0 thoughts on “Russia slams UNSC rejection of Palestine state resolution”
  1. The last thing Israel wants is Putin setting up s400s in Lebanon, and getting anymore of a foothold in the region. Pardon my French, but Israel will sh#% bricks if they can’t do things like zoom over Lebanese airspace with impunity whenever they feel like it. It was the Russian hornet (anti tank weapon) that turned Israel’s merkavim into scrap in the hands of Hezbollah. I hope Russia builds a nuclear power plant in Beirut.

    I don’t believe in “two states” anymore. Force Israel to give PALESTINIANS the same equal rights as Jews. And there won’t be an Israel in 50 years. The Palestinians will outnumber them. Their precious experiment is built on supremacy. Take that away, and it disintegrates.

  2. Why is Konrad so smart? He is a true National Socilaist which is spiritual,and not material. He goes beyond ideology,and unites all truth,under a banner of Heaven V Hell: Beauty V . Ugly, Truth,V Lies. People V. Jews. Like him,I know longer am a Putin enthusiast. He is ‘to clever’,for his own good. One cannot be attacking non existent “NAZIS,and FASCISTS”,as a cover for Jews ! He must know better. He has let Syria dangle,and could send a Diplomatic delegation to the Palestinians. Putin is infected with the Slavic problem: Disliking Jews,but placing what they see,as there own (selfish) agenda first. IT NEVER WORKS. Only knives cut butter.

  3. Dear Mr. Ardenz:

    “Putin is infected with the Slavic problem: Disliking Jews,but placing what they see,as there own (selfish) agenda first”

    1. Why this problem is SLAVIC and not….for example – what`s your nationality???

    2. placing what they see,as there own (selfish) agenda first – who are these ugly THEY?


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