2 thoughts on “Moscow preparing itself for possible nuclear attack”
  1. There are no instructions being issued for safe hiding in any nuclear bomb-proof shelters, or indeed any shelters built, in European countries, with the one exception of Switzerland. I think the same applies to the US, so we are all meant to perish it seems, thanks to the all-out efforts by the criminally insane Jewish leaders of US and Europe to create a nuclear war with Russia (their agents even gave them the weapons in the first place, surely, just for this, a war that cannot be avoided, a war that they will criminally and insanely push on Russia to get us all killed).

  2. Our government does not care about its citizens. They only obey the wishes of the Rothschild’s Criminal Banking Gangsters. One of the Russian commentators say the other day: Russia is the only country in the world that can convert the US into a pile of radioactive ashes.

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