Tisha B’Av and 9/11
ed note–It is no coincidence that the singular event that dragged America into the ‘clash of civilizations’ with the Islamic world for Israel’s benefit just so happened to fall on…
Judaism, Zionism and the toxic effect of apocalyptic religious delusions on world affairs
ed note–It is no coincidence that the singular event that dragged America into the ‘clash of civilizations’ with the Islamic world for Israel’s benefit just so happened to fall on…
Despite the fact William Jefferson Clinton–’Slick Willie’ as he was/is pejoratively (and accurately) known in certain circles–did not commit himself ‘whole-hog’ to the kind of apocalyptic war in the Middle…
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Ugly Truthers… Just finished doing an interview on Iranian media discussing Soleimani and his ‘killing’ where I proffered the theory that perhaps Soleimani was in fact not…
Bill Clinton That GHWB did not go far enough as POTUS viz ‘destroying that gigantic army in the Iraqi desert so that Israel would not have to face it one…
George H.W. Bush A mere four months into George H. W. Bush’s Presidency, the pirates of Judea knew that stormy weather and rough political seas were on the horizon waiting…
Part I–Kiss of Death…The Political Assassination of Every American President who tried bringing Peace to Israel & the Middle East Safe to say the political weather of the last 4…
ed note–and, here we go again, ladies and Gentile-men… The author of this piece, David Frum– Is not merely some low-level ‘button man’ within La Kosher Nostra. He–along with fellow…
The Jewish Chronicle Forty-eight hours after Donald Trump was inaugurated as president, William Kristol tweeted four words: “Je ne regrette rien.” Mr Kristol, one of American’s most prominent conservative commentators…
Forbes.com TOPLINE As President Trump touts a fast withdrawal of troops from the Middle East as part of a first term campaign pledge, Joe Biden is calling for a slower…
‘There is no doubt that Trump’s failings of character and America’s dismal global standing have hurt Jewish interests.’ ed note–please keep in mind that in the closing words of Foxman’s…
Trump adviser warns Palestinians that if they continue rejecting Trump’s peace proposal that ‘the situation is just going to get worse and worse for them’ ed note–Someone trying to piece…
Ariel Natan Pasko for INN Of course this war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein is for us. Even the anti-Semites, like Patrick J. Buchanan and Congressman Jim Moran know it.…
ed note–and, in the event that people have not put the obvious 2+2 together in divining exactly WHY there has been– –a 4+ year screeching campaign against DJT/POTUS on the…
ed note–for those who still believe that all the anti-DJT turmoil that began the moment he announced his intention to seek the presidency and which has resulted in UNPRECEDENTED political…
The moral contrast between Trump and Joe Biden, who denounces every form of hate and prejudice without hesitation, could not be clearer, and as a result, Jewish Americans will overwhelmingly…
B’nai B’rith International The organized Jewish community has been expressing concern over the nomination of retired U.S. Army Col. Douglas Macgregor as U.S. ambassador to Germany to succeed Richard Grenell.…
ed note–again, please pay attention to the obvious– TORAH Codes, not Talmud. We are forced to delineate this due to the distressingly-high percentage of chirping taking place these days on…
ed note–several goodies contained herein, as we like to say. Firsto– ‘The Israeli government would never do such a thing, as the Jewish heart rejects the idea of setting an…
The stars appear to have miraculously aligned for Israel, once again, as Joe Biden could be a perfect fit in trying to quell the unease in US progressive circles, not…
Newsweek Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden nearly doubled his lead over President Donald Trump in one week, according to a new national poll. According to the poll, 52 percent of…
This famous psalm is read on the eve of Tisha B’Av and sets the tone for an emotionally challenging holiday. ed note–No one should make the mistake of thinking for…
ed note–and, here we go again, ladies and Gentile-men… The author of this piece, Max Boot (pic’d above alongside fornication ‘star’ Stormy Daniels) is a marinated-to-the-bone-marrow made member of NeoCon…
Newsweek Former Vice President Joe Biden is leading President Donald Trump by double-digits in Minnesota and Pennsylvania, new polls from the key battleground states have found. The latest state surveys…
ed note–keep in mind as you listen to the unhinged rantings of this deranged Hebrew that conquering ‘the land’ is not just historic Palestine, but indeed everything found between the…
Newsmax Donald Trump would make “a terrible nominee and a terrible president” — and The Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol said Wednesday that he would rather have Hillary Clinton in…
ed note–please pay close attention to the very first sentence of the piece below and especially to 9th word found within that 1st sentence– ‘NeoCon’ Now, our Washington Times journalist…
ed note–All can rest assured that when Israel was in the planning phase of the terrorist events taking place during the presidency of George H.W. Bush’s idiot son that this…
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is ratcheting up war tensions in Syria again, but President Trump reportedly is not happy with the threats as he shifts again toward resisting the neocons.…