ed  note–please, some genius out there from the ‘Putin is Jew and working for the Jews’ community please explain the logisitics to something like this again–I need my morning re-fresher course on how everything is a hoax, how nothing can be believed and how everything is the opposite of how it appears. 

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0 thoughts on “Russia reaffirms support of Assad and Syria's "war on terrorism"”
  1. OCDG asks, “Pease, some genius out there from the ‘Putin is a Jew and working for the Jews’ community please explain how everything is a hoax, how nothing can be believed and how everything is the opposite of the way it appears.”
    In connection with this, I think there are two kinds of intelligence, the intellectual and the moral. The intellectual is what we normally think of as intelligence. The moral is a function of character. It is a product of courage, compassion, and experience. Both forms of intelligence must be present if we are to be truly wise.
    However, many people have only intellectual intelligence. They view the world as though they are looking at the silhouettes of tree leaves. They see patterns within patterns, and anti-patterns within anti-patterns. Crippled by a kind of schizophrenia, they dream up weird configurations undisciplined by logic, and disconnected from reality. In their desperation to seem “brilliant,” they imagine all kinds of absurdities. “Hitler was a Jewish agent! Putin is a closet rabbi! Nazi Germany was a Jewish plot! Worship me, for I alone know the truth!”
    I say this results from a lack of moral intelligence, or moral character. Neo-Nazis lack moral character. For them, everyone is suspect, and everything is a “Jewish plot.” They are motivated by hate, fear, and envy of Jews, Blacks, and everyone else. They even hate each other. I call them “Jews hiding behind a swastika.” Still, I know that they are simply farther back on the learning curve — whereas Jews are incorrigible, and always will be.
    Moral character entails compassion. It means empathy for others. It means looking for things that can help others, rather than seeking self-aggrandizement. The engine of moral character is REPENTANCE AND REGRET. We do foolish things that hurt others, and later we repent profoundly. Repentance entails regret, which entails pain, which never leaves us. But that pain of regret is what gives us moral intelligence. Regret for our own wrongdoing gives us the ability to empathize with others. It gives us moral character and spiritual strength.
    If I say that everything is a Jewish plot, then I am not helping others. I am merely seeking praise for my intellectual “brilliance.” In so doing, I am sowing confusion. I am serving the Jews.
    Indeed, the power of Jews depends on the selfishness of their victims. Selfishness is a product of moral stupidity. This is why some people may seem intellectually brilliant, but remain morons. The “everything-is-a-Jewish-plot” people are morons. They are useful idiots for Jews. They sow defeatism, thereby empowering the Jews.
    THAT SAID, it is possible for us to go to the other extreme and imagine good things that aren’t true. For example, many people think that Putin will somehow “save us” by acting as a foil to the Jewmerican Empire. I have seen no evidence of this. For average Americans, things continue to get worse each day.
    Other people romanticize the BRICS nations, hoping that those nations can offer us an alternative to the Judaic nightmare. Unfortunately, rich people are the same in every country, including the BRICS nations. They only care about widening the gap between themselves and the masses.
    However I do not imply that all is hopeless. To do that would be to serve Jews.
    Anyway let’s examine the article above. It’s from Al-Akhbar Beirut, which tends to sympathize with the March 14 Alliance, which is anti-Hezbollah, and pro-USA. (But since Al-Akhbar is not FLAMING HYSTERICAL anti-Syria, the Jews call Al-Akhbar “pro-Hezbollah.”)
    When the Jews began their bombardment of Lebanon on 12 July 2006, the March 14 Alliance claimed that Hezbollah “started it,” and was therefore responsible for the “war.” The following month, while the Jewish attack continued, Al-Akhbar Beirut was formed, and it agreed that the ongoing attack was the fault of Hezbollah and the Shi’ites.
    Al-Akhbar Beirut caters to affluent Sunni and Christian Lebanese, who in most cases (not all) hate Hezbollah and Shi’ites. Affluent Lebanese people are still furious about the 30-year Syrian occupation of Lebanon, which began in 1975 (at the behest of the Lebanese government) and ended in 2005 when Mossad assassinated Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, and blamed it on Syria and Hezbollah.
    (The Shi’ites originally formed Hezbollah to fight against the marginalization of Shi’ites in Lebanon, and to fight the invaders that the other groups were too lazy and cowardly to fight. Another group of Shi’ites exists to do this, called Amal, but they long ago became corrupt.)
    Al-Akhbar Beirut remains anti-Syria and anti-Hezbollah. In the above article, the title has the words “war on terrorism” in scare quotes, connoting ridicule. This is repeated throughout the article.
    (If some newspaper editor did that to the Jews, he would be fired.)
    Most of the article’s text comes from the Agence France-Presse news agency, which is radically pro-Israel, pro-oligarch, anti-Hezbollah, and anti-Assad.
    Agence France-Presse is the French equivalent to the Associated Press in the USA. Both APand AFP provide right-wing, pro-Jewish blather that local newspapers use to fill up the spaces around advertisements.
    Anti-Assad bloggers are also running this same story.

  2. As much as I wish it were not so, so far Putin has been somewhat of a disappointment in my eyes. But then, in all truth, I go by overall performance and gut feeling more than anything else. He is good in that he puts the interests of Russia first but for the rest of the judeo occupied world, he is no savior.
    ed note–we all feel the disappointment Noor, and fully understand and sympathise with your sentiments, but remember that chess games are not won in just 1 or 2 moves. Iwish to hell Putin would start launching missiles as well, but if part of the strategy here is to create a new awareness on the part of the world viz a viz America, Israel, and the West in general, then sometimes you must move slowly and allow your enemies to walk into a disaster of their own making and from which there is no escape, which is what I believe Putin & co are doing.

  3. He closed the archives relating to the holohoax, about three years ago, according to Veronica Clarke and he has introduced a new law in Russia lately which makes it a serious crime to “deny the holocaust.” What is one to make of that? Some say he hold his friends close but his enemies closer – but doe he have to be THAT close to them?
    ed note–for any Russian leader to go down the path of WWII/Holocaust revisionism would be absolute suicide for his nation, as the wolves and jackals of Judea would then use it as a wedge to separate the leader from his people, who are FIRMLY in support of their role in WWII. Furthermore, the thugs that NATO and Israel used in causing all the unrest in Ukraine are–guess what–Neo-nazis, so their presence in Russia and agitating in the way that neo-nazis do thus gives Putin and his government the ability to move swiftly against them in throwing them into prison where they can then cause no more trouble.
    I understand that revisionism is an important aspect in historical accuracy, but people really need to stop using Holocaust denial as a litmus test in determining whether or not someone is ‘fighting the good fight’ or is just ‘playing some role’.
    Remember folks, this is chess, not checkers.

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