ed note–there is no doubt whatsoever that Antifa is indeed a terrorist group in the same classical definition that is used by the USGOV in determining other groups to be such.

At the same time however, it must also be recognized that Antifa and other associated groups would be absolutely POWERLESS in their agenda of managing the narrative were it not for the willing, cooperative stupidity of at least certain ‘neighborhoods’ within the ‘Alt-Right’ and ‘White nationalist’ neighborhoods. As we saw with the counterprotest that was organized in reaction to the ‘free speech’ march that took place in Boston this weekend, the Antifas were careful not to be strutting around with assault weapons cocked, locked, and ready for business. There were no Communist placards or signs trying to reinvigorate and rehabilitate the bloody past of Marxism or to glorify Lenin, Trotsky, etc.

Rather they held up signs that resonated with the average American, protesting ‘racism’ and ‘Nazism’ and calling for ‘tolerance’ and ‘love’, etc,  and until the right wing learns how to manage its stage presence in the same way by ‘culling the herd’ and getting rid of the crazies who think that by going out and beating their chests like gorillas that somehow this is going to result in hundreds of millions of white Americans joining ‘duh muuvmnt’, we can all count on the continued downward spiral of any semblance of meaningful resistance to the aims of Judea, Inc and its war on us both as individuals and as a civilization.

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2 thoughts on “Petition calling on White House to recognize Antifa as terrorists has 35k+ signatures”
  1. ANTIFA is anti fascist simples…thats hoe we beat the fascists in world war 2….fools you have been lynched by zionist nazi propaganda

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