‘This doesn’t look like WWI or WWII,’ he said, explaining that Israel was at the ‘forefront’ of this war and that ‘we are there for everyone.’


ed note–as always, lot’s of important protocols that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival–AS WELL AS THAT OF THEIR CHILDREN–needs to know about this one.


First and foremost, L&G, what needs to be understood is that the individual making this statement concerning ‘World War III’ is not the unlucky Gentile janitor tasked with scrubbing the stinking, filthy toilets at the Knesset at the end of every day’s session.


Nor is he merely a ‘minister’ with some portfolio of minimal consequence/importance attached to some menial state task such as ‘parks and recreation’.


He is the FOREIGN MINISTER, which means he is the FACE AND THE VOICE of the Israeli government in dealing with those Gentile nations whose citizens number somewhere around the 8 billion mark…


…Which means that when he speaks, he is the voice of the ENTIRE government of that Apocalyptic state whose very essence is rooted in getting WWIII started as the necessary prereq in bringing forth ‘the Messiah’ for whom the followers of Torah Judah-ism have been longing/waiting for over 3,000+ years who is going to make them rulers of the entire planet.


Now, in as much as the average Gentile reading this story will be distracted by the statement here on the part of Netanyahu’s spokesman concerning Israel being at the ‘front’ of this same WWIII that he referenced, what needs to be understood is that this is mere word play on his part and that a much deeper, darker, and dangerous meaning lurks below.


Indeed, Israel may be at ‘the front’ of getting WWIII started, but she certainly has no plans of remaining there.


Just as she was ‘at the front’ on the morning of 9/11 and did the necessary ‘footwork’ in pulling off the events of that day (and which, for all intents and purposes, was/is the start of WWIII, despite it sputtering and faltering under successive Presidential administrations) nevertheless, she will not be the one fighting the Russians, Chinese, Indians, Iranians, or whoever.


That ignoble task has been left to America/Europe, today’s great, great grandchildren of the same Roman Empire that destroyed Israel (Judea) 2,000 years ago, scattered the followers of Judah-ism to the furthest reaches of the known world at that time, and now, 2,000 years later, must pay ‘restitution’ for the crimes yesteryear.


And make no mistake about it, ladies and Gentilemen, this is indeed what they–the ‘children of Israel’–intend to do. How successful they ultimately wind up being in this regard is a question that no one can answer, but the fact that they INTEND to do it is beyond dispute.


Like a gunman entering some public place with his rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammo with the aim of killing as many innocents as possible before taking his own life, likewise, absent some event such as either–


1. A miracle…


or else–


2. An armed citizen on the scene who draws his own weapon and puts a stop to it…


–TO SOME DEGREE, the Jews are going to get the bloodbath they have been planning for these last 3,000+ years, come hell or high water, and the indicator that they will succeed in this regard is not so much attached to the fact that they are cunning and powerful as it is that the intended victims of this planned-for massacre–the Gentiles–have no awareness of what’s coming, and quite frankly, couldn’t care less.





World War III against dangerous radical Islam perpetuated by Iran has already begun, newly installed Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Tuesday as he began his first day of work.


‘We’re in the middle of World War III against Iran and against radical Islam, whose tentacles are already in Europe,’ Katz said. He spoke at the ceremony in the Foreign Ministry in which employees welcomed his return to the office he left in 2020 after holding the post for a year.


Katz noted that he had left amid the COVID-19 pandemic and returned in the middle of a war, not just against Hamas, but also against a violent radical ideology.


‘This doesn’t look like WWI or WWII,’ he said, explaining that Israel was in the forefront of this war, ‘we are there for everyone.’


‘We’re in the middle of World War III against Iran and against radical Islam, whose tentacles are already in Europe,’


‘Israel is not alone here’, he said, as he explained that Israel was at the ‘front’ of this war that also placed moderate Arab states against Iran.


He blamed the Islamic Republic for Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, explaining that the terror group had sought to thwart the completion of a Saudi peace deal with the Jewish state.


‘We were in the middle of a dream’ of regional peace and ‘that is why Iran did what it did,’ he said.


Even antisemitism has become connected to this larger war, Katz said, as are Israel’s battles with Iranian proxy groups, Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north.


Katz set freeing the 129 hostages in Gaza, who had been seized in the Hamas-led attack on October 7, as his top priority goal.


‘The first thing, my top priority is the activity of this office to bring the hostages home,’ said Katz, noting that as diplomats, the ministry has the potential to advance their release.


‘We will employ global pressure’ toward this objective, Katz said. Upholding Israel’s diplomatic legitimacy to battle Hamas and Hezbollah will be the ministry’s second priority, he said.


The third and connected objectives, Katz said is to apply diplomatic pressure that would force Hezbollah to withdraw from Israel’s northern border, including through the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 which mandates that move.


Following that, Katz said, is halting the threat from Iran’s drive to produce nuclear weapons and to use its proxy groups, including the Houthis, to attack Israel through conventional methods.

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