0 thoughts on “Press TV’s The Debate–Islam-bashing big business in US”
  1. That’s true that there is no Muslim lobby in the United States. There is a Jewish lobby called AIPAC.

    Sharia law is being used to scare the American public when they don’t realize that with no Muslim lobby out there how can people even push for this? Also, Mark was right, you take a pledge to uphold the American Constitution not take a pledge to a Sharia one. The American public will have to change everything to pledge to a different constitution.

    We have now the Noahide laws that the Jewish lobby pushed to have. Sharia law will never up serp what the Jews have now put in place. The American public doesn’t even hear about this law.

    As for dual citizenship, look at who has the most dual citizenship in this country and look to see where their loyalty really belongs. Start with those in congress and work your way down.

    Maybe many will wake up.

  2. Well done Mark – you were effectively debating with a brick wall.
    I enjoyed the excuses the guy made for Ben Carson even though i don’t remember hearing anything about a “Muslim who adheres to Sharia law” not being allowed to be president – Carson has to show hes a REALLY REALLY good shwartzer Goy like Jindal to get the campaign funds – but he’s not fit to shine shoes.
    He just had to get the “antisemitism” bit in – odd he did not accuse you also of being anti catholic?……. how original.

  3. Thank you Mark for smashing this fool!
    ” Muslim Lobby?” Where ? Did this nut get his talking points from Jew stooge, Alex Jones ?
    It’s just like those who push the ” secret 4 th Reich ” , insanity !

    Fact…Organized Jewish/Israeli interests have absolute control of the US Federal Reserve, Media,Publishing, Culture, and organized religion. NOT Muslims ,Arabs, Vatican, Fascists , Nazis, Communists ,or reptiles !

    There influence is so powerful that even the Jews own critics are brain washed by them !
    See The Judas Goats ,by Michael Collins Piper,or attempt to use the the Jews own lies ,against them ! This always fails for the user.

    It is the Jewish Noahide Laws which where signed by both Bushes ,and passed unanimously by the US Senate ,and House twice !

    Not Sharia !

  4. Neither Mark nor the other guy, who appears to be highly intelligent (I liked how he explained that “Muslim” does not refer to religion, only to “the Sharia Law aspect.”), seem to know that Sharia Law has already been approved by Congress and by Pres. Bush in 1991. Vicky seems to know it…

  5. [9/22/2015 7:54:45 PM] Maisoon Rice: You cannot divorce the heavy disproportionate influence and control of the USA by the Jews who own their Politicians and who run their Media, entertainment industry that spews on a daily basis extreme hatred against ALL Muslims, inciting this racist hatred with many ignorant Evangelical Christians duped by the Jews who infiltrated the true Church of Christ and distorted it. Misinformation through constant Jewish and Zionist propaganda especially from Israel and all the Jewish Lobbies that has intentionally demonised and defamed Islam and Muslims- Just check out all the racist rhetoric emanating for Netanyahu who paints all Muslims with the same brush as ISIS which ironically IS an ISRAELI Creation. ALL talk is about Muslim Extremists but none of the MSM ever speak about JEWISH Extremists within their very supremacist racist Rabbinical communities and their infamous immigrant Settlers, 60% of whom are American Jews, Extreme Extremists, then East European Ashkenazi Jews.

    Jewish control is behind ALL the ISLAMOPHOBIA and demonization of ALL MUSLIMS, against Arabs and Iranians who are the next target for Israel and World Jewry, having successfully destroyed and Holocausted the Arab Nations. You can no longer live in denial of this FACT as they continue to ethnically cleanse Muslims and ensuring Westerners hate them as much as the Jews do as they have always considered Islam as the greatest threat to Jewish imperial domination.

    How about Judaic Law in the USA? How about Loyalties to Israel rather than the US by so many American candidates who have to swear allegiance to Israel- Sole allegiance of American Jews and Judeo Christian ‘Zionists’ to Israel.
    Peterson’s defence of Ben Carson was just so ridiculous and his throwing the expected anti Semiticism tag is just so typical of this Jewish Zionist mouthpiece who always thinks he speaks ‘fairly when he comes on Press TV with his usual customary drivel, so often from this the same script as all the other Jewish Zionists that come on ad nauseum
    WHAT will be next from the USA I wonder- perhaps open lynching of Muslims?? Or NAZI Style but this time REAL Holocaust of Muslims in the USA, which will be followed by the UK, Canada, EU??
    IS THIS WHERE Jewish Incitement against Muslims will lead to?? Too horrible to contemplate??Well just take a good hard look at their Killers in Syria, Iraq and Palestine. It has already begun and the rest of the cowardly world stays dumb deaf and blind.

  6. I just just add with the editors approval ,a reference to that stooge Dr Carson!

    What is this man doing here ? He has limited qualifications to be a City Councilman in his native Baltimore ,than be US President !

    He is lifted into mainstream political view soley as a black ” conservative”, on the backs of whos power ? Organized Jewish interests .
    His funding ,and publicity from them, and his Gentile enthusiasts mostly Jew worshipping Evangelical Zionist Christains .

    Marks doltish debate opponent proves Jewish power himself !

  7. Jews always project what they are doing/did onto others. ewwwwwwwwwww……watch out for those evil muslims, they will impose their religious and political power on US.
    Should have agreed with Frederick Peterson’s constitution points – then pointed out the obvious, no to jewish power and influence, and the hanging of 1000’s for treason against the country.

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