Having been burned as badly as they were by GHWB, what the pirates obviously wanted/needed was a POTUS 42 who–terrified of the many sex-scandal skeletons in his closet being loosed like a pack of howling jackals in broad daylight–would be as pliable to their demands as room-temperature butter.

The problem with Slick in this regard is that he was/is a man of no shame whatsoever. Like pigment-challenged albinos born with no visible color in their skin, likewise with Clinton and his seeming absolute fear-deficiency of the consequences attending a licentious, libidinous life. Having lived his previous decades in the gluttonous celebration of the ‘Holy Trinity’ of sex/drugs/rock-n-roll since (before) his voice had started to change, the scandals that otherwise would have pulverized any other politico into complete submission seemed of little-to-no concern to him and which he carelessly waved away as if mere mosquitos every time they came buzzing ‘round his personal space.

Barely a month into his brand new Presidency came the ‘knock’ on the door by the landlord pirates announcing that his ‘rent’ money for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave was due, and therefore time for him to bust out his Presidential checkbook and pay up on the first installment of the lease contract he had made with them before getting elected.

–War in the Middle East…

In a beta test of what would be repeated less than a decade later when the defective fruit of GHWB’s presidential loins–his intellectually/mentally-paralyzed son George W. Bush–became president, ‘Islamic extremists’ plagiarized that masterpiece in Judaic terrorism previously authored by the ‘psychotic’ Begin and his counterpart Shamir in 1946 viz the bombing of the King David Hotel in Joo-roo-salem, where the 2 pirates, dressed as Arabs, basement-placed bombs hidden in milk containers and brought an entire section of the building down in its own footprint.

In this case, almost half a century later, it was the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City in which a large bomb–hidden not in milk containers but rather in a large van parked in the basement–was detonated.

It was the first major case of ‘terrorism’ in America. Although the death toll was relatively low, numbering only in the single digits, the effect it had on the collective American psyche and how that psyche would (later) come to view Islam and its adherents was not as much profound as it was devastating and would contribute greatly towards the catechism of later years that ‘we have to go kill them in their streets before they come and kill us in ours’.

Before the dust of the attack had settled, the pirates were furiously at work chewing away like Jermites at the mental processes of the nation. Like a scorpion grasping its intended lunch in its pincers and stinging repeatedly until its victim succumbs to its injuries, likewise the American mind–via the mechanism of the mainstream media mafia scorpion–was drip-by-drip intravenously ‘stung’ with the pirates’ poison, alchemically-concocted to terrorize, propagandize and anesthetize an entire nation’s mental faculties into complete paralysis and submission.

Within microseconds of the horrific event, with images raw and terrifying and the collective American mind absorbing everything placed in front of it like a sponge, the verdict came in via the pirates’ most formidable weapon (outside of their nukes) that this was all the handiwork of none other than Saddam Hussein, out to avenge himself against ‘80 million Americans’ for what had been done to his nation previously with Operation Desert Storm.

The ‘plot’–like something out of the Star Wars saga–contained all the right ingredients for a geo-political/theo-political blockbuster. A dangerous, Darth Vader-esque villain sporting a big black mustache and pitch-black eyes out for revenge…a noble, peace-loving people dedicated to the principles of truth, justice and the American way, unjustly attacked and ready to rise to the occasion…

…and, most importantly, the protagonist, the heaven-sent hero, a youthful, good-looking, good ol’ boy from Arkansas with a winning smile recently seated in the Captain’s chair, ready, willing and able to vanquish evil so that good may prevail…

The only thing missing in making both script and scenery work in this regard was that the slack-jawed Luke Skywalker-esque hero with a southern twang in his voice written into the story–William Jefferson Clinton–rather than entering from stage left and announcing with all the authority that attends his high office that indeed this WAS the handiwork of none other than Saddam Hussein neither followed his cue nor read the lines scripted for him.

Instead, the day after the attack that rocked/shocked the nation, he read from his own script and addressed the American people via radio, spending all of 2 minutes discussing the bombing and expressing his condolences but at the same time, not vowing any military response.

Then, the heaven-sent hero of the saga, for the remaining 5 minutes of his center-stage monologue, talked about his plans for rebuilding the same economy deliberately dynamited by the pirates as the necessary precursor to destroying the re-election chances of GHWB.

With such a wasted tragedy that no doubt had the same Mossad fingerprints on it as did previous events (including but not limited to the murder of JFK, the pirates’ deliberate attack on the USS LIBERTY, the attempted assassination(s) of Gerald Ford, the almost-successful assassination of Ronald Reagan, the planned assassination of GHWB, and, lest we forget, Operation Brush Fire that led directly to Operation Desert Storm) the reaction in Tel Aviv to Clinton’s muted response to the attacks in NY had to be, well, infuriating on as much a diabolical level as they were volcanic. As far as Judea, Inc’s plans for using American military might in vanquishing the Ishmaelites presently squatting on that ‘promised land’ which the pirates fully intended to steal for themselves, the bombing was tailor-made for ‘Desert Storm, Pt II’ whose script/screenplay had been written years ago, and yet Slick Willie’s only reaction was to talk about nickels, dimes, and dollars.

Which meant that–just as the pirates’ personal motto has been for the entirety of their 6,000 year existence–if at first it does not succeed, try, try again & lie, lie again until it does, which indeed they would do in just a few short years’ time.

In the meantime, while Slick was hard at work repairing the damage done to the economy by the pirates in helping to get him elected, he got to work on another sweetheart deal that–in his estimation–was sure to seal his place in history–

…Helping broker ‘peace’ between the Pirates and the Ishmaelites.

In truth, Clinton just happened to be the right guy in the right place at the right time for this ‘sweetheart’ deal. All the while he was on the campaign trail and making backroom/backseat deals with Piratica Judaica of what kinds of dirty deeds and nasty tricks he was ready/willing/able to perform for them as their personal political prostitute (none of which he ever intended to do) the real work going on behind the scenes was put into motion by his predecessor, GHWB.

The smart money says that the peace deal was Bush’s last act as POTUS of spitting in the face of the pirates who had blown up his chances of re-election via a wrecked economy.

The mechanics of it were that Bush–in making good on his threat to withhold from the pirates that pile of ca$h needed for absorbing the influx of new land thieves from the USSR–stipulated that they wouldn’t see dime one of that American Mannah unless and until there was an iron-clad agreement on their part to participate at the negotiation table with the Palestinians in the aftermath of the same Madrid Peace Conference where he almost found himself pumped full of lead, courtesy of Mossad.

And to that end, he–along with Baker–did all the hard work in mixing the ingredients for the peace deal cake and putting it into the oven, leaving it up to Clinton to take out later, cut up, serve to a hungry world audience and in the process, be on the receiving end of all the applause that comes from being the right guy in the right place at the right time.

One doesn’t need that aforementioned diabolic 6th sense of precognition in imagining the reaction back at the pirates’ lair to the images blast out over billions of television sets the world over featuring Yasser Arafat, leader of the decades-long Palestinian struggle for sovereignty/statehood shaking hands with the kapo di tutti kapi of LKN at that time, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin…

…And standing right in the middle of the 2 and presiding over the cake-cutting ceremony with that infamous smile that he had honed to perfection and used countless times in disarming various maidens not named Hillary into surrendering their coveted body parts for his personal pleasure, none other than Slick Willie himself.

The ‘peace agreement’ known as the Oslo Accords, as maddening as it was all by itself in giving the Palestinians mere scraps of political sovereignty within that same ‘promised land’ which the pirates believed to be theirs by divine decree was made worse by the fact that–as an outgrowth of the same peace process that GHWB and Baker had begun in Madrid–it was foundationed upon that same vexing numerical combination that had been the basis for previous peace plans proposed by Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan which required the pirates to relinquish the booty they had stolen in ‘67, to wit–

The establishment of an Interim Self-Government Authority for the Palestinian people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip for a transitional period not exceeding five years and leading to a permanent settlement based on UN Security Council Resolution 242.

What was worse in the Pirates’ estimation was that the Oslo Accords were meant only to serve as the opening act of what was planned to be the ‘final solution’ to the ‘Arab-Israeli conflict’.

During the 5 year ‘transitional period’ written into the accords, negotiations were to take place for ‘final status’ of a ‘permanent peace agreement’ and, as stipulated by the VERY SPECIFIC language contained within the accords, to begin NO LATER than May, 1996, a window of only 2 ½ years.

Which, to the pirates of Judea, meant that SOMETHING ELSE needed to be blown up and/or SOMEONE ELSE assassinated that would prevent/preclude the resumption of those ‘final negotiations’ that–if permitted to go forward–would indeed ‘lay aside, once and for all, the unrealistic vision of a ‘Greater Israel’ via the implementation of those vexing 3 numbers, ‘242’.

Rabin was by no means the ‘man of peace’ as he’s been disingenuously described in the aftermath of the Oslo Accords. As a commanding general he was personally involved in countless war crimes and is most remembered for his policy of ordering the feral dogs of the IDF–the ‘world’s most moral army’–to break the bones of Palestinians they managed to get into their clutches who dared resist the crushing, humiliating, violent and despotic rule of their Judaic overlords.

The reality of it is that he was as much a willing and enthusiastic participant in ‘Oslo’ as Begin was with Carter’s ‘Camp David’.

Like Begin, Rabin was dragged to the talking table using the irresistible bait of American foreign aid, without which the Jewish state would wither and die like the barren fig tree cursed by that other historical peacemaker, Jesus of Nazareth, right before He too found himself on the receiving end of the pirates’ diabolical wrath.

Nevertheless, despite his prior service to the Jewish state as a general and war criminal with plenty of Gentile blood on his hands, his agreeing to sit down with the Goyim and negotiate away as much as a spoonful of dirt from what was to be Eretz Israel HaSchlema was a crime that would ‘live in infamy’ and which would both spell his doom and sign his death warrant.

One of the signers of that death warrant was a certain Benjamin Netanyahu, at that time an up-and-coming pirate in Israel’s Likud party, the political outgrowth of earlier terrorist groups such as the Irgun, Stern Gang and Lehi.

Netanyahu was cut from the same political/religious cloth as the ‘psychotic’ Begin (the same who giggled to Carter about blowing up the King David Hotel) and Shamir who ordered the (unsuccessful) assassination of GHWB.

During the previous Bush administration, Netanyahu–at that time Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister–was very vocal in his opposition to the Bush-n-Baker ‘peace plans’ based on those vexing numbers ‘242’, describing Bush’s foreign policy in the Middle East as ‘based on lies and distortions’, a statement that resulted in his being permanently banned from the State Department offices per the direct orders of Sec. of State Baker.

In understanding the full size, scope, and severity of the apocalyptic geo-politics/theo-politics associated with the formal creation of the pirate state in 1948 and its relation to the ‘here and now,’ one must parse very closely all the nuanced gangsterese buried deep within Netanyahu’s 5 words–’based on lies and distortions’

First and foremost is the fact that this opinion was not/is not uniquely his.

As already covered and uncovered herein, the ‘creation’ of Judea, Inc otherwise known as ‘the Jewish State’ was/is based upon very ancient and very SPECIFIC criteria from which its proponents are not willing to deviate as much as a cat’s whisker. The ‘book’–meaning the Torah–says ‘Nile to the Euphrates’, and to them, what it means is exactly that–’Nile to the Euphrates’. The only variation/disagreement amongst them is whether this ‘N2E’ piece of real estate is to start with the Nile on the left of the map and move rightwards towards the Euphrates (just as the ‘western’ method of reading/writing takes place) thus encompassing the Arab/Persian Middle East, or whether it is to start with the Nile at the right side of the map and move westward (the Hebraic method of reading and writing) crossing the entirety of the Mediterranean, Europe, Atlantic ocean, the Americas, Asia and then wind up at the Euphrates, encompassing almost the entire world.

Where there is no variation or disagreement however is how ‘the book’ commands this ‘N2E’ real estate project to be achieved–with extreme violence, leaving ‘nothing alive that breathes’ and–just as important within the context of any ‘peace deals’ imposed by any American (Goy) Presidents, that the pirates are to ‘make no agreements’.

Thus, when a ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu from Likud–again, the political outgrowth of terrorist groups such as Irgun, Stern Gang and Lehi–describes the foreign policy of an administration seeking to bring ‘peace’ to that ‘N2E’ region as being ‘based on lies and distortions’, it is this–the abrogation of the very specific criteria found within the pirates’ ‘how-to’ manual, the Torah–that serves as the religious electrical current powering the engine of his opposition.

It is important to keep this in mind given the fact that as of the moment of this writing, the year 2020 A.D., not only is Netanyahu sitting as kapo di tutti kapi of LKN, but as well, is the longest-serving Commander-in-Chief of the pirate ship, a time frame that has spanned several U.S. Presidential administrations.

To that end therefore, Netanyahu’s immediate reaction to Rabin’s (reluctant) participation in Oslo and its outcome was that the agreement was null and void. He described it as ‘removed from Jewish tradition and Jewish values’ and, since it was the result of a foreign policy ‘based on lies and distortions’ and put forth by a Gentile king who had no business involving himself in anything affecting the Jewish state (besides surrendering the wealth of his nation to it) ergo/ipso facto–possessed no binding legal effect upon the pirates and their future real estate plans.

That being the case, Netanyahu’s party, Likud began organizing public rallies protesting Oslo and–more importantly–singling out the man viewed as responsible for it, Rabin himself.

The protests were like scenes out of both Dante’s Inferno and Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto. Back at the pirates’ lair, coagulations of deranged religious mental cases gathered, manifested by snarling, feral, rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth/wild-eyed zealots, all armed with posters depicting Rabin in a Nazi SS uniform and with the crosshairs of an assassin’s sniper rifle placed squarely over his face. Adding to the incitement and threatening noise was the full-throated screeching that ‘RABIN IS A MURDERER AND A TRAITOR’ and other Jexhortations aimed at affecting either his political and/or literal demise. 

At one rally in particular in July 1995, Netanyahu personally made his own grand entrance, and amidst the cheers and applause of the assembled ‘captive audience’ led a mock funeral procession featuring a coffin and a hangman’s noose while that same captive audience chanted ‘DEATH TO RABIN’. Underscoring that no such ‘separation of church and state’ existed in the pirates’ lair, Rabbis closely aligned with Netanyahu’s Likud publicly placed Rabin under the pulsa de nura, the Judaic death curse cast against those declared to be enemies of Judaism and of the Jewish state.

Nevertheless, despite what were the overt mafia-style death threats leveled at him by LKN and all its various hitmen if he moved as much as a micro-inch further in seeing Oslo through to its intended consummation, Rabin was found yet again in D.C.–1600 Pennsylvania Ave to be precise–at the end of September, 1995, and, just as it was in ‘93, signing the 2nd part of ‘Oslo’ with Yasser Arafat…

And, as before, standing right in the middle of the 2 and presiding over the cake-cutting ceremony with that infamous smile that he had honed to perfection and used countless times in disarming various maidens not named Hillary into surrendering their coveted body parts for his personal pleasure, none other than Slick Willie himself.

Now, with the first 2 parts of ‘Oslo’ a done deal, all that was left was the 3rd part that would see, for the first time since the creation of the pirate state in 1948, the establishment of internationally-recognized borders beyond which the pirates would not be (legally at least) free to roam, maraude, steal and swindle.

In short, the ‘final solution’ to the Arab-Israeli conflict that had dogged and eluded U.S. Presidents going all the way back to Eisenhower. 

Obviously, Rabin retaining his ‘heavyweight title’ of ‘kapo di tutti kapi’ of LKN was/would be a problem in this regard. Being coaxed along step-by-step by the Gentiles using American Mannah as the enticement, if he held his place as PM, then there was no reason to expect that he would somehow refuse ‘Oslo III’ when he had already been party to parts I & II, as reluctant as he was in all of it.

Then, as if ordained by Yahweh himself, the violent, vindictive deity which the pirates worship and who they believe gifted them with the infallible and absolute right to engage in whatever violence–qualitative or quantitative–was necessary in achieving that religious-based acid trip known as ‘Eretz Israel HaSchlema’, on the night of November 4, 1995, a mere few months after both the signing of Oslo II and Netanyahu’s ‘funeral performance’, a young religious pirate named Yigal Amir approached an unprotected Rabin at a ‘peace’ rally and shot him point-blank, killing him.

Amir defended his actions, saying that as a ‘good Jew’ he was obligated thus, since Rabin’s signing of the Oslo Accords was a violation of the very easy-to-read/easy-to-understand commands found within the Torah regarding Eretz Israel HaSchlema, to wit–

When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall save nothing alive that breathes…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy. You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…–Book of Deuteronomy

Israel, now without a Prime Minister, organized emergency special elections to fill the spot vacated by Rabin as a result of him being pumped full of lead in what was obviously a Likud/Mossad mafia hit, and, as luck, fate, destiny, or plain old political chicanery/black magic would have it, of all the pirates competing in the political beauty contest and seeking to be crowned as the new King David, the one who rose to victory was none other than–

Drum roll please…

Benjamin Netanyahu.

It is somewhere between probable and definite that had ‘Slick Willie’ lived up to those backroom/backseat deals he made with the pirates when he was just ‘candidate’ Bill Clinton viz ‘no peace deals’ and picking up where GHWB stopped short in Desert Storm, that Rabin would have lived, for 7 months prior to Rabin’s state-sponsored/Mossad-engineered assassination, another bomb went off in America that–like the bombing of the Twin Towers a mere month into Clinton’s administration–contained all the right ingredients for a geo-political/theo-political blockbuster.

At 9 a.m. on April 19th, 1995, a bomb hidden in a large delivery truck exploded outside the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Much more destructive than the previous one in NYC 2 years earlier, it resulted in 168 deaths–many of them children–and as many as 700 injuries. Photos taken in the aftermath of the bombing showing the large section of the building blown away and the rubble basically falling into its own footprint bear an eerie resemblance–by pure coincidence, all can be sure–to those photos of the King David Hotel after it too had been bombed by Begin, Shamir and the rest of the pirates who did their dirty work dressed as ‘Arabs’.

And, as before in 1993, the Pirates once again got to work in stinging nearly-to-death the collective American mind with their poison.

Again, as before in 1993, this bombing was all the work of Saddam Hussein, out to avenge himself against ‘80 million Americans’ for what had been done to his country during GHWB’s ‘Operation Desert Storm’.

And once again, as in 1993, the plot had all the ingredients necessary for a geo-political/theo-political blockbuster that the pirates of Judea had hoped would result in something much bigger/better/badder than GHWB’s previous pipsqueak 45-day war, it’s sequel, ‘Desert Storm, Pt. II’.

…and, once again, the protagonist, the heaven-sent hero, a youthful, good-looking, good ol’ boy from Arkansas with a winning smile, recently seated in the Captain’s chair, ready, willing and able to vanquish evil so that good may prevail.

The only missing ‘ingredient’ in making both script and scenery work in this regard was that the heaven-sent hero written into the storyline–William Jefferson Clinton–rather than entering from stage left and announcing with all the authority that attends his high office that indeed this WAS the handiwork of none other than Saddam Hussein out to avenge himself against ‘80 million Americans’ for what had been done to his nation with Operation Desert Storm neither followed his cue nor read the lines scripted for him.

Knowing where this was all headed, i.e. apocalyptic war in the Middle East which he as Commander-in-Chief had no interest whatsoever in overseeing, he scribbled over that particular part of the script involving him doing battle with the Darth Vader-esque Saddam Hussein while leaving in place the narrative involving ‘right-wing militias’ with which the (accused) bomber Timothy McVeigh maintained a close working relationship.

That the geo-political/theo-political script as originally written by the alchemists of Jollywood included ‘right-wing militias’ allied with Saddam Hussein would be part of the storyline was obvious a good 6 months before the bombing took place. Almost on a daily/nightly basis and all across the nation for months on end there featured extended news reports produced and broadcast by the mainstream media mafia about the alarming numbers of ‘patriot groups’ training, arming, and gearing up for violent insurrection against Bill Clinton’s Federal Government.

Therefore, with ‘domestic’ terrorists such as these rather than far-away N2E ‘Ishmaelite’ terrorists being responsible for the bombing, Clinton was able to secure 2 important objectives with only one script re-write–

1. No Desert Storm, PT. II which he had no personal interest in fighting, 


2. Keeping his right-leaning political enemies in Congress, (allied closely with Netanyahu’s Likud) found in large and ever-increasing numbers since his election, cowed, heeled, and muted in their criticism of him, his administration, and his policies.

And, yet again, with such a wasted tragedy that no doubt had the same Mossad fingerprints on it as did previous events, the reaction in Tel Aviv to Clinton’s muted response to the attacks in Oklahoma City had to be, well, infuriating on as much a diabolical level as it was volcanic. As far as Judea, Inc’s plans for using American military might in vanquishing the Ishmalites presently squatting on that ‘promised land’ which the pirates fully intended to steal for themselves, the bombing was tailor-made for ‘Desert Storm, Pt II’ whose script/screenplay had been written years ago. 

And yet, Slick Willie’s reaction to it was to pin the blame on ‘domestics’ who, although viewed in an extremely adversarial and inimical manner by the pirates and their various tentacled organizations such as ADL, SPLC, etc, nevertheless, would not result in the kind of apocalyptic war which Judea, Inc demanded and which, albeit in a much-diminished degree of severity, did manage to occur by Slick Willie’s predecessor, GHWB.

Which meant that–just as the pirates’ personal motto has been for the entirety of their 6,000 year existence–if at first they don’t succeed, try, try again & lie, lie again until it does, which indeed they would do in just a few short years’ time under the brand new presidency of George W. Bush, the defective fruit of GHWB’s presidential loins…

In the meantime, a new script was in the works, with an entirely different plot and a whole new set of characters & background props, a ‘love story’ featuring a ‘nice Jewish girl’ from California named Monica Lewinsky.

As already established, Slick Willie was as shame-anemic as albinos lack melanin. The parade of women appearing and reappearing over and over since his days as candidate Clinton seemed to do no measurable harm to him as far as his political power was concerned, and in fact, something he may have even enjoyed for all the attention it brought to him as a Casanova of sorts.

At the same time however, being a barred lawyer meant he understood how the legal process worked, which included the jeopardies associated with the crime of perjury and the effect such verdicts could have on someone’s legacy as POTUS.

Which was exactly what the pirates of Judea had planned for him…

By the time Netanyahu assumed his role as the new King David, Lewinsky had already been a ‘working girl’ in the Clinton White House for a good 5 months. She owed her good fortune in landing that position to an influential family friend of the Hebraic persuasion in D.C. with lots of money, strong political connections, and who one day, seemingly out of the blue, picked up the phone, called a few people, made a few suggestions, gave good references for her, and then, Mazel Tov, she becomes an intern in Bill Clinton’s White House, working in the Legislative Affairs Department.

The lurid details of what took place between the two is burned into the historical record and therefore need not be recounted here, other than to simply state that in surrendering to Slick Willie her coveted body parts for his personal pleasure, she performed exactly as expected of her by the pirates of Judea who put her there for exactly that purpose.

What made this latest ‘engagement’ with another maiden-not-named-Hillary problematic is that within roughly the same timeframe–by pure coincidence, all can be sure–Clinton happened to find himself in the middle of a big fat sexual-harrassment civil suit brought by a certain Paula Jones seeking a judgment against him to the tune of $750,000, roughly 3 times his annual salary as El Presidente.

Slick Willie, again, a lawyer himself and well-versed in legal Jew-Jitsu, tried various legal maneuvers in escaping the long reach of Johnny Law, one of which was the argument that Presidents are immune from civil suits being brought against them during their term. The U.S. Supreme Court–by pure coincidence, all can be sure–disagreed, thus opening the door for the suit to move forward, the end result of which would inevitably be his writing out a very painful check for $750,000.

And so, Slick Willie, POTUS William Jefferson Clinton, understanding full-well the problematic particulars of the disaster that lay before him, did what all unscrupulous players do at some point in the poker game where they stand to lose everything they’ve thrown into the kitty–

He cheated.

In this case, he lied, under oath (the legal definition of perjury, normally a felony, and very impeachable/prosecutable) concerning the extra-curricular activities in which he had been previously engaged with the ‘nice Jewish girl’ from California named Monica Lewinsky.

The lie could have/would have been successful as a case of ‘he said, she said’ were it not for the fact that the pirates of Judea had tapped the White House phones and had as much as 30 hours of phone-sex sessions on tape featuring El Presidente and the young White House intern who had landed her job there only as a result of the strings pulled by the aforementioned influential family friend of the Hebraic persuasion.

As already covered herein, Clinton’s many peccadillos with maidens-not-named-Hillary were as common as weather reports but which never seemed to present serious hurdles to his daily business as El Presidente.

With this however, the intensity and FURY with which it became THE DOMINANT DISCUSSION, paired with the fact that the U.S. Congress had recently been flipped and was controlled by a Likud-aligned Republican Party that hated him beyond what spoken words could express indicated that indeed very stormy weather lay ahead for the youthful, good-looking, good ol’ boy from Arkansas with a winning smile recently seated in the Captain’s chair at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

And PRECISELY in the midst of all of this ‘Jrama’–again, by pure coincidence, all can be sure–were the negotiations taking place for ‘Oslo, Pt. III’ at the Wye River plantation located in nearby Maryland which–upon completion to those legally-stipulated protocols and parameters therein, would serve as the ‘final solution’ to the ‘Arab Israeli Conflict’ that had vexed and eluded previous Presidents going all the way back to Eisenhower. 

The peace deal ‘cake,’ once done cooking, would contain within it all the main ‘242’ ingredients, already baked-in and thus impossible to remove, the end result being the pirates being forced to retreat back behind the ‘67 lines and return the war booty they had stolen–the Golan Heights, Gaza, and the West Bank that included within it the ‘crown jewel’ cherished by the pirates more than any other thing in the Jew-niverse and which was the reason for starting the ‘67 war to begin with–Joo-roo-salem.

Now however, the same Slick Willie, POTUS William Jefferson Clinton, ‘chosen’ by Judea, Inc to replace GHWB under the pretext/agreement that there would be no new ‘peace deals’ requiring the pirates to give up any of their rightfully-stolen war booty, as well as his assurances for the resumption of the cut-short apocalyptic war begun under GHWB, now found himself on the ropes and being PUMMELED by the pirates through their control of the media and a Likud-friendly Congress that had just voted on and passed Articles of Impeachment against him.

And in the midst of all of this ‘Jrama’–by pure coincidence, all can be absolutely sure–in strolls a certain Benjamin Netanyahu at the Wye River negotiations (of all places) and in the midst of these historic negotiations (as well as all the political turmoil swirling around his recently-revealed ‘friendship’ with the White House intern) conveys to Clinton the fact that Israel has ‘the tapes’ of him and Lewinsky whispering sweet-n-dirty nothings into each other others’ ears courtesy of ‘Ma Bell’, and thus, the fact that the Pirates have him by his Presidential grapes, and not nearly as tenderly, lovingly, gingerly or gently as the ‘nice Jewish girl’ Lewinsky did in those Oval Office ‘business meetings’ the two had conducted in the not-too-distant past.

With Clinton on the ropes and fighting for his life and legacy as POTUS and with all the noise surrounding the recently-passed Articles of Impeachment and impending Senate trial, his attention on other matters–including the completion of ‘Oslo III’–obviously suffered greatly.

Added to this was Netanyahu pretending to agree to certain ‘protocols’ baked into the ‘cake’ but then, without warning and with the obvious intention of upending the negotiation table and everything carefully placed upon it, would turn abrupt 180 degrees and do the exact opposite, and particularly with regards to any ‘withdrawals’ from any of the territories stolen by the pirates in ‘67 which Oslo required.

Clinton was acquitted in the Senate of the 2 charges brought against him of perjury and obstruction of justice, but even though he managed to escape the lion’s jaws with his life, nevertheless it did not mean he got away in one piece. The damage done to his authority as President left him hobbled and limping like someone with prosthetic legs but who was not fortunate enough to get the surgery necessary in morphing him into the ‘Six Million Dollar Man’. 

Before leaving office, he made the feeble attempt at salvaging whatever remnants remained of the nearly-successful ‘peace deal’ known as Oslo that–had it been allowed to bake until done, would indeed have been the political and historical ‘deal of the century’ and nothing short of a miracle. 

As it turned out however, the cake–taken out of the oven much too soon–was left a soft, gooey mess that would only create more problems down the road for those trying to make something of it.

But none of that mattered anyway, because the pirates, with all their Jollywood black magic, had already written an entirely new script and screenplay that was about to go live, and which–although featuring some of the same storyline and characters as those preceding it, nevertheless had been jazzed up considerably with all sorts of new special effects and Jrama that would distract not only the new president-elect–the defective fruit of GHWB’s presidential loins, his intellectually/mentally-paralyzed son George W. Bush–but indeed, the entire world.

Soon, just like the yearly arrival of flu season, war-fever would spread like a pandemic and the last thing on anyone’s mind, and especially in America, would be ‘peace’ in the Middle East.

And the rest, as they say, is history…

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